Female Encounters: Hiro Hamada x Reader

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Takes place a few months after the movie.
Contains spoilers from Big Hero 6.

"(Name)?  Can you please take out the trash?  It's making the kitchen smell," your mother pokes her head into your open bedroom doorway.

You set down your book and look out your window.  The image of the house across the street is distorted by all the water pelting the glass from the outside.  "But it's raining," you protest.

She rolls her eyes.  "You'll only be out there for a few seconds, it's not like you're going to melt from a little water."  That said, she walks off to the bedroom she shares with your father to finish getting ready for the dinner party the two of them are leaving to.

You huff in annoyance but make your way off the bed, like the obedient daughter you are.  You slip on a jacket and put on your shoes before heading downstairs to the kitchen.  Your nose scrunches up when you notice how correct your mother was when she told you the kitchen smelled bad.  Holding your breath, you pull off the lid to the trash can and quickly pull the edges of the bag up to tie it closed in a tight knot.

You take the bag with you, when you exit the front door of your house.  You pull the hood of your jacket up and walk over to the side yard where you keep your larger, outside trash cans.  After depositing the trash, you casually make your way to the front of the house, where you find your parents starting to get into your dad's car.  They are both holding umbrellas over their heads to try to protect their fancy clothes as much as possible.

When your mom notices you walking passed, she waves you over.  "We're running a little late, so we need to go.  Be good, don't stay up too late.  We'll probably be back after midnight."  She kisses your forehead, before slipping into the passenger seat of the car.

They both wave at you as they pull out onto the street and then drive off.  You shiver slightly as you begin to notice the cold rain water seeping into your clothes.  You turn around and hurry up the path to get to your front door.

You go to turn the knob and then freeze when it doesn't move.  You grip the handle a little harder, thinking maybe it might be a little stuck, but still it doesn't turn.  With a sigh, you lean forward and bang your forehead against the hard wood of the door.  In your parents' haste to leave, they had locked the front door, forgetting that you were still outside and without a key to get in.  With a groan, you turn around and slide down the surface of the door until you are sitting on the ground.

What the heck are you supposed to do until midnight, when your parents would finally come back?  You shiver as a particularly cold wind blows passed.  You bring your knees into your chest, to try to conserve warmth.  It doesn't really help.  You need to try to get somewhere that you can get warm, and maybe use a phone.

You remember that the Lucky Cat Café is just a few blocks away from your house.  It's a popular hangout place for you and your friends after school, and you've walked home from there before, so you know you can handle walking there just fine.

You push yourself up off the cold wet ground and start your journey.  The walk seems to take a lot longer than you remember.  It doesn't take very long at all for your clothes to completely soak through.  The cold seems to seep straight down to your bones and you develop an uncontrollable shiver.  You try to hurry your pace, but your frozen muscles don't seem to want to cooperate.

Finally, you are able to see the bright lights from inside the café shining through the open windows.  You are grateful to see the open sign on the front door, even though the café seems relatively empty.  With a twist of the knob, you open the door and step inside.  The bell dings softly and you are hit by a wall of warmth.  The heating inside the café is enough to make your face feel a little better, but the rest of you still shivers violently.

Alerted by the bell, you see Cass come out from the back area, a smile on her face.  "Hello, how can I help you?" she asks politely before she takes in your appearance.  She gasps and immediately rushes over.  "Oh, dear.  (Name) what are you doing out in this weather?  Look at you!"

You had always admired that Cass took the time and energy to remember the names of her regular customers.  She was always so nice and welcoming to you and your friends whenever you would stop by.

"M-my parents left and a-accidently locked me out of the h-house," you explain with a slight stutter due to the chattering of your teeth.

She places a hand around your shoulders and begins to lead you through the café.  "And you walked all the way over here?" she asks with wide eyes.

You nod.  "C-can I use your phone to call them?"

"Of course, sweetie.  But first we need to warm you up.  Hiro!" She calls out to someone as the two of you approach the stairs that you had always figured lead up to the apartment up above the café.

You hear the sound of pounding feet against the hard wood floor before a young boy, around your age appears at the top of the stairs.  "What?" he asks, responding to his summons.  His eyes widen when he takes you in.  "Whoa, what happened to her?"

"Hiro, this is (Name).  She got locked out of her house and walked all the way over here in the rain.  Can you take her up to your bathroom and let her use your shower to warm up?  I'm going to go grab the towels out of the laundry room."  Aunt Cass explains your situation for you as Hiro comes down the steps.

