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Too hot.

Too hot.

Too hot.

When I got up to try to find mommy and daddy I went to their bedroom first. Because if daddy has too much happy juice or if mommy smells too much snow they usually fall asleep faster. When I got to their door it was really hot but I was scared and wanted to see them so I opened the door anyway.

When I went into the room they weren't there, but it smelled like a barbecue and was warmer than the rest of the house which was far too hot anyway. But that's when I noticed the fire. The nice fireman at school told me to never stay close to it and if you see smoke to get close to the floor. But mommy and daddy were in there and I wanted to see them. They were in there bed and I tried to wake them up. Daddy didn't wake up so I tired Mommy.

"Mommy wake up!" I said, maybe if I said it happy she would do it. That's how it works on the play ground. She didn't wake up so I tried again. " Mommy, wake up." I yelled. Now I was really, really scared. But I was five and a half so I was a big girl and big girls don't get scared. So I screamed and begged for them to wake up but nothing came and then I finally thought about when grandma went to heaven and never came back.

That's what Mommy and Daddy did. They're gone. They left me. They won't be coming back. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.

So there I sat, surrounded by flames. Hoping if I screamed loud enough, Mommy and Daddy would come back. But they didn't.

That's when I felt the sizzle on my face and everywhere. Like when I put my hand on the curler but wayyyyyy worse!! So I left the room. But I really didn't want to cause Mommy and Daddy were still in there but I had to go. So I got up and went to their door, somehow I knew this was the last time in there so I said "bye bye momma, bye bye daddy, I love you!". They never said it back...

When I went back to my room I started wailing like a banshee because my everything hurt REALLY BAD so I went out to the snow hoping to cool off. So I opened to door with all my big girl strength and went to the snow bank. I'm so happy Christmas was soon! Hopefully I don't have to spend it with those weird people who ask about why mommy smells the snow that doesn't melt. They didn't give me hot chocolate. They were meanies.

When I got outside I felt something in me, not the burns but something else. There was a flash and all of the sudden I was in the night sky. There were so many fun colors up there! And all the pretty stars!! But the I felt falling, and then remembered Daddy would catch me so I started screaming. That's what my teacher told me to do if I was in trouble. So I did it. And then as I almost hit the ground, a small lady with scary eyes stopped me. But she didn't catch me. That last thing I remembered were her scary silver eyes.


When I woke up I was in a nice house on a really comfy couch. And next to me was the small lady with the scary eyes, but she didn't look mean. She looked happy in her own way. Like a cat who is happy just to sit in the sun. But when I moved her eyes moved to me and the nice lady smiled. A really scary smile, but she was trying to help so it's was okay that she was scary.

"Hello child, my name is Amren. Do you know where you are?" She hummed. I like her voice, it's almost like two people are speaking at the same time! That's really cool.

"Um, no I don't know" I said because I don't know where we are but it smells better than home and has wayyyyy prettier colors!! The greens are greener and the sky almost looks alive!

"You are in Velaris, and where are your parents?" She questioned. I remembered the fire and felt my face because I couldn't feel the hotness anymore but my face felt like a raisin so I was confused but that's okay.

"There was a fire and they wouldn't wake up." I replied. That's when I remembered they weren't coming back and started to cry. The nice lady looked at me as if she knew what it felt like to have someone not come back, and she grabbed me a blankie.

"It's okay Elentiya, you're safe now." She said. Weird, Mommy used to call me that. She said it was from her favorite book and it meant "Spirit that couldn't be broken". I really liked it so I wasn't mad at the nice lady.

"Would you like to stay in the city Elentiya?" The nice lady queried. And because momma and daddy weren't coming back I had no one so I answered.

"YES!!! OH CAN I CAN I  PLEASEEEEEEE?"  I screamed. Amren nodded her head and gave me a "you're in trouble" look.

"Okay, we'll be going into the city in a little bit. I have the perfect place for you to stay!" The nice lady- I mean Armen- I mean Amren said. And she gave me a really pretty blue dress to wear. And I matching blue jacket!! It worked nice cause it matched my eyes and made my red hair look really cool!

When we went into town, we got ice cream and cookies! People gave me weird stares, I think it was because the nice lady didn't look all that nice anymore. But that's okay, she's nice on the inside and that's what counts!

Then, We went to a HUGE library with a bunch of ladies who had faces like me, that looked like raisins. But Amren led me down to the bottom but told me to hide behind a book shelf.

"Bryaxis, I have a bargain for you..." Amren said. She didn't seem as nice anymore but that's okay.

"And what is it my dear..." an old voice said. He sounded funny, I like him.

"I'm exchange for a window, you have to take my charge. A young girl, fae. Powerful even at five years old, And a world-walker." Amren answered. I don't know who she's talking about but she sounds reallyyyy cool!

"...done..." the old voice said. I wish I could hear him talk all the time.

"Elentiya, come over here" Amren cooed. And I shyly stood behind her. This guy seemed scary but when I saw him I wasn't that scared. But I still stood my ground. "This is Bryaxis, he'll be in charge of taking care of you along with the ladies upstairs. Is you need anything ask me and I'll give you the money for it, and if you want to sleep over at the house you have to ask me first okay?" Amren explained. " also if you want to go upstairs to the books just fly up okay?" I didn't know what she meant until she tapped on a wing. I HAD WINGS?!?! This is sooooo amazing!!

"Okay!!" I said happily. I was exited to meet new friends with the raisin ladies like me and my new shadow buddie!

When Amren left it was just me and the monster guy so he talked first.

" Hello dearest one, my name is Bryaxis. I live down at the bottom of this library and I like to read. What's your name?" He asked.

What was my name, could I change it? " ummm I don't like my name, can I change it?" I asked him because he's was my dad now I guess, and the small nice lady was my new Mommy.

"You can be anything you want my little Phoenix." He purred, he talks like a supervillain. I like him.

" Isn't the name of the city pretty? What is it again?" I ask.

"Velaris, city of starlight" he answers.

"Then I want my name to me Velaris Elentiya" I said without missing a beat. 

" Then it is my greatest honor to meet you, Velaris Elentiya." He said with the upmost authority.

Oh, I'm going to love it here...

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