Chapter 8

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The group moved on from the picture for the moment to look back up at the ceiling. They decided that it would be best to dwell on it later.

“How can you be so sure it’s a map?” Mary Margret asked Hook causing him to look down as he moved away from the group.

“There was a short time in Neverland where Baelfire was aboard my ship.” He replied before looking back up at the ceiling, “I taught him how to navigate using the stars. What you’re looking at is the fruit of my labors.”

“Then you can read it.” Regina said looking at Hook.

“Sadly, no.” He said, catching everyone’s attention.

“I thought you just said you taught him how.” David was growing angry and confused

“Yes, but I also taught Neal something else the key to being a pirate. Secrecy.” Hook explained, “Most captains conceal their map in code. He was an apt pupil.” 

“So you’re saying that the only person who can read this map is Neal?” Mary Margret asked, growing frustrated.

“Which means the only person who can read it is dead.” Emma said quietly, confusing Miranda, before she walked out of the cave with her parents following closely behind. Miranda wanted to follow but something had caught her eye. She moved closer and noticed that it was a leather cord with two rings that hung from it.

You’re our little star. It sounded so far away but the words brought her comfort.

She carefully picked it up and held it closely to her chest, this necklace felt important to her. Maybe she lived here before but she shook her head and pushed the thought away. This island was only meant for boys but she couldn’t stop herself from wondering why there was a picture of her on the wall. She walked out of the cave, slipping the necklace into her pocket, to hear the conversion of the Charming family.

“Emma, wait!” David exclaimed trying to get her to stop.

“Now is not the time.” Emma said as she stopped and faced her parents.

“I can’t even imagine the sadness that you’re feeling.” Mary Margret said, sympathetically.

“I’m not sad. I’m pissed.” Emma corrected, “Yes, Neal just died, but I lost him years ago.” Her voice cracking. Miranda felt horrible for Emma, she couldn’t imagine falling in love with someone only for them to be ripped away.

“All that time thinking that he didn’t love me, only to find out that he did, and it was too late.” She continued. “I can’t even tell him how angry that makes me, or how much it hurt when he left, or how terrified I was when he came back. I knew the moment I saw him, I never. . . I never stopped loving him.” Emma turned back and walked swiftly into the cave passing Miranda, she stopped for a moment and Miranda threw her arms around the older woman. 

Emma returned the hug for a moment before she pulled away and continued inside. Miranda didn’t follow her as she sat on a rock and looked up at the branches of the tree to try and see the stars. She tuned out David and Snow’s conversion as she thought about what Emma had said. She wondered if she had left someone behind that loves her like Emma loves Neal or if she had enemies that are happy she is gone.

Miranda hoped that there was someone who loved her enough to not forget her while she was gone. But, she didn’t know how long she was gone in the Enchanted Forest so she doubted that there was anyone alive to remember her. It was a sad thought but it was the truth, she most likely had been gone too long. It didn’t matter much to her at the moment because all she wanted was Henry home.

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