(Tadashi X Reader) Attention

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"Lunch is on meee! Everyone upstairs!" Aunt Cass said from the garage doorway.

"Yes!! Free food!" said Fred as he fist pumped the air.

Everyone, especially Hiro who was tired from working all morning, followed Aunt Cass into the kitchen upstairs.

"Aunt Cass, (y/n) and I are gonna clean up a little bit. We'll catch up," Tadashi called after his Aunt.

His eyes searched the room until they landed on you. You were so engrossed in a robotics book he gave to you as a birthday present. And in return, he got no good morning kiss or hug. You just walked right past him with your face in the book.

"(y/n). (y/n)? Sweetie? COME ON!"

"What! Oh My God! Tadashi, I'm so sorry. What?" you dropped your book, startled by your boyfriend's sudden outburst.

"It's time for lunch."

"Oh, sorry. I was so caught up in this book, and I didn't notice the time past by," you said, picking the book up.

You studied Tadashi for a few seconds before noticing something out of place. Normally, he would be smiling and grinning while talking to you. But this time, he was frowning? Something was definitely wrong.

"Tadashi, what's wrong?" you said concerned, holding his hand.

"(y/n), can I see your book?" he asked.

"Sure?" you said, giving him the book.

He grabbed it out of your hands and held it really high. You jumped and jumped, trying to get it but you couldn't even reach his hand. You looked at him with your puppy eyes, but this time. It wasn't working.

"Nope, you haven't given me any attention. No hello kiss, no cuddling or sitting on my lap. You didn't even notice us messing around with Hiro earlier. So you're not allowed to read that book until I'm satisfied.... shorty" he said, holding you against him with one arm encircling your waist and the other still high in the air.

You pouted at your taller boyfriend and he just looked at you with raised eyebrows.

"Come on! I need to read that book for an assignment that's due for Callaghan next week! Please?" you said, drawing circles around his chest.

"No. And I gave that to you for your birthday!" he said sternly, grabbing your hand and holding it in his own.

"Actually, you gave me a book on robotics theories. The book I was reading is the usage of different energy sources for different experiments," you said with a triumphant smile.

"Still. No," Tadashi said. 

You huffed out some air, frustrated at his behavior. Then, you suddenly got an idea. You led him to the chair he was sitting in and pushed him down. Surprised, Tadashi just sat and watched your every movement. You straddled him and started kiss down his neck and move your hands under his shirt. Then you moved your lips slowly up his neck and started kissing his jawline. Tadashi moaned and then groaned in frustration when you held back his hands with your own. Smirking, you finally let your lips brush against his and leaned in a little bit. That's when you struck and grabbed the forgotten book from his grasp and got some distance between Tadashi and yourself.

"(y/n), give me that book," Tadashi said, standing up.

"NO! Just let me finish it and you'll have all the attention you want," you said, hugging the book to your chest.

You took a step back as Tadashi came closer and closer to you. Finally your back hit a wall and Tadashi dived in, your lips meeting his. It seemed desperate at first, it's like the words: NEED ATTENTION were written on Tadashi's forehead.
Soon you gave in and moved your lips with his, until...


"Hiro?" you and Tadashi both asked.

 "Everyone's waiting guys... not that I really want to eat lunch now. But we all want food, so please stop your make out session and eat," Hiro said while walking up the stairs.

Chuckling, you both followed after him.

"Hey! What took you guys so long?" Aunt Cass asked.

"My bo-"

"Oh, I just wanted some attention," Tadashi said with an arm around your waist.

Smiling, and holding in laughter, Aunt Cass set down your plates and then let you both sit down while she went to get more chicken wings.

Mini time skip


"I'm still not going to kiss you," you said in a monotone voice as you felt Tadashi restlessly read next to you.

"It's just a book!" Tadashi exclaimed!

"It's part of my grade," you said.

"Unbelievable, you're such a knucklehe-"

He stopped mid sentence, as you closed your book and moved your lips closer to his.

"Fine, you want some attention? Come and get it," you whispered as your crashed your lips on his.

Chuckling, Tadashi happily got all the attention he wanted.

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