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(20 year time skip) (Velaris's POV)

For the past twenty years, Amren and Bryaxis have raised and trained me. Every morning I get up, grab a few books upstairs in the library. Shooting up as fast as I can with my gigantic wine red wings, usually they make a large boom that rattles the library. No one seems to mind. I've found I'm able to make them go away at will, which is nice because I don't have to wear open back shirts all the time now. They are maybe the most important part of me. If they got cut off I don't know what I'd do.

Then when I go back downstairs I can count to Bryaxis trying so sneak attack me and we spar for about an hour. When I was younger, I would usually loose but sometimes he'd let me win. Now almost evenly matched. Neither of us hold back as we go blow for blow. Sometimes Amren comes down and we go toe to toe. The bottom of the library is perfect for sparring as it's carved from the rock. It's also pitch black so learning to fight without sight against the most ancient warriors in Prynthian history is really a nice perk.

Amren kept her promise to Bryaxis and got him his window. I have also made it my door in and out of the cave. It's big enough for me to fit through if I curl my wings around me as I fly through. So I spend some of my days in the city. Usually at a small bar called Rita's. Rita is really nice and I then grab the blood she has left over for Amren. I'll also grab her favorite spices from the market and bring it to her home, where we focus on my magic.

Most days we spend shadow-singing, as I live in a dark cave so that's the easiest. We also work on my water skills but mostly how I can use the water in blood to make people do what I want. When we figured out that I could do the blood magic, Amren let me play with her cups before we moved to animals and finally some fae but never enough to make them notice. Just so I can feel their bodies and how to stop their hearts. I know how but I've never done it and I hope I never have to.

Then instead of winnowing, the mother decided I was better suited for storms. When I was flying one day I got hit my a lighting bolt and absorbed it's energy. So I'm now able to control lightning. When Bryaxis found out I got hit he was livid at Amren. Their battle was legendary! But I had to fly to the top of the library to stay out of their forceful blows.

Tonight marks my 25th starfall, we don't know when my actual birthday is so we just go off the day I showed up, which was two days before starfall. I'm now 25 or so and I'm done maturing. So now all eternity awaits me. Which is weird to think about because I barely remember anything from my old life, except the scar running down my body. The healers got my face healed but my body... different story. Ironic the only night I remember there was the last one.

"Bry... care to make a deal?" I asked. I wanted to see Starfall but Amren was out of town so I don't know if he'd let me. Maybe a deal would make him more lenient with his decision.

"Not need my dear, have fun and stay safe!" He laced the last word with enough venom to take down an Illyrian legion.

"When haven't I been safe?" I sarcastically question.

"I don't need to answer that, we each have at least 100 stories of your recklessness. I doesn't matter if it was to help other either." Okay, he got me there. I'll admit it. But I like fighting for the underdog so I didn't take offense.

"Ohmygosh THANK YOU DAD!!" I screamed. We both stilled. I've never called him my dad ever. I mean he raised me, taught me how to shave my legs, and bought me period supplies. But never had I called him dad. But I wasn't going to take back my words either.

"...you're welcome..." he said. He seemed uncomfortable but didn't back away from my embrace as I hugged him so fiercely it was like the last time. Then what he said next changed everything.

"My daughter..."


I gave him a small peck on the cheek and took to the skies. Through that small window Auntie Amren gave me and dad. Dad... I like it. 

I didn't know where else to go so I went to Rita's where I was unsurprisingly greeted with open arms.

"Elentiya!" Rita greeted. She came over for a hug which I returned with equal vigor. "No aunt today?" Amren would alway bring me out for Starfall. But she said she had business so I have no choice but to trust her. Amren doesn't lie, she doesn't have the time or energy for it.

"Nope, here alone tonight!" I exclaimed. Although I miss her dearly, I am loving my newfound freedom. I breath of fresh air after I while in a cave is nice.

"There's a group of three over there, I think you'll fit in with them just fine." The Illyrians and the blonde one in red were whom she spoke of. I'd seen them around town and they seemed nice enough so I went over to chat with them.

"Hi, Rita sent me over. I figured I'd at least try to talk to you guys so she doesn't pity me all night." I giggled after that, giggled. God I hated how that felt but I was nervous so I guess I'll play it off.

"A friend of Rita's is a friend of ours." The blonde in red spoke cheerfully. I had only heard one sentence from her and I already knew we'd get along just fine.  "The one with red syphons is Cassian, General of pains in the asses." I smirked at that. "And the one in blue is Azriel, I guess you could say he's kinda shady." I smiled from ear to ear. That's one way to talk about a shadow-singer. A powerful one at that if he can keep them near at all times.

The blue one, Azriel, looked at me and we made eye contact. His eyes were a gorgeous shade of amber. And his syphons were the shade of my eyes with a little more glow.

"A pleasure." I said unsure of how to start a conversation with the handsome male. He seemed quiet, reserved rather. Like a puzzle you just needed to solve to see a beautiful picture.

"Likewise." He said in a deep rich voice. Oh what I would give to hear that voice everyday.

"Oh please, it's barely ever a pleasure to see him. Now me in the other hand dear, you would have the pleasure every time I see you." The one in red, Cassian, flirted. Little did he know the pleasure he spoke of I had never felt. So it was easy to deny him for the sake of the joke and for the others at the table. I knew him from Bryaxis's stories of when a few bold males came down to pay him a visit.

"Apologies, Cassian, but I think my father wouldn't care for you much. It would never work out." Honesty is sometimes the best comeback you can make.

"And who may that be pray tell?" He asked. I loved it when they were cocky. It was more fun to scare them.

"The monster you see in your worst nightmares..." I'm no daemati but I had a gut feeling I was right. He paled as I let the shadows come out to play. But Azriel perked is head up at me. He just found someone like him.

"How?" Was all the hazel eyed male said. I felt compelled to explain myself.

"I was raised at the bottom of the library, the dark was my imaginary friend as a child, Until it decided to talk back one day." He simply nodded his head. But Cassian just figured out the monster I referred and it clicked for everyone else. So I now had to explain further. "I fell into this world at the age of five. Amren found me and brought me to Bryaxis who took me in as his own, I am the monsters charge and he is the closest thing I've ever had to a father. A family even."

My shadows started going frantically as Azriels did. We could understand each other's shadows as well as our own so it wasn't hard to figure out what they were saying. But to whom the statements belonged made me pale.

"Amren is in trouble, and she is scared."
"Help her"

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