One Demonic Possession Too Many [👻💋]

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Initially inspired by Shane's "You do what you do to make your girlfriend feel safe," but then I ended up taking it in the complete opposite direction because I can't just be a nice writer.

Also I linked a YT video. It's not mine, but I thought everyone needed to see it just because my roommate was trying to sleep whilst I was on the other side of the room absolutely losing my shit watching it. So now you can laugh so hard you wake people up too!

Anyway, here ya go! Enjoy!

Sara's POV:

Obi purred quietly as he cuddled up next to me. Keeping my eyes focused on my sketchbook, I smiled and gave him a scratch behind the ears with my free hand.

As the two of us lay in bed together, the quietness of the apartment was disrupted by footsteps in the hallway.

I looked up to see Shane enter our room with a glass of water in hand. He pulled open a dresser drawer and fished out a bottle of pills.

"Everything ok, babe?" I asked.

"I've got awful heartburn," he explained, throwing two tablets in his mouth and washing them down with a sip of water.

"Come to bed then," I suggested and patted the empty spot on his side of the bed. "You'll feel better in the morning."

Shane smiled sweetly and, placing his glass on the bedside table, he slid underneath the blanket next to me.

Instantly, the little orange cat between us shot up with a snarl.

"Obi!" We both exclaimed.

"Hey, what's wrong bud?" Shane asked, concern in his voice as he reached to pet the cat.

Obi hissed at Shane's outstretched hand, causing him to pull it away.

"What is wrong with you tonight?" I asked, grabbing him and gently tossing him onto the floor.

Obi sulked out the door with his tail between his legs, keeping his eyes focused on Shane the whole time.

"What was that about?" Shane asked, a look of concern on his face.

"Oh, don't worry about it!" I told him reassuringly. "He's probably just moody. Did you lock the front door?"

"Yeah, I did," he responded, still staring at the door where Obi had disappeared into the hall.

"Hey," I ran my hand through Shane's hair and he turned to face me. His sad expression broke my heart. "Let's just go to bed, ok?"

"Alright," Shane smiled weakly and gave me a soft kiss.

I closed my sketchbook and put it on the table beside my bed before reaching to turn the light out.

Snuggled tightly in Shane's strong arms, I fell asleep, feeling safe and warm inside.

The clock on our dresser read 3am when I woke up again.

Immediately I realized that Shane's arms weren't around me and reached out to feel his side of the bed empty. Confused, I sat up just in time to see him walk out into the hallway.

"Shane?" I called.

Receiving no response, I got out of bed and ran out into the hall behind him.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, coming into the dark kitchen and turning the light on.

As light flooded the room, I saw Shane standing beside the counter. His eyes were solid white with no pupils and in his hand was a large steak knife, gleaming menacingly at me.

With a shriek, I lunged forward and shoved his hand away, somehow not getting myself stabbed in the process. The knife flew in the air and clattered across the kitchen counter.

"Shane?!" I yelled at my boyfriend to no avail.

He looked at me for a moment with his horrifyingly soulless eyes before turning towards where the knife had landed.

"No!" I grabbed his shirt and pulled so that he was facing me again.

Instinctively I stepped backwards, terrified of what he might do to me and asked "what are you doing?!"

Shane's face broke out in an angry look I'd never seen before and he reached out to grab me, but I was already a step ahead.

I sprinted around the table screaming as loudly as I could. Shane followed right behind and lunged forward, taking ahold of my shirt and dragging me down to the floor.

His face hovered inches above mine as he pinned me to the cold kitchen tile. I closed my eyes, unable to look into his, and screamed even more.

I struggled underneath Shane's weight, trying my hardest to break free, when suddenly a shrill hiss pierced the air. His body hit the ground beside me and, free at last, I frantically scrambled away across the kitchen floor.

Turning to face Shane, I saw him swatting at Obi who was violently scratching up his face.

"No! Don't hurt him!" I cried, not entirely sure which of the two was the 'him' I was referring to.

I looked around the kitchen, unsure of what to do.

The knife that Shane had forgotten about still lay on the counter where it'd landed. Quickly, I grabbed it with one hand, praying I wouldn't have to use it, and snatched up Obi with the other, before sprinting towards the front door.

Just as I rested my hand on the doorknob, the sounds of Shane's thrashing around on the floor stopped and a deafening silence settled throughout the apartment.

I hesitated and looked back towards the kitchen.


"Sara?" He called out weakly.

On edge, I slowly tip toed back to where I'd left him. He was still on the floor, but looked to be back to normal, albeit quite a few cat scratches.

Obi wriggled from my arms and dropped the the ground where he stood protectively between Shane and I and let out a concerned meow.

"Sara," Shane stared up at me in horror. "I think- I think I need an exorcist."

I nodded in shock.

"Yeah, and from now on, please no more telling demons to possess you."

He took a deep breath and sat up, his eyes still wide.

"I promise, no more demons."

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Also, quick question regarding a part I have planned for later: Does anyone happen to know whether Sara is a Shaniac or Boogara?

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