Male!Merida/Faerie!Reader - Faerie Tale

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(Merida - Meridd) 


"Faster, Angus!" Meridd yelled out as he ushered forwards his horse to go faster through the vast woodland forest. Angus leaned forwards and picked up his speed and the two now appearing to look like a black and orange blur through the woods where Meridd usually practiced his archery by himself. Meridd took up his bow and arrow and pointed at a tree in the distance as the rode on. Sticking his tongue out to side as he concentrated, he shot out the arrow that wisp through the air and hit targeted tree dead on. "Yes! Got it!" He grinned at his small victory and began shooting off more arrows at more trees in the distance, he never missed one shot. "Too easy!" He laughed in triumph and began tugging on the reins to slow down Angus down to a trot. 

Taking a deep breath of the crisp natural air of the outdoors, he ran a hand large calloused hand through his thick wild wavy long orange locks of hair that was put back in a messy ponytail. "I'd think I'm gettin' too familiar with these parts... Its gettin' too simple for me." Angus came to a halt when he stopped at a small creak and went to get a drink of water. Meridd pat the side of Angus' neck and looked off into the distance with his aquamarine colored eyes. The forest was silent other then the sound of rushing water, birds chirping, and the quiet sound of the breeze wafting by and blowing his hair along with it. "Mum says not to go any ferther' then here..." Meridd trails off as he keeps looking out where the forest went much deeper and was left unexplored by him. "But what could be so terrible about goin' just a little ferther'? That side of the forest couldn't possibly be any more dangerous then this side?" Meridd narrowed his eyes in contemplation. He really wanted to go farther and explore and see what new territory he could mark up with his arrows. New training grounds meant he could hone his skills much more than he was in such familiar grounds where he had always been shooting at.

"What do you think, Angus?" Meridd leaned in to look at Angus in the eyes. The horse snorted which Meridd took as a 'let's do it!', mostly because that is what he wanted to hear from his horse companion. "Mum won't even know where I wus'. What's the worst that could happen?" Meridd gripped onto the reins tightly into his hands and decided to go onwards. "Let's go, Angus!" With a pull of the reins, Angus obeyed and began galloping through the stream and to the other side of the forest where Meridd had been forbidden to go by his parents. The wind flowed through his long locks of orange hair as he rode through the forbidden forest with Angus. Meridd couldn't stop gazing around him and taking in all the wildlife that could be seen everywhere he turned. The forest was as quiet and seemingly as peaceful as the other part of the forest he was in before. Occasionally, Meridd would notice ancient looking ruin parts left for the moss to grow and take over. He wondered what the ruins could have possibly been there for. Meridd found that the deeper he went into the forest the more he was finding to enjoy it. "Why on earth would my parents keep me from this place? Its amazin!" Meridd smiled to himself and gasped when Angus and him reached a giant crystal clear pool of water that had a gorgeous large rocky waterfall that's fresh water was flowing down into the giant pool that was full of waterlilies and cattails on the sides. "Beautiful.." He murmur in awe and went to get off Angus. "You stay here, boy. I'm goin' try to do some shootin' here." Meridd told Angus as he got off and stepped over toward's the water's edge. Meridd glanced down at his reflection in the water and smiled. This place was so tranquil, it even had a mysterious and almost magical aura around the place. There were even some more stone ruins randomly scattered around. The whole place was truly ethereal. Meridd reached behind his back and grabbed his bow and arrows. Pointing his bow into the distance past the pool of water and waterfall, he aimed at a single column ruin. Drawing his arrow back on the bow's string, he pulled his arm back before releasing the arrow. It whisked in a blur through the air pass the pool of water and then through a couple of trees but this time Meridd had aimed a bit off. The arrow flew past the ruined column and hit something else in the distance.

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