Being Princess Merida's Girlfriend Would Include

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At first it would be really rough
Her mother would definitely be really disappointed that her daughter chose to be with a woman and not a man
She would definitely be a little distant with you because of that
But Merida's father and brothers would take to you immediately
Eventually, with time and patience, Elinor comes around too, glad that you make her daughter happy
Merida would take you out on 'dates', which is just a fancy way of saying she would take you out on little adventures
She would also definitely try and teach you how to use a bow, whether or not you want it or not
She wants you to be able to defend yourself when she can't defend you herself
Laughing at her when Elinor convinces her to do something more 'ladylike'
She'd definitely get you back for that later
Finding new places to spend time together
Wooded meadows, places nobody else goes
Kissing and holding hands, laying there and taking in the beauty of nature together
She would tell you all of her family issues, whenever she has them
You like to listen, when she gets all upset she's really beautiful and usually you have some advice to give once she stops whining
Having to wear dresses you don't like to attend balls with her
"If I have to go to this stupid ball, then so do you!"
Taking care of Angus together
You like stroking her hair, even though it's a fiery mess. It reminds you of Merida herself, fiery, untamed, wild. The things you admire so much about her.
Cuddling when everyone else has gone to sleep, not wanting to feel their staring or judgement
You like to sing songs, she hates singing, but whenever you do it she joins in. She even dances with you a little.
You're the only person who can make her act even a sliver like the girl her mom wants her to be.
At first, it annoys her and she tries to push you away, not wanting to be like that
But you tell her that she's not doing this stuff to impress her mom, she's doing it because she's feeling it. It's authentically her.
Being able to be authentic with each other is the basis of your relationship
You love her and she loves you

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