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I woke up with the worst damn headache of my life. I was in a dark cell in the dungeon. I couldn't quite remember why I was here. Then it hit me, fucking fantastic.

I remembered the mission, the set up by Amarantha, Rhys helping me out, Eris. I can't decide if he's a prick or a prick just for show. That has yet to be seen.

I heard footsteps coming closer and I paled. This was it is all I could think. When I saw Rhys, I calmed down a little. But as soon as I saw his face the anxiety came right back.

"Amarantha put a binding spell on my powers... all of them." He looked so defeated. So... done. I didn't know what to say but then I checked for my powers. Gone as well.

"What's her next move?" I asked. I genuinely didn't know what she was going to do. But if Rhys's and my powers were bound... I'm fucked.

"She's going to kill you, or worse." He said. As bluntly as possible. I was scared out of my mind but at least he told me. "I was told to come and retrieve you for... questioning."

No, this can't be happening. She'll find my name. The city. The truth. Anything if I can't hold out.

He chained me and put a hand on my back as we walked down the hallway. The smallest amount of comfort he could give me. Then he made eye contact with someone and he rushed me down another hallway. I was confused.

"This is a friend Alia, she is who trained me in my demati abilities. She is giving you the option to take away memories so you won't break under torture." I was in shock, if Amarantha finds out. Alia was dead for sure.

What do I say? Yes? No? If I do I won't know why I'm being tortured so I'll die scared and confused, but if I don't I might give away serious information. The night court would be over, because of me.

"Do it, but leave me with the reason I'm doing it." I finally said. It doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Alia finally spoke. " I'm sorry sweetie, it doesn't work like that." Well, this should be.... greeeeaaaaat.

"Do it anyway." Was all I said. She was getting ready when Rhys put up a hand as if to say one moment.

"Are you sure? I know this is the smartest choice but there is still a choice." Whoever gets Rhys when I'm gone is one lucky son of a bitch.

"Yes" was all I said. I knew I wouldn't remember him after this and he knew it too. So I took the time to tell him everything I wanted to say. "Rhys, tell Amren that I'm sorry. Tell her that I wasn't afraid at the end. Tell her I raised the hell she taught me too. And thank you. For this. You'll get out one day I just know it. You'll make a life for yourself and find love. You'll get heartbroken and find love again after that. But live. Live for both of us and hold out hope. And... happy Starfall."

He just stared at me. The hallway was dark and I couldn't see his face. But I swear I saw a tear roll down his face. It took everything in me to not cry right now. I had to stay strong while I still knew how.

"Happy Starfall, Velaris." Was all he said. And even with that he choked up a little.

We both looked at Alia and I nodded my head. Then she put her hands on my head and looked at Rhys. He nodded his head and she began her work.

I saw her personality leave her eyes. I wish it could have been me that she last saw as herself. But this is the best I could do to keep my court safe. Amarantha bound my powers so I had to call someone else in. Now Vela just stared at me blankly. And I was the cause.

"Could you follow me darling?" I asked her, she just nodded her head and followed. This was torture for not just her but for me too. The closest thing I had to a friend down here was gone. This is a shell of a ghost. Velaris Bryaxson died in that hallway. This is... nothing.

We got to the room where Amarantha does her interrogations. It was almost empty except her, a knife, and a stone coffin lined with ash wood. Couldren have mercy.

"Ghost! Lovely of you to join us. Please step in the coffin." I saw Vela- the ghost stiffen. I guess we'll have to call her the ghost now because that's all she is, a ghost of a past life. A ghost of a friend. She looked up at me and I nodded my head saying that it was okay.


She walked up to the coffin and was shoved into it. She looked at me scared as Amarantha walked up to her with the knife. And carved and ancient rune into her stomach. The screams and cries she made will haunt me forever. When Amarantha was done, she lit a candle and heated up the knife and went over her work with the glowing knife. Effectively closing it. It didn't hit me what it was until I saw it.

The immortality rune. With that on you, you don't have to eat. Or sleep. And life forever. You can be killed but starvation, sleep deprivation, even drowning can't kill you. Around it she was adorned in common Illyrian tattoo markings all around her torso.

She was about to lock the door on the coffin, plunging what was left of Vela into eternal darkness and confusion when she turned to me. "Any last words for the member of your court?" She sneered. I didn't know what to say that wouldn't give anything away but still could give her answers. Then I remembered an old night court saying.

"Look to the night sky, the three stars crowning the mountain will guide the way." Amarantha just looked at me and rolled her eyes as she shut the lid. Plunging the shell of Velaris into darkness.


I've known nothing but darkness. Nothing since I saw that man and woman. It was all a blur. And then... nothing. Nothing since. I tap the sides of my box to get through my boring time in here. It's nice when I can force myself to sleep. Not that I need it. I could hear but sometimes I didn't want to. Sometimes there was screaming or some lady I've made out to be the leader in here bragging about defeating a ghost and getting a trophy, whatever the hell that means. The was a girl named Feyre that came along and freed everyone from the queen. Then long after the world had gone quiet. I heard something snap and I got this sinking feeling and hit something... hard. That's when I saw something very bright. I was scared to leave my box because the last time I was out I got the scar on my stomach from the scary lady. But regardless I pushed with all my might in the lid. There was nothing. I was in a large room alone.

I saw the scary lady that made my scar and I went back in the box. But she didn't move. So I got out again and saw she was in pieces. So being brave, I left everything I know in search of the only other thing I knew.

The three stars crowning the mountain...

Hey guys! I'm alive! Sorry it's been slow. But I'm a junior in high school so spring is like the worst for me haha. But I hope you like this. I tried to stay true to completely clueless of the world but it's tough. Hope you liked the twist.

-sincerely, plot twist

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