Stolen Wishes [📚]

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Ryan's POV

Anxiously, I paced back and forth in front of the door. This was insane.

"I should really just go home," I thought to myself. I couldn't though. At home, I would just toss and turn in my bed, unable to sleep, which was what had already led me to get up, drive all the way across town, and end up here at 2 am.

Now that I was here, I couldn't just go home.

I thought some more. Maybe I could pretend to be drunk. I'd say that I'd been nearby and couldn't drive and needed to crash here for the night. Or maybe I had nowhere else to go because my house is invested with bugs or the AC is broken or...

"C'mon Ryan," I said aloud to myself, "Stop making excuses! Just do it already."

I knelt down beside the doorknob and began to pick the lock.

With a low creak, the door slowly swung open, revealing the small living room behind it. Quickly, I shuffled inside and shut the door behind me.

I was in.

And there was no turning back now.

As I quietly tip toed across the room, I thought about what I was doing. Breaking and entering. Assault. Oh man, this was a terrible idea.

I looked down the hall to see three identical doors. The one one the left was left open a crack and I could hear two pairs of snores, one a deeper pitch than the other, coming from inside.

They weren't who I was here for.

I knew that the door on the right was the bathroom and so I snuck past it and silently rested my hand on the knob of the third door.

Taking a deep, nervous breath in, I pushed open the door and slid inside.

The room was small, not much bigger than a closet, and a lavish dollhouse sat in the middle. Cringing, I noticed a miniature chicken coop like structure beside it that I knew to be full of spiders.

Pushing that thought out of my mind, I made my way around to the other side and looked inside.

There was the professor, asleep in his bed.

My hands curled into fists and I closed my eyes for a second, willing myself to stay calm. I hadn't thought yet about what I would do once I got to this point.

While I stood there, trying not to panic, the professor rolled over in the little bed and opened his eyes.

"Ryan!" He exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

"Professor!" I shot back and grabbed him by his fuzzy feet. As he struggled against my grip, I held him upside down at face level.

"What're you gonna do Ryan?" He taunted, "I'll never let you have that cup!"

"Oh, I think I might be able to change your mind," I smirked, trying to pretend that I actually had a plan and wasn't scared out of my mind.

"Do it, I dare you!"

"I will!"

The two of us scowled at each other.

Suddenly, a puff of red smoke blinded me. In my shocked, I let go of the professor and dropped him back onto his bedroom floor.


When the air cleared, the professor was cowering behind his bed, gazing up at a genie that floated above us.

"I swear! I don't owe you anything!"

"LIAR!" Boomed the genie, "YOU STOLE A WISH!"

"I didn't! I didn't!" The professor cried, "I had three wishes! I wished to be able to time travel, for a PhD-"

"I knew you didn't get that on your own," I muttered under my breath.

"-and a successful show!"

"YOU STOLE A WISH!" The genie repeated, even louder than before.

Helplessly, the professor looked from me to the genie and then back to me.

"Ok," he sighed, "I did. I used a fourth wish. It was that nobody would ever find out what my real name is."

I felt my eyes widen in shock. That was worth cheating a genie?


"No wait!" The professor protested. "My name... my name is Professor Nastybutt."

I held back a giggle as the professor turned to face the genie.

"Now Ryan knows so the wish didn't come true. That means I don't owe you anything!"

The genie thought for a moment.

"FINE!" He replied before vanishing in another cloud of thick smoke.

The professor defeatedly stared at me.

"Tell no one and I'll let you win the cup."

"Works for me."

Suddenly, the two of us were blinded by the light turning on. We both whipped our heads around to see Shane standing in the doorway.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again, before opening it once more.

"Ryan, I don't know how you got in here, but just locked the door behind you when you leave, ok?" He quietly said and and shuffled back to his own room.

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