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(Velaris's POV)

As soon as the shadows told me what was happening I was out the door and in the air. I went straight to the apartment she stays in as she might have left a clue there. When I stepped in her house after getting past the wards, the apartment was spotless. She always had to have everything in it's place. As I walked up to her desk I found a letter addressed to me in the center of it. I then began to read.

I have gone on a rescue mission in search of the high lord. If the shadows tell you in in trouble, find Morrigan. She is the third in command of the court and will take over in my absence. Keep Velaris a secret in all ways possible. Remember what I taught you about guarding your mind and your people. But most importantly, live. Live the life you've always wanted, Elentiya. You can rattle the stars if you wish. Don't come after me, I can't loose you too.
                                  Deepest Regards,

Like hell I was going to leave her down there but there are some things I have to do first. Find Mor, get weapons, and raise hell. In. That. Order. I won't leave my parents, not this time. Never again.

I found Mor and told her to go to the town house to find further instructions. I then went to Cassian and asked for any weapons he could get me. He delivered in abundance. Knives, swords, even fighting leathers. After that I took to the skies. Flying as fast as the wind could carry me. I didn't stop. And as I approached the mountain, I let the glamour hiding my power slip. I felt the rattle even from the skies.

I was ready to hurt everyone and everything that stood in the way of me and Amren. I was raised my the most feared monsters in Prythian history. The monsters of legend that parents used to scare their children into obedience with read me bedtime stories and baught me ice cream. I was the charge of Bryaxis and Amren. I was the daughter of a death god, I am the heir of death. And I will not be afraid.

When I entered the throne room after effectively knocking out everyone in the path with the blood magic, I walked into the throne room to face my target and make my demands...

(Rhysand's POV)

Amren came for me. She came. When I saw her enter the mountain I almost let out a sob. I was ready to unleash hell against Amarantha for everything she did to me. To us. To Prynthian. But Amarantha was smart and had planned for this. She knew how to detain Amren within fifteen minutes of her rampage. But Amren didn't go down without a fight.  She fought until she was rendered unconscious from a blow to the head, by Amarantha herself. She then proceeded to give Amren a injection that took away her powers for a while. And then tied her up. When she woke up I went into her mind and found something their I thought I would never find. Fear.

We spent the next couple hours or so partying and celebrating Amarantha's win. While I was trying to find my second a way out. That's when I felt a rumble of power strong enough to rival my own. I looked to Amren who had visibly paled but covered it up quick when the saw the Queen looking her way. Amarantha was on her throne and I was at her right. God how I wished whatever was up there would end it for all of us. But I doubt that to be the case.

When the challenger finally walked in the throne room, I was astonished. It was a average height female, with copper red hair and electric blue eyes. They gleamed almost like Azriels syphons. It made the home sickness worse when I saw the shadows surrounding her. From the way Amarantha looked at her I knew this girl would be alive at the end of whatever happened. Wether that be in favor of either of the redheads was yet to be seen. But Amren growled when she walked in and I felt that fear she felt earlier again. Amren cared for the girl. I went to Amren's mind walls and she surprisingly let me in.

"No no no no no, she can't be here, leave girl, don't play hero, I wasn't supposed to lose both my children today."

As soon as I heard that I left her mind and went still as death. Amren saw me as a son. Her foster son. And this random female she saw as a daughter. I already knew I would like her before she spoke. Which Amarantha did first.

"Who are you and what brings you to my domain, child?" She boomed. She was going to make an example of this girl. We all knew it but none of us knew how. But this girl showed no fear.

"Let Amren go and you might find out." She hummed nonchalantly. I had to give her credit, she seemed very uninterested right now and Amarantha wasn't having it.

"Do you know who I am child?" Amarantha sneered. This girl must be living under the world biggest rock if she didn't but I stifled my laugh nonetheless. Then I heard a deafening crack and saw a palm print on Amarantha's cheek. She just... slapped herself? And the Queen looked at her hand as if it wasn't hers. Amren smirked in time with me. This girl had many tricks up her sleeve including one of the most refined water magics in the world to date. Blood-bending.

"No, but I don't need to know. Compared to me you are a roach beneath my feet." The female cooed. Amarantha tried to rise but the girl held her down with her magic. "Now I didn't come here to start a fight." She said with the upmost confidence. If Cassian was next to me he would be fighting tooth and nail call dibs on this female. If I'm being honest all three of us would be. But what she said next made My second and I pale

"I came to bargain."

"And what would your offer be my dear?" Amarantha sneered. Oh this girl was about to be sent to hell and back and she knew it. She looked scared and glanced at Amren and her state. It gave her enough fire and strength to make her offer.

"The High Lord of Night and his second in exchange for me." She purred. Amren picked up her head and growled. This girl was crazy, but why me? Why would she bargain for me as well?

I decided against my better judgement to go in her head. And surprise and shock are the only emotions I found in myself after the endeavor. She wanted me out simply because Amren wanted me out. She felt bad about leaving her foster father without so much as a goodbye. Bryaxis. Dear gods, this girl was raised by a death god. A death god and Amren. She could kill everyone in here and not break a sweat. But her goal wasn't to kill everyone. It was to get us out and make sure we never return. A valiant thought but now it was Amarantha's time to counter the offer.

"The second may leave but the High Lord stays, he will be your partner to do my bidding." She said and I never was more scared for another person in my life but when I thought about it I realized it was the best deal she was going to get so I sent one thing to her mind.

"Take it"

She gave Amren one last fleeting glance "You have a deal my Queen." She spoke and bowed. And as the heir of death knelt to the bitch pretending to be a queen. Amarantha just let a wolf into the sheep herd.

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