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(Velaris's POV)

When I woke up the next morning after the name change, Bryaxis was right there. He was the one the woke me up and began to speak first after breakfast.

"You will wake up every day at this time, you'll go up stairs and pick out a book to read each day and we will begin training today as well." He commanded " I know this might not be what you want to do all day but you have a lot of power you don't know how to control and I want you to be the fastest flyer in the night court." He finished. I was completely okay with that. I loved books and the idea of fighting was awesome! The boys at school did it all the time.

"Okay, can I go pick out a book now?" I asked.

"Of course my darling." He countered.

I ran up the spiral ramp as fast as my lags could go. It was so much fun leaving the dark and slowly making back into the light, the faster I went the cooler it looked. When I found all the shelves I was really confused as to find the books I could read so I asked one of the girls upstairs.

"Umm miss? Do you know where I can find books I can read by myself?" I asked. It was fun looking around but Bry- Bry ( pronounced Bree- Bree) might get mad if I spend too long up here.

"Of course Vela!" She exclaimed. Huh, people already know me? AM I POPULAR?!?

She led me to the books and I found some that seemed exciting. I grabbed a few so I didn't have to go back up for a couple days. I really like the dark, it's almost like it has something to say but I just can't understand it yet.

When I went back down, Bryaxis was there waiting. I don't know for what but he didn't seem mad so I went up to him and gave him a hug

"Hiiii Bry-Bry!" I giggled, he seemed to smile, in his way at that and I was happy that he smiled!

"Hello, my little Phoenix. Anything new while you were gone?" He wondered. So o decided to tell him everything.

"I got some books to last a couple days and there was a nice lady who helped my find the picture books." I then added "Can you understand what the dark is saying? Cause it's talking but I don't get it."

Bryaxis was puzzled, then it clicked. "My dear,when the dark talks to you, you have a power called shadow-singing. It's very rare and only the most powerful and accomplish this" he then said"I'll teach you how but first we must teach you to fly."

The rest of the day was spend learning to push up the ground, Flying to the top of the library, and falling to the bottom and catching yourself right before you hit. It was the most fun I had in my entire life. ( not that it's been long, but anyway) Then, Amren came down to visit.

"Hello, Elentiya. How has you first day been?" She asked, honestly just trying to distance herself from her work.

"Oh my gosh, it's been so fun. I got to go upstairs and get books then I found out I'm a shadow-singer and now I can fly!" I hastily explained. I wanted to tell her everything and hopefully get ice cream!

"How about you and I go into the city and watch your first star fall?" Amren asked. When she mentioned starfall, Bryaxis seemed really sad.

"I want to go but can Bry-Bry come too?" I asked genuinely. He should be able to come out too.

"Oh no, you two have fun. I'll stay here to guard your wonderful books!" He interjected. Amren gave him a nod of thanks. Having to explain to a five year old that being trapped in a library as a prisoner instead of that prison would not be easy. So they both let it drop and Amren took the girl on an adventure.

We went into town and bought beautiful dresses. Mine was an icy blue to match my eyes perfectly and Amren bought a dress made of metal. We looked so cool. Then we went to a place called the house of wind. Where Amren had a ton of friends. One was a pretty girl wearing a red dress. One was a guy with long hair and red jewels, the other a guy with short hair and blue jewels. They had wings like mine but without feathers. The one with blue jewels looked at me as soon as I walked in the room, making Amren growl. But I walked up to him anyway.

"Hi, my name is Velaris. I like your shadows, can I talk to them?" I asked. He seemed surprised, then looked at Amren who only nodded.

"Hello, Velaris. I'm Azriel, and yeah you can." He said. He then sent some over to me and it was the coolest thing ever! The shadow said really nice things to me.

"You're such a pretty young girl!" 
"One day you'll be as strong as Amren!"
"I hope I get to see you again!"

I couldn't stop giggling. The shadow guy smiled ear to ear. Almost like he was happy to have someone else to hear them. To not always be surrounded by something only you can understand.

When we finished, Amren brought me back to the library. Where my wonderful caretaker was there to wrap me in a hug.

"I'll assume you had a lot of fun, considering the grin you have on your face !" He exclaimed. Bry alway knew how to tell how I was feeling.

"I did!! I'm tired, can I go to bed now?" I yawned. He nodded his head then gave me a kiss on the forehead and said goodnight. But as I was leaving he and Amren had a conversation.

"Were there people there?" Bry asked?

"Not any that were there will remember her, I wiped all their memories of her. Not that I would need to considering they're all so drunk they don't remember their names." Then she added "We are now raising a ghost. Only you and I know of her existence."

I like that name, I think I'll keep it. The Ghost.

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