The Brandywine House [👻🎃]

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Happy Halloween!!

A knock at the door echoed throughout the house, startling me out of my thoughts, as I sat alone at the kitchen counter.

I looked around at my surroundings, ignoring the fact that my heart had just skipped a beat, before quickly jumping up and heading into the entryway.

"Trick or treat!" Shane greeted me when I opened the front door.

He pushed past me with a pizza box in hand, and headed towards the living room, where he placed it down on the coffee table. Grabbing a slice of our greasy dinner, Shane flopped down on the couch and looked up at me.

"Anything spooky happen while I was away?"

I grabbed a slice of my own and took a seat next to him.

"Yeah, I got a lot of good evidence. Mostly just a lot of creaking though-"

"Uh-huh. Old houses do creak a lot."

"-but even the small stuff freaked me out a lot. It's so creepy here all alone."

"What, do you think the murderer's gonna come getcha?" Shane asked. "He's been dead for years. Remember, the death penalty and all?"

"If anything, I think that's more scary. If he was still alive and in jail, his spirit wouldn't be in this house," I explained.

Shane rolled his eyes.

"His spirit isn't anywhere, Ryan, because it's not real."

"It definitely is real and he haunts this house along with the family that he killed on Halloween night all those years ago. The whole place is haunted by them and now here we are, on the exact same night, and we have to sleep here!"

"Can't just have a fun Halloween can we?" Shane muttered.

This time I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever man. Believe what you want, but I'm scared of this house."

Shane stuffed the last bit of his pizza crust in his mouth and reached for another slice.

"Just don't come crawling into my bed tonight because you're too scared to sleep by yourself."

"I won't," I told him confidently.

We discussed plans for our upcoming episodes while we ate and pretty soon it was time for us to go to bed. Shane threw the empty pizza box away and we headed upstairs.

There was a small hallway at the top of the stairs which is where the two of us parted ways. Shane took the room on the right and I chose the one opposite it. The door groaned as I pushed it open and stepped inside.

Inside were two twin beds, surrounded by all different kinds of toys and stuffed animals. Clearly, this was the children's bedroom.

After changing into some more comfortable clothes, I set up a camera and lay in bed.

"Alright, I'm ready to go to sleep here in the Brandywine House and uh... I'm not looking forward to it!"

I smiled at the camera, but jumped at what sounded almost like a child's laugh, drifting quietly from outside the bedroom door that I'd left open a crack.

"What was that?" I sat in silence for a moment, too scared to move, before calling out, "Shane, did you make a noise?"

"No, go to sleep!" He yelled back.

"Ok..." I stared at the camera. "Goodnight, I guess. I'll see you guys in the morning, that is... if I'm still alive."

"You'll be fine!" Shane's voice called from the other room as I lay down and closed my eyes.

I was awoken by what I knew for sure to be a child laughing this time.

Scanning the dark room, my eyes landed on a ghostly white figure sitting on the other bed. It disappeared before I could even comprehend what I was seeing.

"What the fuck?"

I must've been louder than I realized because Shane's groggy voice responded.


"Shane, I- I-" I stuttered before standing up and grabbing my backpack from the foot of the bed. "I'm coming over."


I tiptoed quietly out into the hallway, which was much more horrifying in the middle of the night, and into Shane's room.

"What are you doing?" He groaned sleepily, watching me over his shoulder as I made sure to shut the door firmly.

"I saw something," I explained, still in a daze as I placed my bag on a chair and climbed into the bed.

Shane rolled over to face me and sat up.

"No, you didn't. Go back to your own room so I can get some sleep without you and your ghost stories keeping me up all night."

I shook my head.

"I'm staying here."

Shane groaned and flopped back down onto his pillow.

"Fine, you can stay, but please just go to sleep. This house isn't haunted."

"It is, but ok," I replied, pulling the blanket up underneath my chin. "Goodnight."

I closed my eyes and listened to Shane's gentle snores, feeling much safer with him and almost forgetting what had happened, that is until the door opened.

I jolted upright and stared wide eyed as it swung towards me. From out in the hallway came a large shadowy figure. It's details were difficult to make out, but one thing that was obvious was the knife in its outstretched hand.

I screamed, waking Shane who shot up and, catching sight of the figure, proceeded to scream even louder than me.

Not thinking straight, I shoved Shane out of my way and scrambled over top of him, trying to get further away from the door.

"Ow shit! Ryan!" He yelled as I fell out of bed headfirst and crumbled to the ground.

Frantically trying to regain my bearings, I glanced above me to see Shane, still in bed, heave his pillow across the room. Hearing a soft thump, I sat up and peeked towards the door.

Thankfully, the figure had disappeared and all I could see was the pillow laying on the floor near the door.

It was silent for a minute. The only sound was our heavy breathing.

"Ryan?" Shane finally asked in a quiet voice.


"Get your shit. We're leaving."

Coincidentally, I wrote this literally the night before they posted the axe murder house video, which is very similar to this hypothetical house. I'm prophetic! 😂

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