Coin in Neverland

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Coin sat on one of the logs by the fire and watched as the Lost Boys danced around the fire. For once in her life she felt at peace, even if she didn’t trust the boys completely, she didn’t have to steal food to survive and she didn’t have to listen to her uncle. One thing she did miss was the thrill she got from stealing, the adrenaline rush she got from the risk of getting caught and being chased by the guards when she wanted to be caught.

“What are you smiling about?”

Coin snapped out of her thoughts and quickly looked up to find an older Lost Boy that had scars on his face, her smile dropped and her face became expressionless. She didn’t realize that she had begun to smile and wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

“Nothing, I was just thinking.” Coin muttered as she looked away, she wouldn’t say that she was nervous of the boy in front of her, in fact it was the opposite. She wasn’t very good with talking to people that she wasn’t insulting or making a deal with, people tend to irritate her.

“If it had you smiling it must have been something.” He pointed out, Coin said nothing as she stared at her hands. “I’m Felix, by the way. If you’re going to live here you might as well be familiar with who I am, I’m sure the others will introduce themselves.”

“I’m Coin.” 

“I know. Being the only Lost Girl tends to do that.” He smirked, Coin let out a breathy chuckle in agreement.

“Tell us more of the story!” A small child shouted as they jumped on to her lap causing her to grunt in surprise. She looked down to see a small child she could vaguely recognize in the group of Lost Boys.

There was a murmur of agreement amongst the boys and almost all eyes were on Coin waiting for her response. She didn’t like being the center of attention, she awkwardly nodded in an attempt to make them stop.

“Alright, get comfortable because if I remember correctly we were just getting to the good stuff.” Coin gave a small motherly smile to the younger boys that were quick to gather around her.

Coin continued where she had left off, instantly captivating their attention and sucked them into the story. She even gave the characters voices and began to move around to act it out. Pan stood on the edge of camp watching the young woman interact with his boys, she was quite the storyteller and as the story continued he finally realized something. The shadow had told him about the legend of a star's heart, how could she have known about it? 

Pan was lost in thought as he tried to figure out how she could’ve known that he almost didn’t notice that there was something different about her. She had a glow, he couldn’t tell if it was from the moonlight or if it was her. Something about her wasn’t right, he didn’t know if it was because of the glow or if it was because she didn’t treat him any differently then she treated the other boys.

“They finally lit the Babylon candle and went to the stars, where they lived happily ever after.” Coin finished, some of the younger lost boys blinked slowly as they had a sleepy smile.

“Alright boys, off to bed.” Pan spoke up, pushing himself off of the tree he leaned against and walked forward. They groaned and protested saying that they weren’t tired but it was cut short by the occasional yawn. 

“Will you tell us another story tomorrow?” Cole asked, rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn.

“Sure.” Coin gave the young boy a small smile as she ruffled his hair, all the younger boys cheered and rushed off to their tents in hopes that tomorrow would come quicker. Some of the older Lost Boys followed suit as they were tired themselves but those who weren’t drifted out to random spots of the camp talking quietly amongst each other.

Coin stood off to the side before she made her way down the path back to the little hut that was made just for her. The path was clear enough for her to follow and the hut wasn’t too far from the camp so the dying light of the fire lit the way. She didn’t go in right away, she took a moment to look around, she hadn’t gotten a good look just yet of her new ‘home’.

The fireflies were out and she could hear the crickets chirping, despite the dangers that the island presented it felt peaceful. The gentle breeze was refreshing and it was nice to not have to listen to her uncle with his lady friends. She leaned against the doorway, closing her eyes for a moment before rubbing her face and pushing the door open; twig snapped behind her, she whipped around to find Pan standing a few feet away.

“You’re awfully jumpy.”

“That tends to happen when it’s dark and someone comes up behind me, especially when it’s a guy.” 

“Fair enough but I promise none of the boys will do anything like that. I've made it perfectly clear to them.” He was quick to assure her, it didn’t comfort her as much as he thought it would but it was a nice thought.

“Right. Is there something you need?” 

“Yes, actually. Mind if we speak inside?” Coin pursed her lips before nodding and allowing him in, she shut the door behind him and with a wave of his hand Pan lit the lantern that sat on her desk.

“What was it that you needed?”

“I liked your story,” He turned and sat on her bed. “I especially liked the part about the star’s heart.”

“Um, thanks.” She shuffled awkwardly, not sure where he was going with it.

“Where did you hear it?” 

So that’s what he wanted, she knew that many would kill to be immortal but he already had immortality. He couldn’t possibly be that greedy, even a cruel boy like him wouldn’t kill a star for nothing, why would he want to know?

“I don’t remember, it’s just something I know from when I was younger.” She lied, taking off her cloak and resting it on top of the trunk. Pan watched her carefully, knowing that she wasn’t telling the truth but he couldn’t push her or it’ll be harder for him to get her to trust him. “If that’s all I’d like to get some sleep.”

“Of course, I’ll see you in the morning then.” Pan gave a smirk as he walked to the door.

“Yes, see you in the morning.” Coin muttered, pulling off her boots and setting them aside, she looked up to find him still standing there, “Is there anything else?”

“There’s an event coming up that the pixies are having, do you have anything that you can wear?”

“Uh, I can look but I’m not sure.” She blinked, there were pixies on Neverland? She tried to remember if she had anything that would be appropriate but all she had were the clothes she came with in her small bag. “Anything specific that I’m supposed to wear?”

“I’ll talk to Tinkerbell and she can help you, but don’t be late, she can get impatient.” Pan opened the door and was gone, Coin didn’t give it much thought as she turned off the light and rolled over on her side. She was too exhausted to care about anything, she just wanted to sleep.


Pan was met by Felix in front of the bonfire, sitting where he had spoken to Coin, the Lost Boy looked up when he sat down.

“She tell you anything?” Felix asked.

“No, but I know how I can get her to tell me.” Pan gave a wicked smile causing Felix to give him a confused look. “I’ll get her to fall in love with me.”

A/N: It's a short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it and the next chapter will follow the show.

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