"Sure thing," he tells her, before taking her place by your side and helping you up the stairs.  "Are you okay?" he asks in concern when a particularly nasty shiver runs through your system.

You nod and try to give him a reassuring smile, "Y-yeah.  Just c-cold."

He takes you up two flights of steps and through the door directly across the landing of the stairs which leads to his personal bathroom.  He leaves you by the sink so he can turn on the water to start the shower.  "Alright, you should be good to go, just give it a few seconds for the water to heat up.  Aunt Cass should be up in a second with those towels," Hiro tells you.

You thank him before he leaves, closing the door behind him.  Hiro stares at the closed door for a moment, not sure what to do now.  He snaps out of it when he hears Aunt Cass coming up.  She sees him standing there and smiles softly.  "Can you find her something to change into?" she asks him.

He blinks and then nods, "Um, okay."  He walks over to his dresser and starts riffling around in his drawers.  He hears Aunt Cass knock on the door before entering.

"Here are a few towels, fresh out of the dryer, so they're still warm.  If you need anything I'll be down in the café and Hiro is right here around the corner."

He hears you softly tell her "Thank you," before she steps out, closes the door and goes back down stairs.

Not really knowing what he's doing, Hiro grabs a random shirt and some old gym shorts that he never uses.  He walks back over to the bathroom door and knocks.

"It's still open," he hears you call out.

He opens the doors and takes one step in before freezing.  Your back is turned to him, however, your soaked jacket and pants lay haphazardly on the floor, and you are currently trying to strip off your shirt, even though it's sticking to you like a second skin.  Hiro can do nothing but stare as you finally manage to pull it off, leaving you in nothing but your undergarments.

You look over your shoulder and when you see Hiro standing in the door way, you jump and squeak.  Quickly grabbing one of the towels you wrap it around yourself, your cheeks blazing.  "I thought you were Cass!"

Hiro snaps out of his daze and blushes furiously as well.  "Sorry!  She told me to bring you a change of clothes, so I-  Well... h-here you go," he quickly places the clothes on the counter by the sink before rushing back out of the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

He stares warily at the door, his breath coming out faster than it should.  His heart is pounding in his ears, when he forces himself to walk away.  He sinks down onto his bed and stares at the floor.  "I just saw a girl in her underwear," he whispers to himself in disbelief.

He looks up and stares at the wall in front of him when he hears the sound of the glass shower door sliding in its track, before it bangs shut, indicating that you are now in the shower.  He falls backward onto his bed with a huff.  "And now there's a naked girl in my bathroom," he states out loud.

With a pained groan he digs the palm of his hands into his eyes, trying to get your image out of his head.  He is pulled out of his thoughts when a soft beeping fills the air.  He sits up just as Baymax starts to inflate.

Once he is fully inflated, Baymax looks over at Hiro and tilts his head.  "I heard a sound of distress.  What seems to be the trouble?"

"Uh," Hiro doesn't quite know what to say as his eyes look back at the wall where he knows you are standing just on the other side.  "It's nothing, Baymax.  I'm fine."

Baymax turns to look at the wall as well.  "There is an unknown female in your bathroom taking a shower.  Should I alert the authorities?"

Hiro jumps up and begins to wave his hands around, "No!  It's okay.  It's just (Name).  She got caught out in the rain and just needed to warm up.  Aunt Cass brought her up into the apartment," Hiro quickly explains.

Baymax turns back around to face Hiro, "Is she in need of medical attention?"  Because he isn't wearing his enhanced scanner, Baymax can only pick up on the basics for your condition through the wall.

"Um," Hiro hesitates, trying to think about it.  "I don't know, she seemed okay," he responds.  Suddenly the image of you in nothing but your under clothes pops up in his mind and he gets flustered all over again.

"Your neurotransmitter levels have increased dramatically.  Because your eyes keep flickering to the wall of your bathroom, I do believe that (Name) is the cause of your discomfort."

Hiro shakes his head, "I'm fine Baymax, honestly," he tries to insist, but Baymax keeps going.

"These feelings you are getting are no cause for alarm.  This is simply another phase in your pubescent growth.  I have already explained once before that you will be experiencing strange and powerful new urges.  Finding a compatible partner for yourself is one of those urges."

