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After we finished in the interrogation room I went back to Rhysand's room. He seemed alright letting me go, Amarantha probably told him to if I'm being honest. But once I got there, on the nightstand there was a file with "The Ghost" on the front label. I decided to open it as it was addressed to me. It was a list of names and locations. I was almost about to take a deeper look into them when I heard the door swing open.

"Ah, I see you've found the list." Rhysand quipped and even added a smirk that would make almost any girl swoon. "You'll need to start on that pretty damn soon, otherwise... you know what just get it done."

"Bold of you to assume that I wouldn't." I remarked "you forget who I was raised by, High Lord." If he wanted to question my work ethic or my ability again he can report to Amren. Actually no I feel Bryaxis would be better for the job.

I watched as he shuddered when I even thought about him. So I knew he was in my head. "I couldn't if I wanted to. And trust me, I want to."
All I could do after that was smirk. If we weren't in the absolute worst spot in the history of Prynthian, he'd probably a really nice friend. Or more...

Later that night I was fitted for my suit. It was functional and dark. Perfect for what I'd need. If I had to be an assassin then mother damn it I was going to be doing it in style. I don't even think the assassin in my book could pull of thigh high sock this damn well. Well, maybe she could better. But I personally think her white wolf, fae, pain in the ass, bestie could pull them off better.

As I went back to Rhys's room, I was looking over my files upon files of people I had to kill. There were a lot of names. Many of which I have heard Amren speak of in passing. It was really more like threatening to kill them, their families, or tsk down entire courts simply because they looked at her wrong. Don't get me wrong, she's terrifying. But when you are raised by the things of nightmares, you learn that the scary monsters can sometimes be the knight in shining armor.

When I got back to the room, she was waiting there for me.

"I would like you to start in the list, tonight."  I laughed at that. As if I wasn't already planning on it?

"And whom do you have in mind for me to take care of first?" I asked. I had those whom I would like to kill first. Those of less importance, or those whom I heard the stories of.

"Hmm. How do you feel about Autumn?" She queried.

"The father or the son?"

"The son should probably stay so the court can run smoothly after his fathers... leave of absence." After that she gave a evil looking smile. Had I not been returning it, I would have had the chills.

"Beron is as good as dead, my lady." I said back. I usually would be excited about having to take a life. But his wasn't an innocent one.

Amarantha and I both chose the same first pick.

"Leaving so soon?" Rhysand asked seductively. He was leaning in the door in a black suit. He may have plain taste. But it's definitely timeless, very attractive taste at that.

"Not used to women leaving your room this fast?" I asked. He rolled his eyes at me. It was probably the best moment I'd had being here thus far. Almost as soon as the moment began, it was gone. He was looking at me with darkened, hardens eyes. The eyes of a veteran seasoned from battles upon battles. And I just knew that he had gone over that list as much as I had.

"Who is it then?"


He hissed at that "the castle is heavily guarded. Don't go through the main entrance, only get as close as you need. The sons won't be the issue if you get caught, they hate him just as much as us, it'll be the target."

"Thank you Rhys, for everything." I said quickly. I hated having to leave like this but I just didn't know what to say. Why was he being so helpful and nice anyway? I mean it's not like he has a reason to risk his ass on someone like me. To a high lord, I'm just dead weight.

"You remind me of someone I once knew. She was kind and sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly, unless her family was threatened. Then she became living death. What you did for Amren and the way you conduct yourself reminds me of her. And you're anything but dead weight."

"Get out of my head, you sappy ass Illyrian." I teased

"But it's so interesti- you think I'm hot?"

OH SHIT "haha about that..."

We both then proceeded to laugh our asses off. Then he quick pulled me in a hug and it shocked me at first. But then was quickly returned.

"Be safe, please" he begged.

"When have I not been?"

" you're here, by choice. All the decisions you've made for us to meet have been stupid ones." He laughed, but it was half hearted. We were now standing about less than a foot away from each other, but not in that way. Almost like your saying goodbye to a brother.

"The girl you talked about, I'd love to meet her someday." I said as I made my way to the door to leave.

"She was murdered a few years back so I hope you never get the chance."

.... Well then.

When I got to the mountains entrance, I spread my wings. Oh my god it felt so nice. I was up in the air in a heartbeat. Dashing through the wind as if I was racing the stars themselves.

I was Velaris Elentiya Bryaxson. The daughter of Amren and Bryaxis. The Ghost of Prynthian. I  won't cower to the will of a tyrant. I won't let my family be hurt. And I will not be afraid...

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