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The Ghosts POV
I was having trouble walking around the dense forests around me. The sticks and stray rocks scraping my feet. It wasn't long after I saw a brief in the sky and my wings that I put two and two together. I rushed to the sky and flew. Flew as far as a could in the direction I began walking. No clue where it will lead me.

As I flew, intrusive thoughts scattered my mind. Am I free? What are those sparkles in the black? Could I touch them? What's my name? Who am I? What's that stuff down there?

I flew down onto to tanish ground. My feet immediately sunk in. It was cold and I didn't like it much. But it was better than my box so I can't complain. That's when I saw the endless liquid draw closer to me. And closer, until it hovered above my hand. I just stared. Was this why they put me in the box? The man and that woman? Oh god, where was the man that let this happen? Was he still alive? The woman was in pieces but what of the man? I hope I never see him again. He will probably do that to me again. Or worse! I'll just fly away. Yeah, that sounds good.

With a loud boom, I took to the skies. I had already been the way with the trees and ground. So I chose to go towards the water. After a while of flying I found land. There were lights and structures that I almost flew into. I landed far enough away for no one to see me and began to walk the streets. There were so many kinds of beings. Things I had never seen baggie and people I could've never imagined. Beautiful scales, horns, fur, and some claws adorned those around me. So my wings didn't feel far out of place, but I put them away anyway. Better safe then sorry, right?

There was a dark alleyway where I saw two men. I picked up my courage and decided to talk to the men.

"Hello, do you know of a place to find food and shelter?" I thought to ask. The queen in the other place talked about how food and shelter were all people needed to survive. So why not start there?

The man gave me a funny look, then smiled. Not genuinely, but the smile the woman gave me as she...

"Yeah I do, go down a couple blocks and find the large mansion. When the man asks why you're there, tell him that you are but a blade in the crowd, looking for a place to stay." He seemed nice, so I trusted the man.

"Thank you, kind sir." I said back plainly. I turned to leave back onto the crowded streets and had no issues finding the home in which he talked of.

I was expecting the guards to stop me as I walked up the marble steps. But they didn't so I knocked on the door. A slider on the door moved quickly and I was staring at a set of bright hazel eyes.

"What do you want?" A man asked rudely on the other side.

"I am but a blade in the crowd, in need of a place to stay." I answered. He seemed to give me a glare, assessing me from top to bottom. He reluctantly opened the door to a large foyer. Stairs on both sides leading to the floor above in a crescent shape. 

"Follow me" was all he said next. This man seemed to be very cranky. But I don't know why.

I was lead into a office where a man, sat behind a large desk. He had fluffy brown hair and piercing green eyes. The almost shined like an emerald. Strong jawline and straight nose. He was genuinely attractive. But I couldn't say that at the moment. He looked at me with the same assessing glance his colleague did. Not that I minded. I was new and I would've done the same.

"So you've come for a place to stay?" He asked. As if I didn't say the earlier. I found that repeating myself wasn't something I was fond of so I just raised one eyebrow as if to say  "really?" . He just chuckled at that. "That's fine darling, I just need to assess how good of a...blade you really are." He stated. He then got up and moved toward the door, motioning for me to follow. I did as requested and we ended up in a large room with many weapons and other equipment. He then picked up a sword and looked at me. He was well built. Taller that me, about the height of then man who stood by as my scars were made. "Pick your weapon" he stated.

I didn't know what I was doing as I picked up the twin blades. Shorter than his long sword but longer than the daggers. I was barely able to turn around when he came at me with the sword. He tried to swipe right and I easily blocked him to my dismay. Had I don't this before? Perhaps in a past life. Either way me and the man went blow for blow. Fighting each other with the same ferocity as the other. After he seemed impressed with my skill he backed off as did I.

"You surprised me. With your stature, I assumed you wouldn't have even blocked me. But I'm impressed. Stay as long as you need but you'll do jobs for us in return." I nodded my head in agreement and he stuck him hand out for me to take. I shook his hand and had begun to walk away when he turned back to me. "I never caught your name, what is it?" He asked.

My name? What's my name?

"I don't think I have one, what's yours?" I asked, maybe if he told me his I could figure out mine off of it.

"Galian, what do you mean you don't think you have a name?" What about that statement did he not get?

"What I mean, Galian, is that my memory only goes back to... well I'm not completely sure. But in none of that is there a name that anyone called me." I stated, matter of factly. For the leader of this joint he doesn't seem very smart.

"Then is it okay if I give you a name that I can call you?" He asked. Well I'd need one anyway so I nodded my head. He seemed to smile at that so I smiled back. "Alright then, I'll call you... Estrella." It means something in an old language and sounds pretty.

Estrella, I like it. I nodded my head and smiled. He seemed to give a sigh of relief. It might have been awkward had he given me a shitty name I guess.

"So Estrella, can I just call you Es?" He asked. Already wanting to shorten the name. Not that I minded. I nodded again and we began walking to a large room with a huge bed and chairs near a fireplace. There was a large shelf full of books. Maybe I know how to read like I knew how to fight?

"The room is beautiful." I said. I think it's the first words I've said since the door and Galian seemed taken aback by it. But he smiled a little when I spoke.

"I'm glad you like it. You don't have to answer but why don't you remember anything?" He asked. I wasn't completely sure myself but I told him everything I knew.

"I remember a male, with black hair and violet eyes leading me into a room with a coffin lined with wood. A woman with wine red hair cutting a symbol into my stomach and burning it shut. And then, it was black for a long time. The coffin fell and broke open. And I flew here." I explained as a stared at the floor. He seemed to stare at me as if he knew something I didn't but I didn't want to push it.

He just nodded and gave me some papers about my mission for tomorrow. He filled me in on what work I'll be doing to earn my keep. Killing for money. But he only gave me men who had taken advantage of women or children which made me feel better about it.

"Sleep well, Es. You'll need it for tomorrow." He said. He came closer as if to say or do something else, but then turned around and walked out the door.

I didn't mind, so I just sat down at the fire place. Picked up a book from the shelf. And began my long night of trying to figure out the world.


It had been a week since I left under the mountain. I had gotten home while Amren was gone to run my court but everyone else was home. Except Feyre. I wish she was here so I could introduce her to my family. But if she loves Tamlin, I'll have to step aside. I thought about everything I gave to keep my city safe. Velaris, I never thought I'd see it again. Then I remembered, and I paled.


The girl with no memory in the coffin. Made just to torment her until the end of times. I instantly winnowed to under the mountain and tried not to think of what happened down here as a charged to rescue my friend. But when I got to the coffin hanging, it was on the ground. Empty. She had escaped somehow. She had no memory, no way of retrieving her memory. And is alone and gone. I mind linked Azriel everything I knew. Hopefully he could find her. I had to plan a war, and protect my ma- Feyre.

Velaris, wherever you are. I hope you find peace.

Hey, guys. Hopefully I can pick up the pace on the story but I make no promises. Please accept this long chapter as a peace offering :')

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