The Teaching Assistant [📚⚠️]

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A/N: This is the worst thing I've ever written, but I was inspired by a YouTube comment and couldn't bare to give up halfway through writing no matter how weird it got, so here you go. (saveme)

Also, I posted twice in a week? What?! I rarely ever have this much motivation!

"That's all for today's lesson. Shane will be passing out your homework which is due at the beginning of next class. Have a great day everyone and remember, never try to shoot at an Emu!"

The professor lay his chalk down in the tray at the base of the board, and took a seat behind his desk. His teaching assistant, Shane, scurried up and down the rows of desks, handing a packet of paper to each student.

Watching intently as the last person exited the room, the door swinging shut behind them, the professor called out, "Shane, could you lock the door?"

Shane grinned at the professor as he carefully turned the lock on the doorknob and made his way towards the front of the room.

"It felt like that class would never end, Professor!" He remarked, pulling a chair up to the desk.

"I know," the professor replied, "but now it's just the two of us."

With his elbows on the desktop, Shane rested his chin in his hands in a childlike way. The professor placed a delicate kiss on the young man's lips before leaning back in his chair and sighing.

"I have so many papers to grade," he complained. "It'll take me all night."

"I can help," Shane offered.

"You can help me," the professor said, standing and making his way around to the other side of the desk with a mischievous smile on his face, "but not with my papers. I have something else in mind."

Gently, he climbed into Shane's lap, straddling both him and the chair, and placed a fuzzy blue hand on each side of the man's face.

"O-ok," Shane muttered as the professor began to chew at his lips.

The two passionately kissed for a moment, before the professor's hands began to slide further down Shane's body to his top shirt button.

As he slowly pulled the button loose from the shirt, a muffled noise escaped Shane's mouth. The professor pulled away, glancing towards the locked door as he placed a finger over his partner's soft lips.

"Shhh," he said quietly. "You wouldn't want anyone to hear us now, would you?"

Shane shook his head and the professor happily locked their lips again, now fiddling at the second button.

On button three, the professor broke their lips apart and began to kiss his way down Shane's neck. The man threw his head backwards in delight, holding back moans.

When every button had been undone, the professor ran his soft hands delicately up and down Shane's bare torso, causing tingles to erupt all over his body.

The two lovingly locked eyes for a moment before they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

With a scowl, the professor threw himself off Shane's lap. He stood and made his way to the door.

Attempting to mask his annoyance with a forced grin, he turned the handle to reveal Ryan standing outside in the hallway.

"Sorry professor, I just had a quick question about the homework."

The professor glanced back towards his desk, where Shane stood with his face covered in a deep red blush and a hickey on his neck. He fumbled with the buttons on his shirt for a moment before turning to face the other direction, hiding his bare chest from Ryan and the professor's view.

"Alright Ryan, come on in."

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