The Lights

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Night was approaching in the kingdom. Many citizens were gearing up for the celebration that would take place that evening. The lost princess is celebrating another year of life, and everyone were setting up their lanterns to be thrown from above in her honor.

You and Flynn were well aware of the date. The two of you carried a wooden canoe through the streets to a creek near your village, a great place to admire the glowing lamps in the sky.

"Eugene, can you please hold it tighter? I don't have five arms!" You ask him, tired of the weight you were carrying in your hands, and frustrated at the sloppy way he was carrying the other part of the canoe.

"That's what comes for not eating enough beans." Flynn jokes with you, but decides to help you and pulls the canoe to himself, positioning it lying on its side. He holds it up by himself, to give you a break. "Happy?"

"Thank you." You smile contentedly, stretching out your aching arms. "Now come on, someone might end up stealing our place!"

It was an annual tradition for you to admire the "lights" at the creek. Your friendship is old, since childhood, since your families have always been close. You and Flynn have been through a lot together, helping each other, defending each other, comforting each other; also thanks to Flynn you no longer had to worry about the bigger boys from your old school disturbing your life.

But as time went by, you began to have greater feelings for the boy. You loved Flynn with all your heart, but you doubted whether he reciprocated your feelings. After all, it was a little strange to think of Flynn Rider in love with anyone. He had always been an uninhibited, carefree boy who liked to include himself in new adventures, even if many of them resulted in trouble. Maybe it was hard for that little head of his full of plans to have room for romance. But you were learning to deal with it, you didn't want to get your hopes up and then be hurt by rejection, even if it wasn't Flynn's intention to hurt you.

After a walk, you arrived at the creek. Flynn positioned the canoe over the water, and you got into it, sitting there. The two of you took the oars from inside the vehicle, and started rowing together to the center of the stream, where you usually like to stay.

After a walk, you arrived at the creek. Flynn positioned the canoe over the water, and you got into it, sitting there. The two of you took the oars from inside the vehicle, and started rowing together to the center of the stream, where you usually are.

"Eugene, do you think they will ever find the princess?" You asked after a moment of silence, turning to face the guy. The two had already put the oars back on the boat.

"I hope so..." He replied, not having much idea what to say.

"It would be nice if we found her." You said, a smile forming on your face.

"Yeah, I would finally get rich." Flynn smirked.

"That's not why Flynn!" You tapped him on the shoulder, baffled at how much he thinks about money. "We would help a family to be together again! Imagine the pain they are feeling after so many years apart from each other."

"I know ____, I'm just kidding." Flynn chuckles, throwing his arms up in surrender. "I'd be happy to help them find each other too."

"Good, I thought I would have to throw you in the river." You said, more calmly. An idea popped into your head. "And if we had the opportunity to take the princess back to her parents, would you do it?

"Of course. After all, if they mistake you for his kidnapper, you're going to need someone to help you escape." He joked, making you put your hand over your mouth to hide your laughter. This Flynn is really something else.

Flynn suddenly started staring at you, a big smile on his face.

"What's it?" You asked, feeling your face warmer with his gaze directly on you.

"You did the look."

You frowned. "What look?"

"The look you get when you're determined to do something." He clarified, and his face seemed to move a little closer to his. You couldn't even look at him, you were so embarrassed.


"____, look!" Flynn interrupted you, pointing up. His eyes followed the direction he indicated, and you noticed the various lamps slowly falling from the sky.

It was a beautiful mirage. A delighted smile settled over his face as his eyes took in the intense but simple lights that approached the canoe. The view was so enchanting, you didn't even stop to pay attention to Flynn, who was admiring you instead of the lights.

"It's so beautiful..." You spoke softly, still looking up.

"Yes. It truly is." You turned your attention to Flynn, noticing his intense gaze on you. He glanced down quickly, trying to hide it.

"Now what? What look did I do this time?" He giggled at your question, shaking his head. "Flynn, you were staring at me!"

"Is there a problem with that?" He asked.

"No, but why? Why stare at me when something so much more beautiful looms over you?"

Flynn looked at you like you said something nonsense. "I do not agree with you." His eyebrows rose. You really didn't expect this response from the guy. "Why would I waste my time looking at lamps in the sky when I can enjoy it admiring the smile of the woman I love?"

You gasped, shocked by Flynn's confession. Is this a dream?
"And not even the charm of all these lamps together compares with her beauty." He said it so sincerely, like a poem by a writer steeped in love.


"I love you ____." Flynn said, taking your hands in his. "Sorry I didn't say this sooner but... It's how I feel about you. Since I was a kid." He finished with a gentle smile. You were so shocked you couldn't even keep your mouth shut, and he realized that. "Are you okay?"

"No...but I'm beyond happy." You confess, and laughter comes out of your throat. You were very happy for what he had told you, but you couldn't stay stable after such a surprise.

Flynn placed a light kiss on your hand, then rose to sit beside you. He hugged you sideways, holding your face with one hand, and stroking your torso with the other. "Is this really happiness, or should I be worried?"

You giggled, and a few tears fell down your face in emotion. How much you dreamed of this moment. "Happiness." You looked at Flynn, who had a huge smile on his face. "But I didn't really expect that."

"It was the goal." Flynn rested his chin on your head. "So you... do you love me too?"

"Yes. Very much." You confess, snuggling into his warm body as he hugged you tigther.

"So we can be a couple?" You laughed at Flynn's questions.

"Yes we can."

He looked back at you. "And, as a couple, I have the freedom to hold your hands and have you like that in my arms whenever I want?"

"Yes." You put one of your hands on his face.

He kisses her nose after hearing her response. "Today has become much more special for me now."

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