Chapter 3

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Rumplestiltskin conjured a fireball and threw it onto the wood. He walked over to a boulder where his shadow was visible and pulled his dagger from his jacket. 

“You know what to do. Hide it where no one can find it, not even me.” He said as he handed it over to his shadow and watched as it flew away. 


David swatted away the plants out of his face with his sword as he held the lantern leading the way. 

“The ridge is just  a few hundred paces up ahead.” Killian said from behind him.

“You really think we’re gonna be able to see Pan’s hideout?” asked Emma.

“From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he’s keeping your son.” replied the pirate.

“You know, I could just poof us up here in an instant.” Regina pointed out.

“Where? Do you have any idea what’s up here or anywhere? There are dangers all about. Only I can guide us past them.”

“He’s right. Hook’s lived here before. If he says hiking up is the best way, then we listen.” Emma said.

“Here, you need to stay hydrated.” Snow said, handing Emma the canteen.

“Thanks, Mary Margret.” Emma said before taking a sip.

“You know, Mary Margret is a bit formal. You could call me mom if you want. You’ve done it before.”

“That was. . . back when we --”

“We were about to die. Oh, no, I get it.”

The two women caught up with the others and as David was about to cut a thorn bush out of their way, Killian stopped him.

“No. No!”

“I can handle a couple thorns.” David said, ripping his arm out of the pirate’s grasp.

“That’s Dreamshade. It’s not the thorns you have to worry about. It’s the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on the Dark One.”

“The poison that almost killed Gold?” Emma asked, surprised.

“Indeed. I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way.” He said, pointing to the right.

“We’ll go this way.” David said firmly, pointing to the left. The women followed David before Killian spoke up stopping Emma.

“Your father’s a distrustful fellow.”

“He’s just not used to working with the bad guys.”

“I can assure you, on this island, I am not the bad guy.”

“Yeah, well, Pan’s not supposed to be one either.” Emma said as she started to walk away.

“What possibly gave you that idea?” Hook asked as he followed.

“Every story I ever heard as a child.”

“Well, they got it all wrong. Pan is the most treacherous villain I’ve ever faced. Tell me something, luv, in these stories. . . what was I like? Other than a villain. Handsome, I gather.”

“If waxed mustaches and perms are your thing.” She replied walking further ahead.

“I take it by your tone, perms are bad?” He asked.

“Up here!” David shouted to them from up ahead, “We made it.”

“Pan’s lair should be just. . . right. . .”

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