I am... [💕]

657 13 13

I am lost.

"Who's in here?"

"You wanna tell me your name, huh?"

"How about you just make a noise; any noise. I'm listening."

The spirit box screeched on, filling my ears with lots of static, but no voices.

"Ok, I'm gonna head down the hall then. Feel free to follow me."

I took a few shaky steps through the dark school, wondering if Shane was still downstairs.

"Ok, I'm out in the hall now. Is there anywhere I should go? How about this room?" I asked, peering through a doorway.

The spirit box's static halted for a second and I heard a strangled sound.

"No? Did you say not to go in here?"

Nothing else came from the spirit box. The classroom I stared into looked pretty creepy with all the graffiti and old, worn desks so I decided to continue down the hall anyway.

"Where should I go?" I asked, coming to a cross between two halls.


"I'll wait."


"Ok, I'm gonna head this way then," I announced, turning to my right.

Two disjointed noises broke the static. "Behind. You."

I gasped, whipping my head around. Nothing was there, but a long hallway.

"Uh," I laughed nervously. "Cool, maybe this way instead."

Stepping through the dust and rubble on the floor, I made my way along that hall. The spirit box wildly screamed it's staticky pattern and my eyes searched through every dark corner.

"No," a voice came through, just as I peered through another doorway.

"No? Don't go in there?"

Silence. And then...


I felt my eyes go wide and my heart skip a beat, but I backed away and did as the box said.

"Yes," it groaned again as I peered down the hall to my left at the next intersection.

"Ok, this way I guess," I said, following it's instruction.





I ran through the dark, my flashlight bobbing all around the halls, listening to where the spirit box wanted me to go.


"Yes what? There's nothing here?" I asked stopping to stand beside some busted lockers.



"Ry," it said, "Ryan."

"H-how do you know my name?!"

Nothing. Only the creepy sound of the box flipping through radio channels.

"Alright whatever, I'm just gonna-"

"I... love-"

I froze.


"Ok that's just creepy, I'm done!" As I turned the spirit box off, I glanced around, realizing that I hadn't paid attention to where I was going.

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