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Velaris's POV:

I sit down slowly and take in the room. All the courts and their inner circle's or families sit beside each high lord. I make eye contact with all but two. When I finally look at Rhysand, I put about 100 years of anger and resentment into my eyes. Finally, I turn to Night's High Lady.

"No mummy dearest?" I question.

"You know Amren doesn't like to play dress up and fake a smile." Feyre says. We both smile at the wide eyes around the room. I snicker a little before I glance at Beron and Eris. They are staring at me like they can't place me.

"Miss me boys? I say. I link my... fond memories of the two to them and they pale a little.

"Alright that's enough play time, Vela." Yelena says and finally starts the meeting. "If I remember correctly, we were summoned for an alliance?"

Helion speaks first. "Yes your majesty, we believe-"

"Yelena is fine." My queen interjects with a warm smile.

"Yelena... we believe that with your farmland and some added trade we will be able to not only build Prynthian, but Hybern as well. We also ask that we attempt to integrate our armies so they are able to work together."

"Absolutely not" I instantly snap. All eyes turn to me. " if we do that, you'll know how we train. You'll know our males, their lives and stories, they'll form connections with people. And when you... Prynthianites inevitability betray us, my armies will have to fight against their friends." When I finish, I find myself looking directly at the night court. Rhys is tapping at my mind's walls but I refuse to let him in. never again.

"I agree with my second in accordance with the armies, unless you all are willing to make a standing army as a united Prynthian. No court armies." Crickets... but I saw that coming.

"But Yelena, we are facing war on the continent, the queens-"

"She said no integrated armies, not that we wouldn't grant you aid." I said harshly. "One, I am in charge of the armies... so look at me when you speak of war. Secondly, if anyone is to lead Hybernian forces to fight and die, it will be me." At this I heard a growl from the opposite end of the table.

Ohhhhhhh here we go.

"Something to add, Shadowsinger?" I question without ending eye contact with Helion.

"Apologies, Velaris. He's a bit on edge today-" Rhysand tries to say on his behalf

"YOU DO NOT" I breathe and calm down. "You do not get to speak to me at this table, if the court has something to say, the women at you table can speak fine enough."

Tamlin snorts softly and begins to mumble "Feyre can say something intellige-"

As I slam my hand down, Tamlin's head whips to the table with a crack. I hold his head down for a moment to make my point. "Hush, Child, the adults are talking ." I let his head up.

"You little-"

"What, Bitch?" I snort. "My people call me a she-devil as a compliment. Your little boy insults won't work at my table." I look to Yelena quickly attempting to not laugh. Same with Cassian. Finally, I turn back to inspect my handy work. "Hmmm... it would seem I didn't hit you head hard enough." Just then, I use the blood in his face to break his nose.

All the courts prepare to attack, or try to before I hold them all hostage with my power.

Rhysand's POV

I made this. I created this...monster.

As she has the entire room frozen save her court, Yelena walks to her side.

"Vela, we are trying to make friends, not enemies."

"I know" she replies "I've just been wanting to do this for 100 years." Honestly, I can't blame her.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, she lets us go. When she does one of the Autumn boys launches at her and she easily dodged and he knocked himself out but hitting his head on a wall. She simply giggles like a schoolgirl and sits back down.

"Well I'd say. That's enough excitement for one day" Yelena recovers. "I'd say we all head to our homes or rooms" she says with a smile. Velaris is the first to leave the room. I didn't even know fae could move that fast.

Feyre's POV:

I go out second after Velaris, I look over to her queen who simply nods at me. With her permission I follow the general. I find her on the west facing balcony. I walk up to her knowing she is aware of my presence. I say nothing. I simply sit there with her.

Finally, when I wrap an arm around the fire haired female, her icy eyes turn to me.

And the girl crumbles.

She fold into my shoulder and cries onto me like a daughter would to a mother after a heartbreak. Like a woman who was brave for too long. Like a tired, scared girl she wasn't allowed to be.

Finally, when she's done crying, she falls asleep on my shoulder. I mind link the one person her instincts need for her to calm down. He's there in seconds.

"She fell asleep, help me get her to her room?" I whisper.

The Shadowsinger simply nods.

He picks her up and I watch him study her face. When he sees her red puffy eyes he frowns. Then he's back to stone.

We reach the Hybern rooms quickly, I softly knock of the door and her majesty answers in... fuzzy pajamas.

"Is she okay?" She whispers.

"Yes" I answer back "she cried herself to sleep and she's out"

The queen smiles at the general, and who's carrying her. "Good, she doesn't get much sleep these days. Or food for that matter." Azriel and I both frown. "Just set her on the couch, we've got it from here."

So, the Shadowsinger sets his mate on the couch, gives her forehead the most feather light of kisses, And fades into his shadows once more.

Before I winnow away I warn "just so you know Yelena, he probably won't leave the room, but he won't bother you."

The queen giggled "figures" she said with a shrug. I gave her a small nod before I winnowed away.

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