Being Genie's Child Would Include...

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☆ If you're ever feeling down, he'll sing and dance and make all kinds of faces to cheer you up.

☆ You best believe you are the most spoiled kid on the planet, like you have far more (conjured) toys than you know what to do with.  Like plushies?  You have a shelf full.  Want instruments your dad plays in his songs?  Poof, tiny versions of them all.  Don't express interest in almost anything unless you're willing to see one floating before you with a "oh, you like that, huh?"

☆ Most of the time when your gifts appear your father waggles his eyebrows up and down with a huge smile and an 'eh?  eh?'

☆ When you start showing signs of having powers, Genie is so excited.  Half confetti and celebration, half tears, all massive joy and excitement to start training you...after a big hug of course!

☆ Genie gives the best hugs PERIOD.  Not just because he can grow huge and really envelope you in his warmth, but because he holds on so tight.  The type to goofy-hug, like tilting your joined shoulders this way and that or spinning you both around in the air.

☆ The first manifestation of your powers is sparks shooting from your fingers.  "Ey!  That's my kid!"  He's going to ask you how it felt, if it felt good and if so to keep channeling that.  Don't worry if it takes a long time, your father will remind you you have thousands of years to perfect your skills 😉 

☆ "Great job!  Grrreat job, sweetheart!  Now turn it into a butterfly!  Just like that, you're a natural!"

☆ He will regret that when you use your developing powers to paint the walls of the lamp the brightest, most obnoxious shade of your favorite color known to man...or genie.  "Sheesh, kid, you're giving me a headache!  Mind turning it down a bit?"  You just giggle.  "Ay ay ay, you're more trouble than you're worth, you know that?  ...And I wouldn't have it any other way."

☆ If anyone bullies you, you can count on your father's head literally spinning when he finds out, and after a WHAT? and some steam you can bet that mean kid spends their next day as a slug.

☆ Additionally, when you cry, he's there with open arms and ears, no theatrics, just assurances that he loves you no matter what and is there for you where and whenever you need him.  "That's what fathers are for, right?" 

☆ At every big milestone in your life, whether it's your first day of school or your first transformation, prepare for a teary-eyed fatherly embrace!

☆ Speaking of using your magic to transform, even if it's difficult for you, if you are ever in question of your identity or feeling dysphoric, Genie will work tirelessly with you until your outer you shows your true you 🥺 

☆ ...But he will also teach you how to turn into a goat because that's funny.  And oops, now you guys go back and forth turning each other into different ridiculous creatures and chasing each other around your shared space.

☆ When you try on clothes, Genie magically dons outfits, too, ranging from matching with you to over-the-top impressions that go with the clothes.  He'll let you practice makeup on him too if you're so inclined 😌 

☆ Impromptu dances are a must in your house (lamp) 😤 if you aren't in the mood to dance, prepare to get hip bumped and eyebrow wiggled and shimmed into it anyway!  Unless, of course, you're sad, then it's pure comforting time  🥺 
☆ This man (genie) never forgets an occasion.  Every birthday you wake up to different colored lights spelling 'Happy Birthday' followed by your name in looping font.  You're surrounded by your favorite things and showered in confetti and song; it may be too much, but it shows you that you're loved!

☆ You absolutely inherit your father's habits of expression, ranging from talking with your hands to magically visualizing your thoughts or even summoning writing implements to 'teach' people.  Even if you don't look similar to Genie, people are always commenting how much you remind them of your father.  It's probably the costume changes, mile-a-minute introductions, and chaotic, colorful images dancing along your words...not to mention your matching bracelets  😌 

☆ Whether it's ushering you forward with a proud 'That's right, this is my kid!', introducing you with fanfare, music, and lights, calling you his 'mini-me', tearfully celebrating your achievements, or simply showing you off to everyone he meets wearing a salmon suit, Genie makes it clear how proud he is to be your dad!

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