Coin in Neverland

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Night fell and it was time for Bae to leave. The two friends walked to the beach from earlier, it was still wet from the rain but the two didn’t pay any attention. Coin kept her arm on the shoulders of the young boy in a protective manner in case something were to happen. She was sad to see him go but she knew that he couldn’t stay and she wasn’t going to be selfish.

When they arrived at the beach Pan and the Lost Boys stood there waiting for them. Bae glanced at Coin, or Sage as she had told him, to find that her face was completely blank. She noticed his gaze and smiled down at him in hopes to ease his worried mind. It did not.

“I was beginning to think that you had changed your minds.” Pan said, smirking. Did he know any other expression? Coin thought.

“Of course not. Just keep your end of the deal and we won’t have a problem.” Coin said with a sarcastic smile. The Lost Boys glanced at each other, no one spoke to Pan like that. Much to their surprise Pan just laughed and shook his head, he stepped forward so that the two were only a few inches apart. Coin had to look up due to the height difference.

“I always keep my promises, love.” He gave a cheeky grin. She rolled her eyes at the nickname but said nothing. Pan backed away so that they weren’t so close, he reached his hand into a pouch that hung from his hip. He pulled out a magic bean and as Coin reached for it Pan pulled it away. “Not so fast, love. How do I know you won’t use it and leave with Baelfire?”

“I stand by my deals.” She said with narrowed eyes.

“I was just making sure.” He held his hand up in surrender as he held onto the bean. He handed the bean over to Bae and the young boy took it hesitantly. Bae glanced at the girl and she nodded her head as she stepped away. He raised his hand ready to throw it before he stopped, he ran and hugged the girl tightly. 

“Thank you.” Bae whispered causing the girl to smile and wrap her arms around him too.

“You’re welcome, kid.” Bae stepped back and threw the bean down, he looked at Coin one last time before he jumped in. Coin watched as the portal closed and Bae disappeared. She felt a hand on her shoulder and they roughly yanked her back causing her to stumble.

“Come on.” It was a boy with scars on his face causing Coin to wonder what happened. Another Lost Boy came and tied her hands behind her, she scowled but said nothing. They walked for a while as the Lost Boys led her to the camp.

“Didn’t your mother teach you how to treat a lady?” Coin asked sarcastically as she rolled her eyes after she stumbled, yet again. 

“I don’t see a lady.” A Lost Boy sneered, “All I see is a bitch with a big mouth.” They stopped and the boy got in her face. 

She made a face as she felt his hot breath blow in her face, when he got close enough she lifted her knee and hit him between his legs. The ropes around her hands were easily untied and she threw her elbow back into the scarred boy’s face. He stumbled back as he clutched his nose in pain, she moved out of the way as another boy went to jab her with a spear. She moved to the side and grabbed the spear before yanking hard causing the boy to stumble forward, she grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the stomach. She felt hands grab her shoulders causing her to elbow the unknown person and everyone froze. She turned to see that it was Pan, he looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

“Careful, love. You could have hit me.” He said mockingly as he stepped forward. Coin shoved him back angrily causing him to stumble back into a tree.

“I agreed to come to the camp willingly, but I didn’t agree to be manhandled.”

“It’s just a precaution.” Pan said as he raised his hand in surrender and chuckled, “I couldn’t have you backing out after Baelfire left.”

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