"Whoa, what?!  I am not attracted to (Name).  I just met her!"

"Physical attraction is something that it quite often felt immediately after meeting someone.  It is emotional attachment that comes after getting to know one better.  Your testosterone levels indicate that you are indeed attracted to (Name).  I do believe that after you talk with her some more, you will find her to be a suitable partner."

Hiro falls back onto his bed and rubs his face with his hands, "Baymax, please stop talking."

"When she comes out, would you like me to scan her to see if her feelings for you are reciprocated?"

"No, Baymax!" He pauses as Baymax's words actually sink in.  "Wait, you can do that?"  He pulls himself up onto his elbows.

"It is not a primary directive of my programming.  However assessing her medical needs will provide me with the information required to conduct such an analysis."

"Huh," Hiro responds thoughtfully.  He then thinks it over some more and shakes his head, "No.  Don't do that.  It would be an invasion of her privacy."

Baymax tilts his head.  "I am not programmed to heed my patient's privacy if it will hinder my ability to provide medical attention."

Hiro groans, "Fine, scan her if you want.  Just keep it to yourself."  He slides his elbows out from under him to fall back onto the bed.

Only a few more minutes pass before Hiro hears the water turn off.  The sound of the glass door sliding in its track can be heard once again and Hiro can't stop himself from picturing you getting out of the shower.  He slaps a hand to his forehead and begins to run through a list of everything he needs to put into his backpack for school on Monday.  Anything to get his mind distracted.

He sits up and peaks around the corner when he hears you open the bathroom door.  You take a hesitant step out, not sure what to do.  Hiro's heart skips a beat when he gets a good look at you.  Your hair is damp and kind of messy, having just been towel dried, so it curls cutely around your face.  You're wearing his shirt and shorts and your feet are bare.

When Hiro notices that he's staring he quickly looks away and clears his throat.  Hearing the noise, you turn to face him.  You blush and cross your arms over your chest as you remember your last encounter with him.

You take a hesitant step closer and begin to look around his room.  You've never been in a boy's bedroom before.

"Hello!" a robotic voice sounds to your right and you jump.  You see a large, white, inflatable robot standing next to you with his hand up in greeting.  "I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."

"Uh, hello?" you respond hesitantly, waving a few fingers at him.

"I have been informed that you might be in need of medical attention.  I will scan you now."  You watch as his head moves up and down, giving you a full once over.  "Scan complete.  You have sustained no injuries; however, your body temperature is still low."

Before you realize what is going on, Baymax has already scooped his arms around your waist and draws you in to his large body.  Your muscles stiffen as you try to lean away from him.  "Um, what are you doing?"

"Raising your body temperature," he responds matter-of-factly.  His body then begins to glow a soft orange and heat begins to seep into your pores.

You sigh in content and relax into his embrace.

Hiro watches the exchange with a soft smile on his face.  When he realizes what he's doing, he snaps himself out of it and stands up, off his bed.  "Um, I'll take your stuff down to the laundry room, and put it in the dryer," he tells you, suddenly feeling the need to do something physical.

"Okay," you respond in a sigh, cuddling even closer to Baymax.

Walking around the two of you, Hiro steps into the bathroom.  He gulps when he sees the pile of your clothes on the floor.  Like all of your clothes.  Meaning that you aren't wearing anything underneath his shirt and shorts.  He'll never be able to look at those the same way ever again.  The shorts he could deal with, he didn't have to take gym as a class any more, but that was one of his favorite robot shirts and it was totally touching your bare skin on the inside.

He reaches a hand down to grab your clothes, then stops.  He's not entirely sure what to touch.  His face is beat red and he holds his breath and quickly rolls your jacket around the bundle of your other clothes.  It's not until your under garments are safely out of sight that Hiro can breathe again.  He then turns to reach for your used towel but hesitates once more.  The towel had been touching your bare skin, and once again Hiro finds himself in a slight dilemma.

"She's just a girl, Hiro!  Not some alien monster.  Get over yourself and pick up the dang towel!"  He has to give himself a pep talk before he can convince his hand to touch the fabric and get his fingers to close around it.

With everything he needs now in his arms, Hiro all but runs down the stairs to get to the laundry room.  Luckily, the door to the dryer is still open from when Aunt Cass pulled out the towels.  Hiro tosses everything in and slams the door closed, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Hiro?" he nearly jumps out of his skin when Aunt Cass pokes her head in the door way.  "I thought I heard someone in here.  How is (Name) doing?"

