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Velaris's POV

As I ready myself for the high lord meeting, Yelena walks in with a bag I can only assume is my dress. "Is that what I think it is?" I confirm.

"No, it's just the trash bag. I had a portrait made of you." She sasses.


"Shut up, you love me."

I simply roll my eyes and continue to put coal on my eyelashes and eyelids. I also add some red lip tint to complete the look. When I turn back to Yelena, she's wearing a gorgeous red and black gown and a black diadem adorning her raven hair. With one ruby placed in the center. She looks amazing. Like a monarch. I then grab my bag and head into the bathroom to change into my dress.

Yelenas dress

Velaris's dress

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Velaris's dress

While Yelena looked like a goddess I looked like a demon

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While Yelena looked like a goddess I looked like a demon. But it made sense. Hybern soldier do call me the she-devil of Matka. Matka is the Hybern Republic's new capitol. But we were supposed to go somewhere called the day court.

...sounds whimpy.

All the courts will be there, but knowing the high lord and his entourage will be there make me want to puke.

I'm fine, this is fine.

"Quit your mental pity party! We've got important shit to do!" Yelena yelled at me. How she knew my thoughts I don't know.

"We have to do my hair and makeup." I argue back

"Exactly" she reasoned like a 15 year old girl.

The high lords are going to flip their shit.

We finished readying ourselves and headed down to the main door where the rest of the court was. Since one and two were away, we divided our work among the others. Alia came up to say goodbyes first, she embraced me which in stiffened to, then accepted after a moment. She then leaned to my ear.

"Give them hell, Darling."

"What else do I have to give?" I jested back. To which she laughed.

Thorin then came up behind us. while he was a gentle giant, he was also the scariest of us all so he was coming as protection. Although I could potentially be the deadliest in the room.

I then made my rounds to the other six and nodded at Yelena. She grabbed Thorin and I's hands and we were off.


We arrived at the most gorgeous palace I had ever seen. It was made up of columns of white marble and decorations in gold. It was very open and airy. At the base of the staircase stood a man with chocolate skin, with her black hair adorned with a halo like crown. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't handsome.

"Ladies! So happy you could join us." The high lord purrs.

"The pleasure is ours." Yelena states graciously "thank you for inviting us into your home."

"Oh this isn't my home. This is my house for state affairs. But yes it is quite lovely, just like..." he drawls as he turns to me, picking up a glass as he looks at me.

"Velaris Bryaxion, your grace." I say with a little head dip in respect. His eyes grow wide as he spits out his wine. He turned away last second but it almost got on my dress. Good day to wear red I guess.

"Oh wow, I thought you were dead."

I wish I was right now, not going to lie.

At that, Yelena stepped on my foot.

"It would appear not, but I can assure you m'lord, the person I was is as good as dead." I say not loosing eye contact with the man. We then for all intents and purposes eye fuck each other for a couple more seconds before he snaps out of it.

"Well let's get this... reunion... on the road. Shall we."

Let the games begin, motherfuckers.


Rhysand's POV
As my court and I gathered in prep for the meeting. We spoke in Helion meeting room with the other courts. Helion wanted to greet the guests at the door.

"What do you think they're like?" Mor wondered as the other courts were arriving.

"Hopefully, with some luck, fucking hot." Cassian said, which got him a punch in the arm.

Azriel was daydreaming out a window, being silent, per usual. But I could guess what was on his mind. It hasn't left his thoughts since it happens. Since she happened.

As I was about to pull him out of his dream I heard Helion barge through the door. He walked in alone which confused us all.

"Sorry guys, they're here. But I wanted to have fun and give them the grand entrance their station deserves." He said with a wink to the door, you could almost feel the eyeroll from the other side. Or maybe that was just Eris.

"Courts and company, I present Minister Thorin,  presider of agriculture." Helion stated. And in walkes in someone with more muscle than Cassian and taller that even Azriel. If this is the Minister of Agriculture I can't wait to see the general.

"Next is Her Majesty, Yelena Ichnastova chosen queen of the Hybern Republic." At that a pale, raven haired woman with molten gold eyes. I would have assumed she would come in last. Maybe she didn't want that attention. She scoured the room for someone. Then we made eye contact. She gave me such a menacing glare Feyre was in need of being held back by Cassian, who was snarling in his own right.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Azriel pale.

"And finally, the she-devil of Matka. The Cheiftess of Hybern's armies. Commander of blood and Metal." At that my face paled "the second of Hybern, Velaris Bryaxion."

And then she walked in.

Her hair had grown longer, she no longer looked small like she did in our home. Her chin was held high as she saw somewhat familiar faces. She didn't look at any of us. Except Feyre, she gave her a small smile. She was a vision in black and wore a war crown similar to Yelenas. And she let her power shine through with no restraint. Her powers. She got them back.

Only two of them she spoke into my mind. I instantly was checking my walls. I looked at her and only saw a ghost of a smile. She waited for her queen to sit before doing so herself, then Thorin sat at Yelenas right. Velaris spoke first.

"Well, now that you know that we can skip introductions. Let's get on with it, shall we?"

Then there was a chuckle at my side it was Cassian, and then he muttered "oh this is gunna be awesome."

Define awesome, Cass.

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