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Time Skip: Post ACOFAS

Az's POV
For years my shadows have searched Prynthian and the continent for even a scrap of what happened to Rhysand's ghost. And they found absolutely nothing, until today.

I was looking at my newly made map thanks to Rhys's deep fucking pockets. When one of the shadows whispered in my ear. "Velaris is alive, assassin on the continent." "Estrella" was all it said.
I instantly mind-linked Rhys that I got a lead on Velaris. He winnowed into the room immediately in distress.

"Where is she?"  He asked urgently

"Somewhere in the continent, she is an assassin that goes by the name Estrella." I stated.

"What's our next move?"

"One, we make friends and bring her back willingly. Two we kidnap her. Three we make you a target and get her here that way. Or we could just make sure she's okay and be happy with that because you royally fucked up and she probably doesn't want to see you again? Just a thought." I said

"But we only had each other down there" I watched my friend go back under the mountain mentally for what felt like the millionth time.

"Rhys, I know you love her. But I would like to remind you that she only remembers you from the room where she was tortured and in her eyes, did nothing to save her." I watched as Rhysand visibly flinched. "Second, she is an assassin. Given the facts previously stated, she'll probably try to kill you on sight."

"I know that, dipshit." He stated while rolling his eyes.

"Well you better have a great plan, your high lordiness" I chirped back. I was usually quiet around family or anyone else but when it was just Rhysand and I, I felt like my opinions, even the bad ones. We're taken into account. Then I remembered one more important thing.

"Hey Rhys?"


"Who's going to tell Amren her kid's alive?"


Rhysand's POV

I had called a family dinner to report the news. I mind linked everyone but Amren the news so we were all prepared for whatever outcome happens. I wore a normal black suit and Feyre wore loose pants and a crop top in the darkest shade of blue imaginable. But she always stunned me in whatever she wore, especially when what she wore was nothing.

I welcomed everyone into the estate. Most everyone were their cheery selves. Except for Cassian. As I went in to hug him he whispered "Your ass is grass, brother." And I chuckled, but in reality, I knew he would be right. If I didn't tread with caution.

We all were sitting for dinner when Amren waltzed in. Silence ate the room like a beast. She sat down and felt the tension in the room and glared my way. We all knew even just a little bit, she was colder after we thought Velaris was dead. Whatever emotions were there died when she did.

"Spit it out, boy." She stated

"Amren, I think you should calm down first. This news isn't light and cheery." I added cautiously.

"Does it look like I care? Spit. It. Out."

"...Velaris is aliv-"

"DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH ME RHYSAND" when she raised her voice, the house rumbled. It was a reminder to us and the world of what she was. And what she is still capable of.

"I'm not, she worked as an assassin on the continent. Under the alias Estrella."

She seemed to go into deep contemplation over this. While she did the table took the time to calm themselves and try to decrease the silent tension in the room. Amren finally looked up from her goblet, no longer was it filled with blood. But wine did suit her tastes. She looked me in the eye but it felt more like my soul.

"What's the plan to get her back?"

"We we're going to send either you, Mor, or Azriel to go get her. Since you have the strongest bond with her, we wanted to know if you would be willing". She contemplated for a moment.

"I'll do it, I leave now."

I got up from my chair, knowing she'd want me to winnow her. As we walked out of the dining room, she looked up to me with glossy eyes. And I assumed my eyes looked the same.

We winnowed to where the pull was the strongest to her. We found a sizable mansion in white. With guards at the door. I turned to face Amren, and said my only command I ever gave my second.

"Bring her home."

"Of course, my lord" she put her right fist to her heart. Common salute enough in Illyria, but I never thought I would see it coming from her. It shocked me enough to not form words. So I simply nodded and winnowed home.


Amrens POV

I walked up to the building guilded in white. I felt the tug of power and assumed she was there. The guards seemed to scared to tell me to leave. Good I thought at least they have some form of intelligence.

A man, maybe Rhysand's age, walked up to me. He had this lighter brown hair and blue eyes. But that didn't matter.

"Where is Estrella?" I demanded.

"Who's asking?" He countered.

"Her mother, I've come to take her home"

He paused, shocked by the revelation. But then almost seemed as if he put a puzzle piece together.

"You know, she's had dreams of silver glowing eyes. I just assumed it was a nightmare. But this makes more sense."

She remembers. At least she remembers something.

"Where is she boy, I will not be asking again."

"Her room recovering. I warn you though, it's not pretty. I don't know if she can respond yet, she's grieving."

"Greiving what?"

"... see for yourself"

I bolted up the stairs until I smelled her scent. Then I opened the door. What I saw shook my core.

Velaris, asleep on her back with bandages. Too many bandages.

And no wings.

They cut off my daughters wings.

And whipping scars, among others. Whoever touched her is as good as dead.

I mindlinked Rhysand that I got her. He came right away and saw her. His eyes got as big as saucers.

"This wasn't supposed to be how I found her. Not like this. Never like this"

He picked her up and winnowed us away back to the town house. When we got back it was sunrise. I was gorgeous hues of pink and orange. We got her as comfortable as possible while she slept. I sat down by her bedside in the townhouse, and watched as the city sunrise welcomed her home.

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