Coin in Neverland

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Coin woke up the next morning to the sound of the Lost Boys chatting and pans clinking together. She sat up and stretched before slipping on her boots as well as her cloak. She threw her hair up in a ponytail and slipped out of her tent letting her eyes adjust to the new light. 

“Good morning, Mother.” A young boy greeted her when she stepped out of her tent. She paused for a moment, surprised by the greeting.

“Uh, good morning.” She greeted awkwardly before she shuffled past him only to be stopped by another boy.

“Are you gonna tell more of the story?” Cole asked excitedly.

“Sure, but I’ll tell more tonight.” 

“Okay.” The two boys agreed before they ran off leaving Coin standing there confused on what had just happened.

She shook her head and went to grab food when she was stopped once again causing her to sigh in annoyance. She turned around to find Pan standing a few feet away and he looked like he had something to say. But, she paid no mind as she thought about what she was going to eat for breakfast.

“Hello, Lost Girl.” He greeted causing her to roll her eyes. She just wanted to eat.

“Hello, Pan.” She turned back but Pan grabbed her arm stopping her from moving forward.

“Come with me I have something I want to show you.”

She groaned as he pulled her out of the camp before she could grab something. She followed him as he led her away from the others. She was annoyed that she didn’t get anything for breakfast, she was always moody when she didn’t eat. She loved food, sue her. She had followed him for what felt like forever but in reality it was only a few minutes. She was very dramatic when she wanted to be and a small part of her wanted to annoy Pan but she refrained herself.

“Where are we going?” She called to Pan as he seemed to be moving faster than she originally thought and she was still a bit sluggish from her sleep. Pan just glanced over his shoulder at her once before he kept going, ignoring her question. 

Eventually, she gave up and followed Pan silently wondering where they were going. Coin’s mind wandered back to the Enchanted Forest, she wondered what her uncle had done when he realized that she was gone. She shook off the thought knowing that he didn’t care about her but a part of her still hoped that he worried about her. You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery.

“Wait here.” Pan said coming to a stop and turning to face her, she skidded to a stop to avoid running into him. 

She stopped inches away from his chest causing her to take a step back and look at him, he stared at her for a moment before he disappeared leaving her alone. She looked around in confusion and her hand instantly went to the dagger that hung from her hip. She didn’t know what Pan was doing and for all she knew he could have brought her out here to kill her, she was going to put up a hell of a fight if that was the case. Coin scanned her surroundings keeping her eye out for any danger.

She heard a rustle to her right causing her to spin and grip the dagger tightly, she turned as she held her weapon in a defensive manner. A blond woman stepped out into view causing Coin to narrow her eyes in confusion and suspicion because as far as she was concerned there were no other girls. Much less adults. Coin felt a hand on her shoulder causing her to tense up, she grabbed hand and she twisted it behind the strangers back. 

Pan grunted in surprise and slight pain, he didn’t think that the girl would react this way. But, then again he did startle her and he honestly wasn’t sorry about it. “I didn’t take you as a girl who got startled easily.” He mocked her.

“You left me without warning and showed up randomly. My reaction is perfectly reasonable.” 

Coin shoved the boy away and rolled her eyes, Tinkerbell’s eyes widened in surprise not expecting that response. She was slightly worried for the girl in front of her because she knew the wrath of the ageless demon in front of her but she was more surprised with his response.

“I suppose you’re right but I won’t apologise.” Pan shrugged, “It was amusing to see you nervous.” The boy teased and the girl rolled her eyes as she shoved him again before she turned to the wingless fairy.

“Who are you?” She asked bluntly with her arms crossed, Tink raised a brow taken back again with the girl. She liked that the girl was straight forward.

“I’m Tinkerbell. Who are you?”

“This is Coin and she is our first Lost Girl.” Pan introduced her with a smug smirk and he rested his arm on the girl next to him causing her to shove his arm off. 

“I can speak for myself.” Coin snapped annoyed. “What am I doing here?”

“Well, love, she is going to take you to the lake where you’re going to bathe.” Pan told the Lost Girl gesturing to the fairy, Coin glanced between the two confused. She noticed the lack of towel and change of clothes; Pan must have noticed because suddenly both were in his hands. 

She took them and followed Tinkerbell without a word leaving behind the smirking boy. Pan enjoyed getting under the girl’s skin, she had a fire in her eyes and she always had something to say. He respected that she had a mind of her own, but he knew that it could cause him trouble down the line. He appeared back at camp and watched as some of the Lost Boys trained or sharpened their weapons. His second in command, Felix, walked over and leaned against a tree next to him.

“Where’s the girl?” Felix asked.

“She’s with the fairy to keep her busy.”

Pan knew that the girl wasn’t normal, he just didn’t know what was different about her. He was determined to find out though.

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