On a Date With Who?! [💕]

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A/N: No hate to Brent allowed. Thanks! <3

Shane's POV

I ran my hand through my hair one last time, hoping that there were no stray hairs sticking up at any odd angles, and looked down at my phone to check the time.


Two minutes late shouldn't be a big deal, but I was becoming more nervous with every passing second and wished he would hurry up.

Anxiously, I surveyed the crowded restaurant. Was that him walking in the door? What about that guy sitting alone, had he not known I was here and already gotten us a table? Maybe I should text him.

I opened up my messages and was about to start typing when I saw the familiar "..." appear.

My heart skipped a beat and I bit my lip, staring at the dots until they finally were replaced with words.

"Hey, I'm here! Are you?"

"Yeah, I got us a table! It's towards the right when you first walk in." I quickly replied, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

I pocketed my phone and turned my attention in the direction of the door. A short man was walking towards me with a huge grin on his face. I smiled back.

Suddenly, both of our expressions dropped.

"Shane?" He asked, not bothering to hide the look of shock on his face.

"Ryan?" I replied "You- you're- you're my date?!"

Ryan Bergara: my coworker three desks to the left of me.

When Kate said she was setting up a blind date for me, I didn't realize she meant with someone in the office. And of course, when I'd learned that his name was Ryan, I hadn't even thought to suspect that he would be THIS Ryan!

The two of us had been in a few videos together from time to time, but we'd never actually hung out, let alone go on a date together. I didn't think of him as a friend at all or even an acquaintance really. He was just a coworker that I passed in the hall sometimes. In fact, didn't he have a girlfriend? I thought so, but maybe I was just confusing him with someone else. Anyway, I barely knew the guy.

"Well uh..." I stammered. "H- have a seat, I guess?" As I gestured towards the chair across from me, Ryan awkwardly sat down and stared at me with a look of bemusement.

"I-" he let out a stifled laugh. "I didn't even know you were gay."

"Well I'm really not- I mean, I am! I think... I'm just uh... I'm questioning I guess. I'm pretty sure I am gay though. So far it's felt kind of right..."

My voice trailed off and I felt my face grow red. We were off to a "great" start already.

Ryan raised an eyebrow at me and laughed again.

"Don't worry, you'll figure it out," he told me. "You've just gotta find the right guy."

"Yeah," I muttered, squirming in my seat. Maybe it was time to change the topic. "So... how's work been?"

"It's going well. I've got a pretty big project that I'm working on right now. You?"

"Things are ok for me too, I guess. They've been really on me about putting out some new content lately, but I'm kind of just stumped for ideas."

"Really? I've seen your videos. They're not bad. I think you've got some pretty good ideas."

"You have?" I questioned. My videos sucked, why would he even bother watching them?

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