Male!Belle/Reader - A Book for Two

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There he was again. Peeking shyly around the corner of the bakery, you watched him sit there at the town's fountain with a bunch of sheep gathered around him. He was reading a lengthy book that he's probably read about three times by now. You never spoke to the one named Bellsen but you knew quite a bit about him from watching from afar. His father was an inventor of the town who many people downplayed to being an eccentric nutcase. You didn't believe that though. You've seen some of the things Bellsen's father had made and every single one of them were truly amazing. You also knew Bellsen was very distracted, he always had his head in the clouds dreaming of adventures and wonders far from this little town full of little people. He walked around in a dream world that you just wished you could step into with him. 

Sighing longingly for the short brunette haired boy with the biggest brightest brown eyes ever. You kept watching him for while as he read to the sheep in an excited dramatic voice with sweeping hand motions that showed just how truly passionate he was with the fairytales he loved reading. You smiled to yourself and even giggled when you noticed one of the sheep step forward to take a big bite out of one of the pages of the book. Bellsen gave the sheep an irritated look before bursting out in laughter. You wanted to go over there and laugh with him. His laughter was contagious and sounded like small chiming bells that was sweet to the ear. Pressing your cheek against the stone wall you kept watching him fondly until your least favorite person in the world showed up.

The most popular and beautiful pony-tailed black-haired girl named Gastonia began strutting up with her little short chubby sidekick LeFouna. The popular woman wore a bright red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. She was the most beautiful girl and everyone in town knew it. Sensing a feeling of jealousy boil in your blood, you glare Gastonia from afar as she approached the boy you had your eyes on for as long as you could remember. Gastonia smirked smugly with her bright red lips and then snatched the book away from Bellsen's hands. Bellsen was in such a daze, he was startled when Gastonia stole his book. Bellsen jumped and then looked up as Gastonia held the book by the ends of her fingers. "Reading again are we? Shouldn't you be out and hunting or something like the rest of the boys do?" Gastonia said while she scoffed at the book and threw it into the fountain carelessly. 

Bellsen gasped as he noticed his book being tossed into the water of the fountain. As quickly as possible he reached forwards into the water to grab the book from being ruined beyond repair. "Gastonia!" Bellsen exclaimed with a faint sound of annoyance. 

"Yup, that's my name. Don't wear it out!" Gastonia laughed airily and glanced at LeFouna who was staring blankly at Gastonia. It took Gastonia glaring at her with her icy blue eyes and stomping on her foot to get her to start laughing awkwardly alongside her. Bellsen stood up with his damp book in his hands and was staring at it with sad sparkling brown eyes. It was ruined! The print on it was all blurred because of the water. You frowned in sympathy for Bellsen. The poor boy was Gastonia's new target to seduce. She claimed that Bellsen was the most handsome boy in the town (and herself the most beautiful). You couldn't disagree with that but Bellsen obviously had no attraction to Gastonia and she just wasn't giving in! 

Sighing you watched as Bellsen tensed up and was attempting to speed walk away from Gastonia. She didn't give in that easily though as she called out to Bellsen. "Where are you going, Bellsen? Surely, you want to stay here with me. Don't you, darling~? Bellsen!" 

"Uhm, maybe another time Gastonia. Sorry!" Bellsen piped up sheepishly and began running through the crowded cobblestone streets with his ruined book under his arm. You frown again and begin trying to follow after Bellsen through the crowds who were all staring at him and gossiping about how odd he was. You hated that everyone talked so lowly of Bellsen! He had dreams and aspirations that might have not been the most rational but they were still dreams! You admired him for stepping out of the box and wanting to follow his dreams not matter what anyone said about him. You admired everything about Bellsen, it was too bad he didn't even know you existed...

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