In Which We Say Goodbye

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A/N: Just a quick warmup for your eyes before all the crying you'll be doing during today's episode. 😈

"Whether or not ghosts are real remains-"

Ryan's voice faltered.

He stared at his script for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"Whether or not gh-"

As he came to a stop again, Shane, who until now had been staring solemnly down at his lap, looked up at his friend. He reached out and laid a reassuring hand on Ryan's shoulder.

The two locked eyes for a moment and shared a slight, bittersweet smile.

"Whether or not ghosts are real," Ryan began again, "remains..."

"Unsolved," the two finished together for the first, and only, time.

"And we're done!" Called one of the crew members behind the camera, but neither ghoul boy was paying attention. As the crew said their goodbyes and filed out of the room, Ryan and Shane stayed seated behind their desk.

"So... this is it?" Ryan asked.

"This is it," responded Shane, leaning back in his chair and gazing around the room. "Really gonna miss this place."

"Yeah. So many memories."

Ryan picked up the little blue ball from its place on the desk and turned it over in his hand.

"We never got to solve any cases." He cracked a slight smile, but sadness still lingered in his eyes.

"Nope, not a single one!" His counterpart laughed.

They sat together in silence for another minute before Shane spoke again.

"Alright c'mon Ryan," he exclaimed, pushing his chair back and standing up. "Let's go now before you start crying."

"I'm not crying! I said I wouldn't cry today!"

He took Ryan by the hand and pulled him to his feet.

"Of course you won't," he muttered pulling his best friend in for a hug. "Thank you for asking me to do this with you. This has been the best thing to happen to me and I'm glad I got to do it all with you."

"Shane stop," Ryan's voice cracked and a singular tear dripped from his eye onto Shane's shoulder.

"I know this isn't really goodbye," he continued, ignoring Ryan's protest, "but it is a goodbye of sorts so I just wanted tell you how much these past few years have meant to me. I love you, man."

"I love you too."

The two held each other for a few moments longer before finally pulling apart.

"Gotcha!" Shane grinned, noticing his friend's watery eyes.

"Shut up," Ryan swatted at him playfully, wiping the tears away with his sleeve.

"I guess it's time to go now. Is there anything you wanted to take with you?"

Ryan held up Timmy's ball.

"Got it already."

"Alright," Shane grabbed a pad of sticky notes, filled with five years worth of stupid doodles and insulting notes to Ryan, from his side of the desk before gesturing to the door. "Let's go."

The two walked out into the hallway, turning around to give their office one last look.

"Bye office," Ryan lamented, as the door latched shut for the final time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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