Older! Miguel Rivera x Reader

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He was your first kiss. You did not count the kiss you received in Kindergarten to be your first, because this one was so much more special. You were twelve years old at the time and he was thirteen, hiding in Miguel's secret place where he kept all his Ernesto posters and a home-made guitar that he cherished so much. Although the initial kiss was awkward and uncoordinated, it still gave you that uncomfortable yet ticklish feeling of butterflies in your stomach. You both blushing over embarrassment but laughing anyways at how one tasted like churros and the other had dry lips.

Ever since that day, it was obvious that something was blooming between two kids. Three years after your first kiss, and you both were still in love with each other. The young love starting out so innocent and pure, Deeping as the years went by and the couple growing up with each other. You knew of Miguel's dreams of becoming a musician ever since you had met, he would always take you to his secrete hide-out to show you a song he had been working on for weeks. Even though music was forbidden in his family, that did not stop the young man was strumming his fingers on the cords of his beat-up guitar to play for his girlfriend.

Watching Miguel play his guitar and sing with so much passion was something that made you love him more, he was born to be a musician. Which is something that worried you, because that meant he eventually would need to leave Santa Cecilia to play for the world and share his music. You knew you could not stop him from pursuing his dreams, you couldn't be selfish and keep him all to yourself no matter how much you wanted to.

On your sixteenth birthday Miguel had told you needed to talk to you, that is was important you listened to him. Although you were not worried about what he had to say, something in your stomach began to churn and twist from his sudden serious tone and choice of words. With a seldom look on his face, he told you he needed to leave the village. He wanted to travel Mexico and become a great musician, share his music to the world. Those were his words, not yours. Miguel could not keep you waiting for him in Santa Celia while he traveled, it would be unfair. So that is where your relationship ended.

Although you both parted, you both unknowingly waited for each other. You could not seem to find another boy who could measure up to Miguel, be as sweet and caring yet mischievous. While Miguel claimed he could not find the time for a relationship, but not to mention no women he met on his tour could shine bright like you could or compare to your kindness.

Even after a year has passed with little to no contact with Miguel, you could not get him off your mind. You truly believe he was your soul mate. You both had a connection that was unexplainable, even if you were both very young and naïve. It was real, the love was very real. With an exasperated sigh, you closed the family shop for the day and began to walk home for another night of him running through your mind. As you closed the door behind and greeted your family sitting in the living room watching TV, you heard it. A voice, but one that you had not heard in so long that you almost did not recognize it.

On the silver screen was Miguel, performing on a grand plaza for an audience of thousands. His beat-up guitar was now replaced with the luxurious and beautiful white guitar of his great grandfather, Hector Rivera. He wore a white suit with intricate details at the hem. If you were not mistaken, he looked more handsome the last you seen him. Somehow, you thought, you knew he would always follow in the footsteps of his ancestor to fulfill his dreams of being a musician. The audience silenced, before a soft strum of high key notes resonated through from the TV to your ears.

Your breath hitched, as you listened to every word leave his lips. If but for a moment, you pretended that each word was spoken to you and just you alone. His finders danced on the guitar as he effortlessly sang the songs of the heartfelt song to the cheering crowd of fans. Although you could not have him to yourself, you thought, at least he is sharing his love to the world and making people happy – even if he could not be with you.

Thinking back to when you were together, it was almost like yesterday. Miguel had always been there for you, through ever insecurity and obstacle that was in your way. When bullies at school would pick on you, he was always there to defend your honor and later pick up the pieces of the falling tears on your face. He always said it was okay to cry sometimes, while holding you in his skinny arms close to his chest.

When Miguel's family had forbidden him from music, you were also there for him. Regardless of his family disapproving of your love and support for his music, you both still managed to see each other. You were his main pillar of support for his dreams of becoming a musician. You were his first audience and always first to listen to a completed song he felt particularly proud of – He always did claim that you were his source of inspiration for his music.

As the last keys of the song strummed out, you were finally brought back from your nostalgic trance and marched to your room wanting nothing more than to just sleep off this feeling of longing for something you can't have. Just as you were dozing off into the well needed sleep, the sound of someone knocking on your door had shaken you from your comfortable position. Giving a groan as signal you were awake, you expected it to be one of your younger cousins coming in to sleep with you which was not unusual.

"Mi amor"

Comes the smooth voice of your boyfriend, catching you off guard. As soon as you hear those words, you immediately lift your head to see your boyfriend. You jump out of your bed and are in his arms in a second.

His large hands linger on your hips, and you rest your head against his chest, inhaling his familiar scent. Your heart aches with love after longing to see him for so long. And even though you have always been home in Santa Cecilia, you realize that you weren't home until Miguel walked in. He was your home.

"How did you get in?" You ask Miguel, realizing that someone had to have opened the gate in front of your house for him to get to your front door.

"Your family let me in," He says a sly smile on his face, and you realize that your family was in on the secret. Your mom loves Miguel, so you're not surprised that they were the ones to let him in. His hand leaves your hip only to intertwine your fingers with his. "Let's go outside." He says, pulling you towards the door. And you don't even have to ask why, you would follow him anywhere.

Stepping outside into the cool night air, Miguel's hand finds its way to its favorite spot on your hip and guides you to the spot on the grass you've sat in too many times to count. Sitting side by side on the grass in your backyard, you treasure the feeling of the cool night air combined with Miguel's warmth next to you. Miguel tells you about his last few weeks of traveling and music, about how he had missed you dearly and decided to come back to you. Then you fill him in on your everyday life has been while working in the family shop while looking up to the stars, just appreciating being close to him again.

After about ten more minutes of comfortable conversation and stargazing, Miguel said, "Let's dance." You just laugh lightly at his sudden suggestion, but you stand up, while he finds a familiar song on his phone to play. He wraps his arms around you and you sway to the music. "You're beautiful, you know that?" Miguel says softly to you.

You just shake your head and laugh. You were almost ready for bed and end the night, but you hadn't expected Miguel to come. You aren't wearing any makeup, and you're wearing one of Miguel's t-shirts and a pajama pants.

"I'm a mess." You respond honestly.

"Mi amor, Eres bonita." He says softly, but just loud enough for you to hear.

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