RoadTripBois.mp3 [👻]

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A/N: I came up with this idea whilst stuck in Virginia (which is apparently a huge state) for hours on a never ending trip from Pennsylvania to North Carolina and I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I liked writing it.
To be really creeped out, I highly recommend reading this while on a road trip, or late at night, or best of all, on a road trip late at night.
Thanks for reading! <3


"Waddup! It's Shane and I'm here with Ryan on our way to go investigate some spooky shit!"

"What? Are you recording?"

"It's just audio. Figured I'd have some fun on this trip since you insist we drive foreveeeerrr instead of just taking a plane."

"It won't be so bad, we'll have a fun road trip!"

"Alright, if you say so, but you're gonna have to listen to me complain when my butt gets sore from sitting so long. Anyways, I'll check back later! Bye!"


"Shane again. It's about uh... six o clock and we've been driving here for nearly forty five minutes. Um... yeah that's about all."

"Wow, what an intriguing status update!"

"Well let's see you do better then!"

The audio picks up muffled noises as the device exchanges hands. When Ryan speaks again, his voice is much closer to the microphone.

"Hey there, it's Ryan. So, like Shane said, we've been on the road for about forty five minutes and we've barely even left LA because you know how traffic is. Uh... yeah that's about all I got, but hey! Look at that weird ass tree over there!"

"Ryan, they can't see the tree."

"Yeah I realize that..."

"Alright give it back now."


"I'm back again. It's a little after eight pm, the sun's starting to go down, and Ryan and I are now playing road trip games."

"Is it your phone case?"

"Nah, try again. We're playing I Spy and he's trying to find something red. It's not my phone case though."

"And it's not the car in front of us?"


"There's nothing else red!"

"Uh yeah there is."

"No there's not! What is it?"

"You give up?"

Ryan sighed.

"Yeah, I give up. What is it?"

"The sunset!"

"What?! That's not red!"

"Or course it is! See right there above the horizon..."

"No, I see pink. That's definitely not red!"

"You're just color blind, it's got all kinds of colors. There's red and orange and blue-"

"And pink!"

"Well yeah, but there's also red."

"Alright whatever man... hey look!"

At the same time, both enthusiastically cheered, "Welcome to Nevada!"

"We've finally made it out of California!" Shane explains. "This calls for some more road trip snacks. What've we got in the backseat here?"

There's a rustling of bags in the background.

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