"Uh, she's fine!  She just got out of the shower actually."

"Oh good.  Bring her down into the kitchen and make her something hot to drink.  I'm just going to finish up closing the café."

Hiro nods, then turns on the dryer and makes his way back up stairs.  Instead of finding you still wrapped up in Baymax's hug, Hiro sees you standing next to his desk.  Curiosity shines in your eyes as you pick up and look at his Megabot.

"You must really like robots, huh?" you say to him, having heard him walking up the stairs.

"Yeah, is it obvious?" he asks in a slightly joking manner.

Hiro feels a sense of satisfaction when you laugh.  "Only a little bit," you set down the small robot back where you found it.  "Baymax is pretty cool.  Did you make him too?" You ask glancing over at the red box type thing he had shrunk down into after you told him you were satisfied with your care.

"Uh, no.  My older brother made him."

You smile at that.  "A whole family of robotic nerds.  That's pretty awesome.  Where is he?" you ask curious.  You frown when you notice Hiro's sullen look.

"He died a couple months ago, in a fire."

"The SFIT fire," you state under your breath, suddenly remembering.

Hiro looks at you curiously.  "Yeah, how did you know?"

"I remember hearing on the news that a university student and a professor were still in the building when the fire got worse and they didn't make it out.  The café was then closed for a few weeks afterward.  Most of us customers were able to connect the dots and figure out what happened.  Although, I think I remember your brother.  Tadashi, right?  He used to help out in the café every once in a while."

Hiro nods with a soft smile, "That's him, always trying to help out where he can.  I'm trying to get myself to be like that, but it always came more naturally to him."  Hiro runs a hand through his hair and gives you a bashful look.

You smile encouragingly back, "You're not so bad, you helped me out, and I'm a complete stranger to you."

He smiles back and you notice the slight gap in his teeth for the first time.  For some reason it makes him seem even cuter to you.  "But you're not a stranger to Aunt Cass."

You laugh, "I don't think anyone is a stranger to her."

Hiro nods and joins in your laughter.  "That's true.  Would you like to come downstairs and get something to drink?  We have tea or hot chocolate, something to help warm you up even more."

You frown slightly, "Um, I don't have any money with me."

That causes Hiro to laugh again, "No, not from the café.  Just something from the kitchen.  Well, unless you want something from the café.  I could get you anything, and you're our guest tonight, so it would be free of charge," Hiro catches himself when he begins to ramble and has to force his mouth to stay shut.

You smile and shake your head, "Oh, I don't need anything from down in the café, but thank you for offering.  Although, if you have stuff in your kitchen for hot cocoa, I wouldn't object to that."

Hiro nods his head over to the stairs, "Let's go down there and see what we have."

You follow Hiro down to the second floor of the apartment and just stand near the counter as he rummages through the cupboards.  He pulls out two mugs and fills them with milk before heating them up in the microwave.  He then pulls out the cocoa powder from the pantry.  "Marshmallows?" he asks, pulling them out as well.

You smile and nod, "Sure."

You both are waiting for the microwave to finish up as Aunt Cass comes back up the stairs.  "Well, you're looking a lot better," she smiles at you.

"Thanks, I definitely feel a lot better."

She then looks over at Hiro.  "Are you doing what I asked you to?"

He rolls his eyes, "Why else would I be in the kitchen?"  It's then that the microwave dings.  He pulls out the mugs and sets them on the counter.  "We're making hot chocolate."

Aunt Cass puts her hands up in surrender.  "Alright, alright.  Just checking."

"Actually, do you mind if I use your phone to call my parents?"  You ask, remembering that you still had to do that.

"Of course, and you can tell them to come pick you up here, I don't want you going back out in that rain, especially now that it's dark," Cass informs you.

"Oh, well I wouldn't want to impose.  They told me they wouldn't be done until past midnight."

"In that case, tell them they can pick you up in the morning.  And you're not imposing, we have a guest bed.  Tell them I insisted," she gives you a determined look, almost daring you to deny her offer.

You gulp, suddenly finding her intimidating.  "Uh, okay."

With a satisfied nod, she shows you where the landline telephone is.  You dial your mom's cell phone number and wait as it starts to ring.

"Hello?" you hear her voice come onto the line.

