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Velaris's POV

The cadre had a decently important meeting today. Apparently Prynthian had gotten into some deep shit with a fucking death god and is now asking for the republics aid and hopefully and alliance after the war.
(A/N: A-After the war I went back to New York...)

As our foreign relations delegate, the cadre decided I was best suited to join Yelena to the meeting with the High Lords. And Yelena agreed knowing full well what kind of relations I had with a certain high lord.

"I won't go, you'll have to drag my fucking corpse into the meeting chambers." I stated almost instantly after we were alone.

"The meeting is happening in the day court, Vel. You won't even have to look at him if you don't want to." She tried to negotiate

"No but he'll try to talk to m-"

"They only thing Rhysand will do at this meeting is grovel at your feet and apologize for using you in his little game."

"I lost my memories, my powers, and my right to needing food. I'd hardly count that as little. Let's not forget I lost like half my powers! And to top off the fucking cake, I CANT DIE"

"Velaris, you can literally manipulate bodies and minds. You could literally make Rhys' brain explode - instant night night. And your scared of a... child!" I forget Yelena is over one thousand years old until she calls a four hundred year old man a child.

Well I guess I am 98
Shut the fuck up, me.

I finally sigh in defeat and accept that this will be an awkward situation. But Yelena has this shit eating grin on her face that is hard to ignore.

"What, Yelena?"

"We still need to pick out colors for the republic, since it's decently new and we haven't had the time. Then we need designs for our wardrobes to wear over there. Do you know anything about Prynthian fashion?"

"... yes, but we will only be wearing Hybern made clothing. I will not conform out culture for these entitled pricks."

"What if I said I'll let your outfit outshine mine for the first meeting? Just to stick it to the people you want to?"

"This is why we're friends, my queen."

Yelena paused for a moment. "So... colors. I was thinking an Aqua and whi-"

"Summer court has those already." I cut in

"Green and Gol-"


"What isn't taken?! Let's start there." I pause to think about it for a moment.

"Black and blood red. Autumn has orange and gold so we would long want to go heavy on the gold accents. And too much black could make us look like the night court. But they're accent color is purple so we should be good."

"Okay sounds good! I'll contact our dress designer and have official dress made in those. Other dresses can still be our colors of choosing, you favorite still blue?"

"You know it." I say with a happier tone than what I started the conversation with.

Rhysand's POV

I called the family to the house of wind to go over more water plans. Azriel showed up early to give me some more information that his spies had gathered. And Cassian went over more strategies. Finally it was my mates turn to speak about that plans we made.

"We contacted the new Hybern Republic about aid.." she spoke, there was barely any time wasted before Mor and Cassian were up and protesting. But after I let out a wave of power they sat down and grumbled like children.

"Azriel, do you have anything on them?" Cassian asked. Az kinda looked at him for a second and paused.

"After the war, Hybern needed a new monarch. So they held an election for a monarch to be put in until death. They chose a kind fae of higher station named Yelena Ichnastova. She chose nine people the help her rule. According to the people, they are equals in all ways except name. The two highest in rank being Yelena herself and her General. We don't know much about her other than she is second in command, and General to the Hybern armies. The commander of her aerial armies named primrose. The people call the general The Red Death. Others call her the Phantom because she is in charge of the special ops battalion."

"Sorry did you just refer to the General as a she?" Mor asked

"Almost all of the queens Cadre is female, save for two males and one non-binary fae."

Rhys cut off the winged male "well now that that's out of the way, send word to the high lords of the meeting. We will reconvene in a weeks time at the day court. Mor, be kind to the Hybernian women. We confirmed that Yelena herself and her General will be attending the meeting."

"I hope they have good fashion tastes, so we have something in common." She day dreamed. Which got a noticeable eyeroll out of Cassian and Nesta. Whom are now broken up.

I then turned to my mate "Well, I guess we better plan for new formal wear. Feyre Darling"

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