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Velaris' POV

I gazed into Rhysand's violet eyes in fear and curiosity. He was the one male I wanted to run from and ask every last one of my questions to. After my initial shock I remembered my training, I felt claws on my mind and instantly put my shields up as I was instructed. He seemed taken back but not shocked. But he wouldn't stop looking at me like I was some sick, feral animal that he needed to calm down.

"Velaris?" He questioned cautiously, stepping forward slowly. As if trying his best not spook me away. It's not like I have many other places to go, dipshit.

"Rhysand" I said back saying his name with curiosity and a slight amount of resentment. He seemed suprised that I had said anything at all, let alone civil-like.

"Do you remember me? Also, don't lie. Just because you can put up walls doesn't mean they're any good." He joked. I saw that it was supposed to be a joke, but I was still scared of him so I didn't take it as one. My scent changed to fear and he picked up on that quickly. He instantly stepped back a pace. Wether it was to make him or me more comfortable was never made clear. He quickly recovered and said "my apologies, Velaris. You don't remember our history, but I do. So forgive me if I make jokes as if you're the same person you were then. Speaking of Velaris, do you prefer that name? Or would you like Estrella?" He asked, I knew he was deflecting but I was willing to take the bait.

"I am most likely to respond to Estrella, but Velaris has a good ring to it so whichever you find to your liking." I said after a long bit of contemplation. While Rhysand was off putting, he seemed to be kind to me now. But I wasn't going to let what I needed slip, so I finally asked. "Why are you the first person I remember, and why didn't you help me then? Since you seem all to happy to help me now." I said. It had a snap at the end which I didn't intend that seemed to make Rhysand flinch. Even just the slightest bit.

He seemed to pause as if in a memory, and a shitty one at that. Finally he snapped out of it. "Can I just show you?" He asked tentatively. Like he was pushing a boundary.

I looked at him in the eye, they were this terrifying yet calming hue of violet. They almost glowed. I mean so did my blue ones in the light, but we're in a dimly lit room and they have a glow.

"I'm not sure, Rhysand. I just don't know if I'm ready for that ye-"

"You don't have to be, but when you are I'll show you. No questions asked. But please, don't make me talk about it. I don't know if I can form the words." He finally choked out. He got caught up on the last words and I took pity on him. Just from how he's treating me now I wanted to test his trust. To see if I could trust him in the slightest. And men just love being helpful in any way.

"Rhysand, could I ask you a favor?" He perked your at that.

"Anything, as long as you call me Rhys."

"Since you're a daemati, can you take the pain out of my back and muscles?" He seemed startled by the question. We both knew I could take the pain, but that's not what this was about. It was a olive branch.
It was to show that in some capacity, I trust him enough to help me. I just couldn't tell if it was to show him, or myself.

He nodded in confirmation So I let down the walls in my mind. I did my best to only give him access to what he needed and he didn't seem to mind. He was in and out as quick as possible and left a sense of calm there too. I wasn't ready for him to go into my memories. But my body had gone to shit anyways, there's not much he could have done to make it worse.

I felt relieved after he did that and let out a ghost of a smile. At that he grinned from ear to ear. We stayed looking at each other like that for a bit. Then I finally broke the silence. "Thank you, Rhys. That helps a lot." I said and he almost jumped up and down from excitement. God he acts more like a puppy than a high lord.

"A puppy I may be, but only for those I trust." He said. Since my back didn't hurt anymore I got up and walked over to him. Even though I was supposed to walk to him he came over to help me. I almost fell over due to the fact I didn't have to compensate for wings anymore. I thought about them being cut off and you didn't need mind reading powers to pick up on where my mind went. So he waited patiently until I was okay and back to normal.

"You trust me?" I finally registered his words.

"With my life. You don't remember it, but this entire city owes you a life debt. So I do too."

"So to sum up, I gave my memories and personality to save this city?"

"Yes" he seemed sad after that. So I tried to pull him out of that and deflect like he helped me.

"When I'm all healed, would you mind giving me a tour of the city I know nothing about but gave everything for?" I chuckled at my joke and he looked at me as if I'd grown two heads.

"I was planning on it, but hearing you ask was so much better." He purred with a grin across his face. "There are other people that you like to meet you, to thank you for what you did. Would you like to meet them?"

I paused to contemplate. "Yes, but I'm not leaving the room and the thanks are unnecessary. I am not the same girl that saved you, even if it's the same body."

"I completely understand."

"Well then, I guess you can go grab your buddi-"

I was cut off by a hoard of people crashing through the door. They all fell forward as if pushed. And behind them was Amren with a smug look on her face. Well, as smug as Amren can make her face go.

Rhys pitched the bridge of his nose and scrunched his eyes. "Dear God" he started "This is the worst idea I've ever fucking had. Velaris, meet the Court of Dreams."

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