You Win [⚠️]

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[CW] Death, but tbh not as graphic as I usually write.

This is based on Netflix's Squid Game.

If you have no interest in watching it, you can still read this as it's easy to understand and basically explains itself.

If you plan on or are currently watching it, the only spoiler is that it gives away what the fourth game is. Otherwise, none of the characters or plot are really mentioned. So it's up to you whether or not you want to read this now or later.

Thank you for reading! <3

As he walked down the dimly lit streets, Ryan gazed at his surroundings in wonder. They seemed to be in a replica of a town with the dark ceiling high above them designed to look like a night sky.

"This is so cool," his partner, Shane, said beside him. "I wonder what game we're playing?"

"Maybe hide and seek or something?" Ryan suggested. "Although I hope not since you're big head is easy to spot from a mile away!"

Shane laughed before suddenly lurching to a stop, narrowly avoiding running into the faceless person in front of them who had stopped walking and turned around.

"Players, please take one bag each from the staff member before you," a woman's cheerful voice rang out.

The soldier, with the hood of their red tracksuit pulled over a menacing black mask that bore a bright white triangle, held up two small, cloth baggies. Shane and Ryan grabbed them from the gloved hands.

The bag's contents clinked together as Shane turned his over, examining it quizzically.

"There should be a set of ten marbles in each bag," the voice sounded again. "Please check to confirm the number."

Simultaneously, both men opened up their bags and the shiny marbles slid out into their hands.

"You ever play marbles?" Ryan asked, absentmindedly rolling his marbles from one hand to another.

"I know a few different marble games," Shane replied.

"That's good. I only know one that my dad taught me. You put a few marbles in your hand and the other person has to guess whether you have an even or odd number."

"I know that one too! Maybe it'll be what we're playing?"

"Nah, too easy!" Ryan smiled.

"In this game," began the voice once again. "using your set of ten marbles you will play the game of your choice with your partners. The player that manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins."

Both men's faces fell as they processed what had just been said. One of them, the loser, would die.

"Shane..." Ryan whimpered, not bothering to listen as the instructions were repeated.

Shane ignored him, staring blankly at the ground.

"You will have thirty minutes for this game. Let the game begin."

"Shane," Ryan repeated more firmly.

The taller man finally turned to look at him.

"Ryan," He stepped closer. "You're my best friend and I couldn't have made it this far without you."

"Shane, no!" Ryan yelled, as Shane placed his bag on top of Ryan's.

"Go on and win this thing for the both of us," Shane continued.

"No! I won't fucking let you!" Ryan pleaded.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not!" Ryan threw the bag of marbles back at his friend. "Play a game with me, you dick! You can't just give up."

"I'm not giving up!"

"Yes you fucking are! Play a game and lose to me for real because I'm not letting you do this."

"You win, Ry."

"No!" Ryan turned to the soldier, who was watching from a few feet away. "He has to play for real, right?"

The dark mask made it impossible to tell what they were thinking as they looked from Ryan, to Shane, and back again. After a moment, they gave a slight nod.

Shane rolled his eyes and turned to face Ryan who plunged his hand into the bag of marbles.

"Yes! Here," he held out a fist. "Even or odd?"

Shane studied Ryan's face as he too grabbed a handful of his own marbles.


Ryan opened his hand to reveal two shiny blue marbles in his palm.

"Even. I win." He announced sadly. "How much did you wager?"

Shane opened his hand, which was full of the shiny little orbs.

"Please tell me that's not all your marbles?" Ryan asked.

"It's not," Shane replied, reaching out to deposit the marbles into Ryan's bag. "But I'm notoriously bad at this game so good luck losing to me."

Ryan scowled and grabbed as many of his marbles as he could hold, determined to lose. Shane also poured a few marbles into his hand.

"Ok, even or odd?" He held his closed fist out.

Ryan stared intently at his opponent's knuckles.

Suddenly a gun fired from somewhere else in the room.

Both men jumped at the sound.

"Player 130, eliminated," the voice announced, her cheery voice unfazed.

"Shane, please don't make me do this." Ryan begged.

"One of us has to win, Ryan."

"I don't want to win!" He snapped.

"Me neither so just pick even or odd!" Shane yelled, jerking his hand towards Ryan.

"Uh... umm..." Ryan stuttered, staring intently at Shane's hand.

Another gunshot rang out, followed by "Player 68, eliminated."

"Pick one!" Shane insisted.

"Ah! Odd!" Ryan blurted out.

Another gun fired, but neither man seemed to notice, as Shane slowly revealed the three marbles in his hand.

"Odd. You win," Shane stated quietly, dropping the marbles into Ryan's bag.

"Ok, next round," Ryan held up his bulging hand. "Even or-"

"No Ry," Shane cut him off. "You win."

He held his bag upside down showing that it was empty. Ryan's jaw dropped as realization hit him.

"No," he whispered. "No! No! No! No!"

He emptied his hand back into his bag and dropped it, bulging with all twenty marbles, onto the ground, before rushing to wrap himself around his taller companion.

"I love you," Shane muttered, engulfing Ryan in a hug. "Being your friend is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"No," Ryan's cries were muffled by his face pressed into Shane's chest. "You're not going anywhere. You're not dying. Not without me."

Two soldiers, who had been watching from a distance, came forward and grabbed Ryan.

"Noooooooo!" He screamed hysterically, as they pulled him away from Shane. "You can't do this!"

The last thing he saw was a gun being held to Shane's head, before he was pulled around a corner.

A shot echoed throughout the room.

"Player 85, eliminated."


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