Male!Elsa x Reader - On The Same Level (Part 1)

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((This story takes place after the events in the movie Frozen))

You had tried oh so hard to conceal it. To keep your dangerous power to yourself. To not feel it, to not let it show. But it had all gotten to be too much.

You stared before you, your face contorted as fat tears streamed down your red cheeks, reflecting the blaze before you. Giant, red flames twisted and danced around what once was your home, engulfing it in a hot prison. The home you grew up in, the home you had spent all those years hiding away from the outside world in, was going to be nothing but glowing embers and suffocating ash in a matter of minutes, and there's nothing you could do about it. Helplessness took over your shaking body. You clenched your fingers into tight fists as you collapsed to your knees. A ball of fire spread out around you as your knees hit the dry grass, lighting a strange fire circle around your weeping body.

You didn't mean for this to happen. You never wanted this to happen. Your grandmother's words still pounded at your mind. The vivid image of her old finger pointed at you, a sour scowl upon her lips as she roared at you.

"You're a lost cause, ______! You live to cause pain to the ones you love! Hear me and hear me well, ______, you will die alone, knowing that you have hurt everybody that you've ever cared about! Your horrible curse will slowly kill you, and when it does, I will spit in disgust on your grave."

You tried to reach for her, to hold her tight and tell her you were sorry, you didn't mean to possess such a powerful gift, or as she would call it, a curse, but that uncontrollable flame shot out of your palm, dancing before her face. Your pupils enlarged dramatically as your eyes turned to their usual glowing orange whenever a flame left your body, and your hair turned in a wisping mess of scarlet. You widened your eyes and snapped your fingers shut over your palms, pulling them safely away from her face.

Her face twisted in disgust. You still remember the slap across your cheek. You still remember her trying to protect herself as the flames poured out of your palms, licking the walls and blackening the curtains. She was in the direct path of your uncontrollable stream of fire. You screamed, pulling your hands away again, but it was too late; your flames were fierce as they caught on the fabric of her long dress. She stumbled backwards, trying to smack the flames from her gown. Her old, frail foot slipped from under her as she disappeared backwards into a thick wall of intertwining flames. Her scream was blood-chilling, but died out as the flames consumed her within seconds. She was dead like that. Gone within seconds.

And now here you were, on your knees in a crying mess before your burning home.

You blinked a tear from your eye and looked up. You could feel your red hair dip and waltz around your head, the thick, circle wall of fire around you growing greater in size. Curling your fingers in the dirt and gritting your teeth, you tried to make the flames die down, but your efforts were all in vain. The flames grew higher with your struggles, smoke polluting the night sky and forming a blanket between you and the stars.

You mentally slapped yourself. Your gloves! You reached into your dress pocket, yanking out your titanium gloves and slipping them over your fingers. With a flex of your fingers, the circle flames around you died down immediately, but the house stayed ablaze. You stumbled to a stand and screamed out in frustration, before turning and running. You didn't know, nor cared where you were going. You just wanted to get out of there.

You ran until your lungs could barely squeeze in your next breath. You ran until your legs wobbled and gave up, collapsing under your tired body. You feel straight onto your stomach, the fall crushing the breath from your chest. You curled up into a tight ball, the hot tears returning and smearing the thick ash that stained your cheeks.

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