Coin in Neverland

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Coin spent the next day with Tinkerbell, who was oddly excited to dress her up. She scrambled around her treehouse trying to find something appropriate for the occasion, Coin sat on the cot and watched the ex fairy stress.

 “What’s the big deal about this thing?” The teen questioned.

“The pixies don’t come out often but when they do they have these celebrations that everyone on the island gets invited to celebrate with them.”

Coin hummed as she leaned back and laid across the cot, she wouldn’t admit it out loud but in all honesty she was excited to go to the pixies’ celebration. She had never been to a celebration of any kind, the closest she had been to one was when she snuck into a tavern with her friends to hustle a couple of old drunks. She paused for a moment and wondered if they had considered her a friend, maybe they didn’t and they just thought of her as someone they would trade some of their stolen goods with.

She shook off the negative thoughts and told herself that she was just over thinking, something she seemed to do a lot. She blamed her uncle for her mind set and as much as she hated to admit it, that mind set has kept her alive. Her trust issues kept her from being naive and kept her from getting too close to people, she wasn’t well liked back in the Enchanted Forest anyway.

“What do you think of this?” Tinkerbell asked as she held up a white dress. It had thin shoulder straps and it looked tight fitted at the top before it flared at the bottom, the ends of the dress were short in front but long in the back. It was a very pretty dress.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, “but are you sure you wanna wear white? It could get ruined.”

“It’s charmed to never be stained. It’s one of the last things I did as a fairy.” Tink explained as she had a far away look in her eyes, she shook her head and turned back to the teen laying on her cot. “Besides, it’s for you.”

Coin blinked in surprise and sat up, taking the dress carefully. “Oh, thank you.”

Tinkerbell nodded and gave her a smile before turning back to find herself a dress. Coin knew that Pan had told the fairy to help her find a dress but she didn’t think she’d get to wear a nice dress. The nicest thing she owned were her parents' wedding rings that she kept around her neck, it was the only thing she managed to hide before her uncle pawned away everything.

Sometimes she would wonder what her uncle was like before he became a drunk, she used to have so much hope that one day he’d stop drinking and they could be a proper family. But, she gave up on that years ago and learned the hard way that she had to take care of herself. No one was going to protect her but herself and she built up her walls to keep herself safe from the heartache when people walked away.

After spending another hour with the fairy talking about how they would do their hair and the likes Coin was finally making her way back to the campsite, she was lost in thought when a Lost Boy snuck up behind her.

“You shouldn’t be here.” 

She spun around and subtly reached for the knife that was sheathed on her hip. The boy seemed to be around her age, his dark curly hair peaked out from under the hood of his cloak and his were dark like his hair but they held a kind shine.

“I’m getting tired of you Lost Boys telling me to leave and I will punch the next person to say that to me.” Coin pointed at the boy before she turned and began walking back to the camp again, she heard him laugh before he jogged to catch up with her.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that you shouldn’t be in this part of Neverland.” He explained, “The pixies are setting up nearby and they get a bit testy if you ruin their work.”

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