"Hey mom," you greet.

"(Name)?  Where are you calling from?  Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay.  I'm over at the Lucky Cat Café.  You and Dad kind of locked me out of the house," you explain.

You can hear her intake a sharp breath, "Did you walk all the way over there, by yourself, in the rain?" her tone of voice gets progressively higher as she continues with the sentence.  You can then hear her start to call your father over.  "Honey, we have to go back, we locked (Name) out of the house!"

"No, Mom, it's okay."  She continues to rant and rave on the other line.  "Mom, I'm fine," you try once more.  "Mom!" you practically scream into the phone.

"What is it, (Name)?  Are you hurt?"  You roll your eyes at her, maybe if she would just listen to you for a second.

"I'm fine," you repeat in an exasperated tone.  "Cass, the owner of the café, let me use the shower up in the apartment to get warm.  And now her nephew is making me hot chocolate."

"Okay.  Do you want us to come get you?"

"No, enjoy your night.  Cass is insisting that I should just stay here anyways.  They have a guest bed and you can come get me in the morning."

Your mother is silent for a moment, "Are you sure?"

You nod, and then realize she can't see you, "Yeah.  I'll be fine, Mom."

"Sweetheart, I am so sorry," she apologizes.

"It's okay, really.  But you do realize that you're going to have to make it up to me," you state in a serious tone.

You hear her laugh, "Oh, I know we will."

"No chores for a month?" you suggest.

"Don't push your luck."

That causes you to laugh, "We can have our negotiations tomorrow."

"Alright.  Be good, remember you are a guest in their house and they are graciously letting you stay there.  We'll come get you in the morning.  I love you sweetie."

"Love you, too.  Bye," you tell her.

She says her goodbyes too and then you hang up the phone.  You turn back to Hiro and Cass.  Hiro hands over your mug of hot cocoa and you take it with a smile and a thanks.  You spend the next couple of hours talking with the two of them as you get to know them and they get to know you.  You find a lot of entertainment in watching the two of them interact with each other as well.  Cass is like the crazy-fun aunt you always wished you had.

Your mugs have long since emptied when Aunt Cass looks up at the clock.  "Alright kids, it's getting pretty late.  "Hiro, why don't you take (Name) up and show her where she's sleeping."

Hiro has you follow him back up into his room.  You get a little confused, remembering that there was only one bed up there.  "So, are you going to be sleeping on the couch, or something?  I mean, you're cute and all, but we just met, and I don't really feel comfortable sharing a bed with you."

Hiro chuckles at your confusion and tries to ignore the fact that you just called him cute.  "No, we have a second bed up here."  He walks over to the Japanese styled panel and pushes it over to reveal an entire section of the room that had previously been hidden.

You wonder to yourself why they would have a guest bed up in Hiro's room when it hits you.  "This used to be Tadashi's side of the room, didn't it," you say as more of a statement rather than a question.  "Are you okay with this?  I don't mind sleeping on the couch," you tell him, already taking a step toward the staircase.

"(Name), it's fine, honestly.  There is no need for you to be sleeping on that old couch when there is a perfectly good bed right here.  Even if Tadashi was still here, he would be the first one to offer his bed to you and spend the night on the couch himself."

You stare at Hiro for a moment trying to gage if he's telling the truth about his comfort level on this.  "Well, if you're absolutely sure..."  You give him one last chance to change his mind.

However, he only smiles at you encouragingly.  "I'm positive."

With very slight hesitation, you make your way over and sit on the edge of the bed.  Hiro leaves you to go into the bathroom to get ready for going to sleep.  Feeling more comfortable without him watching you, you crawl to the top of the bed and pull up the covers so you can slide underneath.  The bed itself is very comfortable and warm, but it's kind of strange to you, falling asleep in a strange room, with a boy you just met a few hours ago sleeping just a few feet away.  You try to find a comfortable position by curling up on your side.  You close your eyes and try to get yourself to fall asleep with sheer will power.

You hear Hiro come out of the bathroom and rummage around for a little bit, before he turns off the lights and gets into his own bed.  "Night, (Name)," he whispers, not sure if you've already fallen asleep.

"Goodnight," you respond, feeling kind of awkward and keeping your eyes closed.

Unbeknownst to you, Hiro is laying in his bed, completely wide awake.  The only thought running through his mind is that there is a girl in his room, in his clothes, sleeping in his brother's old bed.  All he can do is stare up at the ceiling as he listens to your breaths even out once you manage to fall asleep.

