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Velaris' POV

The two at the bottom of the man pile recovered slower than the two at the top. Not only because they were at the bottom, but they seemed to have a flare for dramatics. Not that I minded. I found it almost as amusing as Amren did, almost.

The two on the bottom were one male and one female. The male was a tall, large winged Illyrian with seven red syphons.

Dear Mother, I thought what kind of damage could this man make?

Rhysand then laughed. I knew them he was in my mind.

"What's so funny?" I teased.

"I'll tell you about it later." He said but I knew it was probably a funny story about the big guy doing something stupid with his overload of power.

The other person on the bottom of the pile was a gorgeous blonde female with a very flattering red dress on. She was staring at me with almost adoration with a hint of embarrassment. I knew instantly we would get along.

The two in the back had almost a regal aura surrounding them. The male also had a dark aura around him... literally, the bitch had shadows surrounding him like a tree has limbs, but the limbs were fluid. He has the same amount of syphons as the male with the man-bun but they were almost the color of my eyes. He was staring at me with assessing eyes that felt like they reached my soul. He gaze felt like someone tied a string to my gut and pulled, hard. And I think he felt it too. But the only inclination of that was his eyes opened just the slightest.

The last one, a female with dirty blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. Equally as beautiful as the blonde but with a much more regal air about her. And her scent was attached the Rhysand's. This was his mate, and my High Lady.

I looked them all over again as they stared at me. None of them except the shadowy one seemed like they would be any harm so I looked at Rhys and thought about sitting back down on my bed to rest my muscles while I talked to the people. He instantly helped me over to the bed and helped me sit in a sitting position comfortable for my back.

"So, we'll get this show on the road. I'm... Velaris, I guess. I think I'm about 80? I have no memory of like 25 of them and for 50 I was stuck in a box, so if any of you pull some bullshit on me I'll kick your ass."

The man-bun guy snickered and introduced  himself next "Call me Cassian, I'm the general of the Illyrian armies and that weirdo's" he pointed at Rhysand "best friend" The one in shadows rolled his eyes at Cassian and it didn't go unnoticed by me. The blonde went next

"Hello Velaris, my name is Morrigan. I'm in charge of the Hewn City and am third to Rhysand. Thank you for what you did for the ci-" she tried to say, but I quickly cut her off.

"Don't thank me, the female you really need to thank isn't here. She never will be again. So let's skip the thank you's and just go with introductions for now." She just stared at me for a moment, nodded graciously and stepped to the side for the almost brunette to step forward.

"Hi! My name is Feyre. I'm High Lady of the night court, and Rhys's mate. He's told me so much about you... I hope we can be friends." She said in almost a motherly tone. She and I knew the person she wanted to get to know was all but dead. But it was hard to say no to her, Rhys knew it too because they both wore the same expression. Not pity, but understanding. Of sadness and mourning.

There was a long pause before I barely whispered, "I'd like that" and she was practically glowing and stepped aside for the last person to talk to me.

When he moved forward to greet me I flinched a little. Rhys was instantly there with a grip on my shoulder. I waved him off and beckoned the sadow male over. He sat down next to me unlike everyone else. He chose to get on my level so we could talk as equals. The action didn't go unnoticed so I sent him a warm smile and he did the same back. Everyone else in the room was a little stunned, but said nothing.

"Hello,Velaris." He said in a deep raspy voice that could make any female soul their panties. "My name is Azriel. I am the spymaster for the Night Court and am Rhys's personal Shadowsinger."

"So that's what you call..." I gestured to the shadows around him. One of them took notice and wrapped itself around me like a snake, working it's way around my arm. It then moved to my neck, then down my other arm and lingered around my left ring finger before getting pulled back by it's master. Azriel then blushed the faintest bit.

"I'm sorry if it frightened you, sometimes they don't behave." He said while scratching the back of his neck and finding my bookshelf extra intriguing. When he did so I caught a glimpse of tattoos sneaking out of his collar line.

"It's alright" I said, "The shadows, they felt different from last time. These one were nice, warm, and inviting."

Rhysand finally came back into view. "I'm sorry, what does 'from last time' mean?" He questioned harshly.

"The male who... cut off my wings" the males in the room flinched. "Had the same power as Azriel." Azriel whipped his head to me. Whether it was because of what I said or the fact that I said his name I don't know. "He was a Shadowsinger."

Cassian just looked at Rhys and Azriel and mumbled "Holy fucking shit" and Rhys hummed in agreement.

Amren who had been silent this whole time finally asked, "Is he still alive?" At this Azriel whipped his head to me to gage me reaction.

I looked down to the bed sheets and answered "...very much so" and Rhys, Amren, and surprisingly Azriel all growled in tandom. The whole inner circle looked at each other and then Rhysand in silent conversation before Rhysand turned to me and gave me a look of fury I know was directed at me before he said.

"Not for long, Velaris darling, Not. For. Long."

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