Demon [👻]

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Ryan's POV

"It's not too late to go home," I stated, stepping out of my car uneasily.

"Yeah it is," Shane nonchalantly replied.

"But my rule..." I whined.

"I know, I know. One demon per season, but we've already agreed to this episode and we've got a deadline!"

My eyes followed a long road winding through a dark forest. Somewhere in there lay an abandoned hospital that I'd somehow been talked into visiting. It was rumored to be infested with spirits and demons. I shuddered at the thought.

"You'll be fine, Ryan."

I looked at Shane doubtfully and slammed my car door shut.

"Let's just get this over with so we can go home." I trudge away from the safety of my car and the parking lot.

As we walked along the road to the hospital, I tried to avoid looking into the woods, but I just couldn't. I felt almost like there was something lurking just out of eyesight, watching us.

"Shane... do you feel uneasy too?" I asked.

"Nope," he smiled smugly "I'm excited to go here and score another win for the Shaniacs!"

I rolled my eyes.

Normally when we filmed, we were accompanied by a few other people to help with cameras and audio, but tonight we were alone. Shane and I walked closely beside each other to the front steps of the abandoned building.

"Well... there was supposed to be someone that'd meet us here," I explained, glancing around at the deserted area.

"Guess we'll have to leave since no one's here," Shane said.

My face lit up, hoping that he was being serious, but he laughed and climbed the steps to the door.

"I don't know if they-" I tried to say, but Shane had already turned the handle and pushed the door open.

"C'mon!" He called.

I dashed up the steps and followed him inside.

"What're you thinking!? You can't just come in without permission!"

I watched as Shane walked around the large room, looking around and completely ignoring me.


"Here, give me a camera," Shane came over to me and held his hand out. "I wanna film some stuff while you set up for our intro."

"What? We have to wait for an employee or the owner. This is trespassing," I argued.

"It's fine Ryan. The door was unlocked. They probably wanted us to let ourselves in."

"I was told to meet the owners outside," I explained but Shane wasn't paying attention. He'd already walked away with one of our cameras. "Look, I'm gonna go wait outside for somebody. You can go by yourself to screw around. When they show up and actually give us permission, then we can explore together."

"Alright then," Shane agreed and hit the record button on his camera.

I sighed and walked outside to sit on the front steps, leaving the door propped open behind me.

About fifteen minutes later I was still sitting outside alone. I wondered if maybe we'd come at the wrong time and rechecked my email just to be sure that I hadn't misread anything and I'd tested that all the cameras were working properly. With nothing much left to do, I decided to text Shane.

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