Demon Proof [👻💕]

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[A/N] Writing with one brain cell in the middle of the night be like "🤞🏻Please make sense when I proofread this in the morning🤞🏻" Anyway, enjoy!

Ryan had never been more excited than on the day when he was finally assigned his first soul to torment (or at least scare the pants off of—demons have kind of softened up a bit over the years). The only problem, he soon learned, was this particular human was unscarable.

Shane Madej had been Ryan's problem since all the way back when he was still in pre-k and so far he'd been able to explain away every spooky encounter in the book.

From grabbing at feet that stuck off the end of the bed, to whispering in the dark, and even moving various objects around, Ryan had tried all the demonic tricks he could think of, but no dice.

He'd even gone as far as to get physical, leaving scratches and bruises all over Shane's body, but the man somehow found ways to ignore even that!

Eventually Ryan decided that if he was ever going to convert this skeptic, he couldn't do it alone.

He knew of a few demons that just might possibly be able to do the trick. They typically hung out in old hospitals, asylums, churches, houses, you name it. All Ryan had to do was bring Shane to them, and luckily, with just a little bit of demonic possession, he knew the perfect way to lure him in.

His flawless plan, of course failed when, after countless spooky expeditions, Shane had unknowingly put even the most evil of demons to shame and Ryan was running out of options. But secretly, not wanting to part with his new friend anytime soon, he hadn't really been putting in his best effort.

One night, Ryan was sitting on the floor with the back of his host body leaning against the wall of a cramped little closet in a supposedly "haunted" house. Shane sat opposite him, with an infuriatingly goofy grin spread across his face, and their knees, both in a crisscross-applesauce position, rested against each other.

The dim flashlight that illuminated both their faces suddenly clicked off and Ryan stared blankly into the darkness as Shane laughed.

"Ooh the ghosts are gonna get you in the dark! I bet you must be scared now!"

"Terrified," Ryan replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He'd learned long ago that feigning fear did nothing to phase Shane's unwavering disbelief.

"C'mon you're usually not like this. What's got you so brave tonight?" Shane asked.

"Well..." Ryan wracked his mind for an answer, eventually settling for the truth. "I picked a location that I know doesn't have any demons so there's really nothing here to be scared of."

"No demons? Have you finally come to your senses and realized that they're not real?"

Ryan scoffed.

"They are! There just aren't any in this particular place, but of course you would never believe that. You wouldn't know a demon if it slapped you in the face."

He knew this was true because he, being a demon himself, had in fact slapped Shane in the face once before.

"What can I say? I'm demon proof!"

Once again Ryan rolled his eyes as his problem-child began taunting the air as he so often liked to do.

"Hear that demons?! I'm demon proof! You can't touch me! I dare you to try! C'mon, come at me!"

Ryan felt a strange feeling welling up in his throat. He'd been worried lately that he'd spent too much time in this humanoid body because the feeling was a uniquely human emotion that he didn't quite understand just yet. All he knew was that he'd been feeling it a lot whenever he was around Shane. And that feeling human feelings usually wasn't a good sign for demons.

"Come and get me demon!" Taunted Shane again and, having no idea what he was doing, Ryan suddenly lurched forward in the dark.

He grabbed the collar of Shane's shirt as forcefully as he could and pulled the man towards him, pressing their lips together.

Shane, momentarily taken aback, melted into Ryan's touch and he placed his hand on the demon's soft cheek.

But as the two shared a kiss on the floor of the dark closet, Ryan felt the last of his demonic spirit slip away.

In that moment, he became fully human and, overcome with love, he didn't mind.

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