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As I flew over the courts, I let my mind wander. Back to mo- Amren and Bryaxis. This sucks and they're probably so pissed off at me right now. I can't imagine what they're going through right now, but all I've done so far was for them. For us.

I could just turn around and fly back to the court, but then Amarantha would track me down. Or worse, Amren. If she ever was put back down there... nobody would make it out. I wonder if they ever got the wards off the library to get him out. Probably not, I mean Amarantha along with all of Hybern would be dead right now. If not more.

As I was flying, I got close to the castle in the Autumn court. It was a plain white castle with turrets coming out the sides and middle. I always used to dream of living in one of these. But I wasn't built to be a princess, I was supposed to die in a fire technically. But now I'm nothing more than a mercenary of the evil bitch herself.

I dropped down onto the top spire of the castle. I had to admit, Autumn is a gorgeous court. I love how the court itself looks almost like a wildfire with all the different shades of orange forever on the trees. And it's high lord and heirs could make it real if they wished. That scared me the most.

I disappeared into the shadows of night and snuck into the top window of the castle. I must admit, they had taste in decor. It was a gorgeous building filled with different shades of red and gold. I wonder if having everything match your hair got boring to look at. With my red hair, I prefer blue, it makes my eyes pop. Kinda like the blue syphons of an Illyrian. But to all their own I guess.

I hit my first set of guards next the Eris's doors. It wasn't hard to take them out. I made their blood conveniently miss their brains. It's instant and painless.

Eris was awake when I went into the room. I must admit he was dashing. He had hair much like mine but a little darker. Not like my copper hair, but that of rust. Just a hint darker. And his eyes were a golden shade of brown. Hazel with a ring of gold. He had a strong build but not bulky. A lot taller than me but not towering. I've taken down larger.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" He smirked. Had this been a different setting, I would've flirted or even taken him to bed. But this is not that situation.

"I think you and I both know this will not involve pleasure from either of us." I stated. He smiled at that gazing at the floor as he did it. Mother was he hot. Velaris, stay on task, dipshit.

"Is there anything I can give you not to try and kill me?" He asked. Oh, I like him. He's got spunk too. Again, stay on task. I really didn't want to kill him so I guess I'll give him an offer.

"Leave and don't return for at least 30 years, then. Lead better than your father ever did." I countered. He seemed like the villain but I knew better. Because I was raised by the villain. And I turned out pretty damn good, in my opinion.

"Done, hated that Bastard anyway."

"You'll let your own father die?"

"He's never been a father. Not to me, not to my brothers. He's only cared about power. It's his turn to lose it."

"Care to help? If anyone deserves to kill him it's you."

"Even that crosses a line, I won't help him but I won't be the one to end him."

"Noble of you." Now we were inches apart from each other. Walking closer as the conversation progressed. There was just something about him, almost like a string, pulling us closer. And I think he felt it too.

"Go, you won't make it if you don't leave now." He said caringly. As I pushed away his face morphed into something I've never seen before. I didn't have the time to ask either as I went back into the Scarlett and gold hallway.

As I was walking, more guards came unknowing of me or the fate that was laid before them as I strode past. Killing them before they registered I was there seemed more humane anyway.

I made it to the high lord's room where he was waiting and got the drop on me. He fought tirelessly and I parried blow for blow. He got a cheap shot on me and then I was pinned with a dagger to my throat. That's when I heard a slow clap from the dark edge of the room. And out walk Rhysand and Amarantha.

Amarantha kept clapping as Beron released me, but didn't let his guard down. Good, I thought. He's a prick but at least he has one good brain cell.

Just as Amarantha was about to start talking I heard Rhysand chuckle a little. He's in my fucking head again... prick. He only laughed harder. Amarantha just glared daggers at him and he stopped.

"Oh sweetie, did you really think I was going to let you stay alive after what you did to me. In front of everyone?" She sneered. I could feel her anger from over here. She walked closer and the lest thing I remember is her hitting me and not feeling it. Then, lights out.

(Rhys's POV)
I took away her ability to feel pain when Amarantha walked closer. She saved my second and possibly my court. She didn't deserve what was about to happen. This young woman, raised in a library by the two things in this world that can make Cassian piss his pants, is about to go through the worst thing imaginable.

I slipped into her mind as Amarantha was beating her senseless. As the closest thing to a friend I have down here was forced down and broken. I only heard one thing.

"I will not be afraid."

That's when it hit me. She would do it all again, a hundred times to keep those she loved safe. Not once in her mind did I see regret. Never.

She and I were the same in that sense. Her weakness was the same as mine. I knew I had to find a way to get her out of here. Because this young girl, named after starlight, a light in the darkest winters, wouldn't survive what Amarantha had planned.

She is a beacon of hope to all that look up to the stars and wish. I can't lose another person who's tried to help me. I can't.

Hey guys! So sorry for the slow updates. I'm a junior in high school and Chem is killer haha. So I'm trying my best! Hope y'all are doing well!!

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