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Velaris's POV


I know that word, that holiday.

My memories came flooding back like a tsunami. It was probably the most overwhelming moment of my life. I knew I was mumbling something but I didn't know if it made sense. Then I looked up, at him.

Rhy fucking sand ...

I was in a state of confusion considering the last week has been the biggest brain fuck of my life. Not only that, I remembered they just kinda stole me from my job, my new family, people that would prefer me alive. But that's not the point I guess.

I watched Rhys. pale looking at me, and as soon as I lunged  everything went black.

Velaris's dream lol

I was in a cell, talking to Rhys about our choices with me and dealing with Amarantha. I felt a headache for a second and just assumed it was dehydration. Then I spoke the idea of me erasing my memory.

Looking back there was only one thing that could have been...

When I woke up after reliving almost every conversation Rhys and I had, I was pissed. Also angry and sad and happy all at once.
And Azriel beside me had the same look when I turned to his face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked in a dark husky voice. In a different situation, that voice could make a girls panties drop so fast.

Stay on task you horny bastard

"Ummm I'm not sure" is all I could say.

"Whatever you feel ready to say, I'll listen to." He replied, not a hint of anything but sincerity in his voice.

"... Rhys was like... my brother, protecter, and only friend down there. Almost every time he and I talked I can recall getting a headache." At this Azriel's eyes grew wide, confirming what I assumed. "Now I don't know what was my ideas, my thoughts, my likes, dislikes, things that made me happy, well me. Was I always I pawn down there? What did I do down there that I was in control of? I'm second guessing who I was, every choice I made leading to that coffin. What of my fate was I in control of? How much of Rhys and my friendship was fabricated? How much was real? Did he ever care? I-"

My breathing started to quicken. I couldn't make cohesive sentences anymore. I was a crying, hyperventilating mess on a bed. On top of that, Rhys power began to wear off and I was starting to feel my back again. So I looked at Azriel, felt that rope in my gut and pulled hard, trying to send one thing down it to whoever could hear.

Knock me out, please

And then it all went black.

Azriel's POV

Knock me out, please

My gut wrenched as I made her go unconscious. My mate, in so much pain. Physically and mentally, all because of my brother. The one person accepted me and gave me a home, a family, is the reason my mate is in pain. As soon as I assured her safety, I stormed out the room and went to the couch to cool off.

My high lady found me with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. Pulling at the Onyx strands donning my head. I looked her in the eyes and asked her where Rhys was with as much control as I could. She wouldn't tell me and simply walked up to check on Vela. I went flying to clear my thoughts.

Why did all these horrible things have to happen to her? I ask. First Under the Mountain, then mother knows what on the continent, and now getting her memories back and realizing she was a pawn in a game she didn't know she was playing.

I stay out flying long into the night. When I do finally get back to the house, I overhear Feyre's voice and the one I've come to be enthralled with as well.

"I just want to go home." I hear Vela whisper, her voice cracks at the end into a sob. My heart cracks a little with it.

"Are you sure?" I hear Feyre ask. No, Nonononono.

"...please, My lady."

By the time I open the door to Vela's bedroom, they're gone.


We winnow into the foyer of the mansion with Gavin pacing around the room like a madman. He's always done that when he's anxious. When he feels another presence in the room, he whips his head around faster than a human should be able to. "...Stell?" He questions. Not even sure if what he's seeing is real.

"Hey Gav." I say with half a smile, it's hard to give him a better reaction when I'm still in a fuckton of pain (thanks for the new curses, Cassian.)

He comes rushing towards me and puts me in a bone crushing hug. I see Feyre walk up to my side, I turns to face her. In hopes to never face Rhys again.

"Tap your tattoo three times if you ever need anything, me, Amren or Morrigan should respond." The high lady commanded. I didn't talk long with Morrigan but Feyre trusts her and that's good enough for me. The tattoo was a deal we all made, that if something went wrong in life we would contact each other. Amren only joined so she could have a direct line to each of us without high lord involvement. Cant say I disagreed.

"I will" I said, motioning to the snake traveling up my sternum. The high lady took that as enough, gave me a sisterly hug, and winnowed away.

I turned to Gavin, who was watching all this go down. And he motioned for me to follow him. When we got to his office he slammed the door, grabbed me by the shirt and pulled until our lips crashed together. Our body's moved in sync with each other as we made our way to his desk, where he grabbed my ass and lifted me onto it. We kept going until he went to take off my shirt. That when I broke the kiss.

"Darling, if you wanted it to go this way, you would have taken me to the bedroom. Why are we in your office?" I said, quirking an eyebrow.

"I have a job for you, babygirl." He said into my neck.

"And what is it this time?"

"A small island west of Prynthian is trying to rebuild itself post defeat. Their new leader is a small woman elected by the people. They held an election and chose her to rule until death. She asked for you to be her general in exchange for the return of your powers. I already told her you accepted."


"... huh?"

As I said that, Gavin grabbed my hand and winnowed me into a decently sized throne room and quick winnowed out before I could yell at him. That motherfuc-

"I see the first member of my cabinet had arrived." A rich, melodic, female voice said.

"I'm sorry, I was told about the job before you name was brought up. Care to give me a run down before I try to escape?" I said.

"My name is Yelena, that's all you need to know for now. You are acting commander of my armies. Against all enemies to my kingdom. How you run things is up to you. I am the only person you now report to. If you impress me you will become my second in command and sucessor to my crown. Are we clear Velaris?"

"How do you know my real name?"

"Unimportant right now, let's change the world first, maybe kick some ass, then we'll talk details. You in?"

I might actually like this job...

"Let's dance, your Majesty."

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