Chapter 2

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Miranda made her way to the castle with Robin Hood and his Merrymen, the entire walk Robin tried to figure out why she was so familiar to him. When they arrived at the castle he was tackled by his son, Roland, he laughed and lifted him up. Miranda stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who was behind the young boy.

“Neal?” She had met him briefly but heard that he was dead.

“Miranda.” Neal whispered in pure joy. He remembered how Henry spoke about her and was happy to see a familiar face, the two hugged before Miranda pulled away.

“How are you alive? Everyone said you were dead.”

“When I fell through the portal I landed here and they helped me.” He explained before he realized something himself, “How did you get here?”

“Your father’s shadow brought me. Tamara and Greg took Henry, he sent me here for when he needs me.”

“Tamara and Greg took Henry? Where?” Neal asked in a panic manner.

“Yes, but we’re going to save him. I’m not sure where though, I was sent here before I could ask.” Miranda did her best to keep him calm, Neal walked away before turning to look at her again.

“I think I know how to find out.”


Henry and the boy ran as fast as they could, Henry tripped before quickly scrambling after the boy.

“They’re close, I can see them.” Henry said.

“We’re almost to the caves. Come on. Follow me.” replied the boy before Henry pulled him back and an arrow embedded into the spot on the tree where his head once was.

“They cut us off.” Henry said pointing ahead of them, “They know about the caves. We have to go this way.” He said looking to the right before they both ran.


On the Jolly Roger, they had caught a mermaid and when she blew on the shell they panicked. 

“What is this? What did you do?!” David shouted as he ripped the shell out of the mermaid’s hands.

“Let me go.” She said, trying to seduce him.

“Not until you tell us. Or we’ll make you tell us.” Regina threatened.

“Threatening isn’t the way to motivate her.” Mary Margret said, stepping closer to the Evil Queen.

“Well, I’m all out of fish food.” She said sarcastically.

“It doesn’t matter if you get her to talk. You can’t trust her. Mermaids are liars.” Hook said.

“Of course they are.” Emma said as she looked at the pirate.

“Maybe they’re just scared of Pan. If we let her go, maybe they’ll be on our side.” Mary Margret tried to reason.

“Or maybe she and her friends will come right back to kill us.” snapped the Evil Queen.

“Oh, I don’t need my friends to kill you. You’ll kill yourselves. Now let me go.” demanded the mermaid. The words catching the attention of the Savior.

Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder was heard startling everyone, except the mermaid. 

“What the hell?!” David said looking at the sky.

“It’s a storm. She called it.” The pirate said pointing at the mermaid, “Don’t let her go! She’ll swim off and leave us all to die. At least with her, we’ve got leverage.”

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