Dating Dr. Facilier Would Include

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The two of you probably meet at some point due to your interest in his voodoo magic. Maybe you're just curious to see if the rumours are true or maybe you went there looking for trouble, either way it found you
He was intrigued by you the moment you stepped foot into the little rundown spot he ran his shady businesss
It's not the first or last time you make the visit, and at some point you have to wonder if you're going for the magic or the man behind it
It's dark magic, the kind your parents might have warned you about messing around with, so you don't mention it to anyone else you're close to but they notice the way you change.
The bags underneath your eyes, your snappy behaviour, dark magic sucks a little from you the more you do it and despite the fact that he's a conman he does feel a little inkling of remorse
He knows better than anyone what voodoo magic does to a person
At some point, when you drag yourself back to him, he just refuses to do it anymore
That's around the time the two of you start realizing you have feelings for each other. He takes care of you, helps you get back on your feet and in return you offer to help him find a way out of his sticky situation he's gotten himself into, practically enslaved by his 'friends on the other side'.
It's not a conventional relationship by any means
There isn't a lot of hand holding or PDA but there is cuddling, he definitely is a cuddler and the two of you spend hours just doing that
He will do anything for you, literally anything, even if it means digging himself into a darker hole with the magic he's using. He will not stand to see you suffer in anyway if he can do anything about it
He can't cook so if you can, he will appreciate and praise it constantly, even if your cooking skills aren't as great as you'd like them
He seems like the kind of guy who would grab random trinkets for you because they made him think of you
And don't get me wrong, your relationship isn't all good
Other people definitely judge you, they don't understand how you got tied up with him
He often feels like he's just a burden to you, you have to remind him you stick with him because you love him
He's definitely going to keep you away from any of that voodoo stuff now that he can protect you from it

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