Stay [👻💕]

762 19 2

Ryan's POV


A cold breeze blew in through the shattered windows of the abandoned house and I shivered in my sleeping bag. Beside me, where my boyfriend would normally be cuddled against my side in his own sleeping bag, lay nothing but empty floor. I sat up, wrapping my extra blanket (the one that always smelled like Shane) around my shoulders, and began to assess the situation.

My backpack lay on the floor to my right. Inside, I found my phone, laptop, a few cameras, some extra batteries, two flashlights, and a handful of granola bars - my usual "haunted sleepover" supplies.

I could see that a tripod was set up across the room with my best camera pointed towards me. We always set up a camera in haunted locations to watch for ghosts while we slept, so this wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

Other than those things, the room was completely empty.

"This is a joke, isn't it?" I laughed. It had to be. Shane would never just disappear on me while filming, especially while I slept.

Resting my head back down on my pillow, I called out into the darkness.

"Ok, Shane! I'm not scared! You can come back now!"

I laughed once more at what an elaborate prank this was and closed my eyes.

As I tried to fall back asleep, I heard the door to the room open and close. Listening to Shane's footsteps come closer, I smiled, anticipating his goofy grin and the soft kiss I was likely about to receive.

But there was nothing.

"Babe, what's up?" I rolled over to glance at what I assumed was Shane, but really was just the empty room.

"Uh-h," my voice cracked.

A million thoughts seemed to fly through my head all at once. Where was Shane? Who's footsteps were those? Why had the door opened?!

Suddenly, a strong gush of wind blew into the room and rustled my hair.

"Shane," a nervous laugh escaped my lips, "where are you?"

"Right here."

I whimpered and pulled my knees to my chest. That wasn't my boyfriend's voice.

I clenched my eyes shut and willed the terror in my body to go away, but when the windows started to rattle loudly, I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry Shane," I whispered, grabbing my things. If he was anywhere in this house, I had to leave him. I needed to get out.

As I tried my best to rush towards the door, the air around me felt dense as if I was moving through gelatin. It was almost like some sort of eerie fog was smothering me.

Reaching out, my hand made contact with the door handle and I pulled as hard as I could, but nothing happened. The door wouldn't budge.


I jiggled the knob extra hard and pressed my body against the door, hoping to get it open.

"Why don't you want to stay with me?"

"No!" I screamed, sweat beading my forehead.

I felt hands - hands that weren't there - grasping at me.

"Let me go!" I choked on a sob. "Let me out!"

"Stay... stay... stay with me..." the whispers chanted.

"Help!" I screamed, straining my voice, hurting my throat.

"Help!" I began to pound at the door.

"Shane! Help! Help me!"

"I need you!" I cried, sliding to the floor and curling into a ball at the base of the door.

With tears in my eyes, I glance above me and saw a figure reaching for me, reaching to get me.

With one last scream, I closed my eyes.

Jolting awake, strangled gasps filled the air. I struggled to catch my breath.

Sheets. Warm, soft sheets.

I stared up at the ceiling and realized that I was in my own bed. It was all just a dream.

I jumped at the sound of a loud snore to my left, but calmed down when I realized who it was.

Feeling safe at last, I snuggled close to Shane and smiled into his comforting body as I felt him wrap an arm around me in his sleep.

Everything was ok.

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