It's strange; he used to be able to listen to Tadashi's breaths at night.  He never quite realized how much he missed that sound until there was another person sharing the room with him again.  He finds himself concentrating on the sound.  It's rather comforting to him and pretty soon he feels his eyes droop, before he too falls asleep.

In the morning, you wake up before Hiro does, but you can hear Cass moving around down stairs.  Sitting up and looking over at his bed, you have to bite your lip to suppress a laugh when you see him.  He's completely spread out across the bed, lying on his back with his arms out.  His comforter is in a big pile next to him, only managing to cover one of his legs.  You can see his chest rise and fall with each slumbering breath.  You get up quietly and tiptoe down the stairs so as not to wake him up.  After telling each other good morning, Cass points you to the laundry room so you can change back into your dried clothes.

It felt good to be back in your normal clothing, but you also have to admit to yourself that Hiro's clothes were incredibly comfortable.  You hear the phone ringing as you come back out to the living room.

"Hello?" you hear Cass say.  "Good morning to you, too.  Yes, she's awake, she just got up actually.  Alright, that sounds great, she'll be here."

She then turns to you with a smile, "Your parents are on their way to come get you."

You nod and smile back.  "Okay, thank you for letting me stay here."

"It was no trouble at all.  You're welcome to come back any time.  Why don't you go get Hiro up so you can say goodbye.  If left to his own devices, he'll probably sleep in till noon."

You laugh and make your way back upstairs.  "Hiro?" you ask cautiously as you approach his bed.

He doesn't even stir.

"Hiro," you state more firmly.  Still nothing.  You lean over him and grab his shoulder, "Hiro!" you say even louder and shake him a little.

His eyes shoot open and he sits up quickly, "Wha- Ow!"

You both scream out and clutch your foreheads.  You hadn't expected him to sit up, so you weren't able to dodge in time before your heads smacked together.  You rub the throbbing skin as you step back.  A soft beeping fills the air and you become distracted by the white blob rising out of its box.

Once he's fully inflated, he raises up his hand.  "Hello-"

"Baymax!" you smile and rush over to give him a hug.  "And here I was getting worried that I wouldn't get to say goodbye to you!"

"Wait, goodbye?" Hiro asks.

You pull away and look over at him.  "Oh right!  That's why I woke you up.  My parents are coming to get me."


"(Name)?!" you hear the sound of your mother calling up to you.

You look over to the stairs in surprise, "That was fast," you mumble to yourself.  "Just a sec!" you call back to her.  You hear Hiro begin to shuffle around on the bed as he tries to untangle his one leg from the blankets.  "Oh, no, you don't have to get up, I..." you voice falls away when Hiro jumps off his bed and he makes his way toward you.

You both stare at each other for a moment, not quite knowing what to say.  "Uh, it was nice to meet you," Hiro awkwardly sticks out his hand for you to shake.  He's always sucked at saying goodbye to people.

You stare at his hand for a moment before stepping closer to him and pulling him in for a hug instead.  His muscles tense up at first before he relaxes and reciprocates the hug.  When you pull back you keep your hands on his shoulders.  "Thanks for letting me use your shower and your brother's bed.  Oh, and lending me your clothes... And for the hot chocolate... Basically just thanks for being a good host," you finish with an awkward laugh.

Hiro smiles back, actually kind of liking it when you rant, "Sure thing.  It was no problem, really."

In a split second decision, you lean forward and give him a peck on the cheek.  "It was nice meeting you too.  Bye!" you say in a rush, blushing furiously at what you just did.  You catch a glimpse of Hiro's surprised and somewhat dazed face before turning and running down the stairs.

Hiro stares after you, completely zoning out.  He jumps when he hears Baymax begin to talk.

"After assessing (Name)'s neurotransmitter and hormone levels while she is around you, I have determined that she does indeed find you attractive."

"I told you to keep that to yourself, Baymax!"  Hiro finds himself blushing and becoming very flustered once more.

"I was under the impression that this information would aid in easing your pubescent mood swings.  You should join (Name) the next time she comes to the café.  Talk to her and try to make her laugh, that will get her to increase her level of attraction toward you, and may result in emotional attachment."

Hiro slaps a hand to his face, "Am I seriously getting dating advice from a robot?"

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