Coin in Neverland

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Back with Tinkerbell and Coin, the seventeen year old girl awkwardly undressed and slipped into the lake. Tinkerbell turned back around when Coin said it was alright, Coin dipped her head underwater and when she came back up a slight breeze blew causing her to shiver. She swam forward and rested her arms on a rock, covering her body from view. She looked around the area and was in awe of what she was surrounded by.

The tree stood tall and blocked from anyone peaking at the lake to see her bathing. The lake was a beautiful blue and the perfect temperature for swimming, she wondered if this was the spot where everyone washed up. Coin hoped not she wanted this to be her secret, besides Tinkerbell, she could spend time away from the Lost Boys. 

“There’s soap next to your clothes so that you can clean yourself.” Tinkerbell said for the first in a while, Coin forgot that the fairy was there. Tinkerbell grabbed the soap and tossed it to the girl, Coin caught it before she moved a bit more out of sight from the fairy.

She scrubbed the dirt of her body and washed her hair to the best of her ability. When she was finished she climbed out of the lake and wrapped the towel tightly around her, she dried herself off quickly before putting on new clothes. Her hair was still damp but she didn’t care; she was just happy that she was clean. She grabbed her dirty clothes and walked towards Tinkerbell giving her a slight smile which the fairy returned.

“How is it being the first Lost Girl?” Tinkerbell asked awkwardly, trying to make conversation. Coin chuckled before she thought about it.

“It’s weird being the only girl at camp but it isn’t too bad I guess.”

“To be honest, I never thought Pan would allow a girl on Neverland.” Tinkerbell admitted, Coin looked at her in confusion before fairy corrected herself. “I meant a human girl.”

Right, a human girl. Coin thought as she nodded.

“Well, I guess he thinks I’m different.” Coin shrugged.

“I’m not sure that’s a good thing.” 

“What do you mean?” Tinkerbell bit her lip and avoided eye contact for a moment before finally speaking.

“Pan is dangerous and if he thinks that there is something special about you then he’ll do whatever he can to use it to his advantage. So, be careful with him.” She explained, Coin stayed silent as she thought over what the fairy had said. What she was saying made sense Pan wasn’t the nicest guy and Coin didn’t trust Pan, even before Tinkerbell said anything.

“I’ll be careful with Pan, but I’ve never trusted him anyway.”

Tinkerbell nodded and it became quiet again, it wasn’t an awkward silence but it wasn’t comforting either. They walked for a while until suddenly Pan appeared out of nowhere, Coin stumbled back as she nearly ran into him. She sighed in annoyance already growing tired of these greetings.

“Hello, love. We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” He teased her, she rolled her eyes at the nickname but said nothing of it. She decided that it was pointless for her to argue with him and she wasn’t going to satisfy him with a reaction.

“You should stop popping out of nowhere then.” She retorted with a sarcastic smile. Pan gave her a look of amusement and winked before he turned to Tinkerbell.

“Thank you for looking after my Lost Girl, but we should be going.” Tinkerbell said nothing as she nodded her head, but when she locked eyes with Coin giving her a look that the girl returned.

When Tinkerbell was out of sight the two of them began to walk away, as they walked away Coin was lost in thought. She wondered how her old ‘friends’ were doing back in the Enchanted Forest, she was sure that Mouse and Jewels were probably alright because they knew how to not get caught. Trouble was probably doing what he always did, cause trouble, and she was sure that Slick was doing just fine. Out of the four Slick was the one she saw the most, they were almost close enough to call friends in her opinion.

“I’ve got a surprise for you back at camp.” Pan spoke up breaking her out of her thoughts. Coin looked at him in suspicion and confusion, she knew better then to trust him easily, her uncle had taught her two things that she actually used and that made sense. 

The first thing was to never trust someone with a pretty smile because they could make you look like a fool as you fell in love. And, the second thing was that no one ever did anything out of the kindness of their hearts because they would always want something in return.

“What is it?” She had asked with narrowed eyes.

“If I told you that then it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, would it?” 

She sighed as she saw the camp come in view and the sound of rowdy boys get louder. Once she stepped into the campground she was surrounded by the younger lost boys as they excitedly chattered about something she couldn’t understand. She laughed and smiled as she tried to understand what they were saying before she finally stopped them.

“Hold on. One at a time I can’t understand you with everyone one talking.” The boys calmed down a bit, “Now what are you talking about?”

“Follow us!” A young Lost Boy exclaimed as they all dragged her away from Pan leaving him with an amused smirk. He watched as she smiled and laughed with the younger boys, he soon followed after them.

The younger boys led Coin to a small dirt path that took them a little ways from the camp before they finally stopped. The girl stared in surprise when she saw a hut, she didn’t know what to say or what to do. Was that for her? Why were they being kind? More importantly, why was Pan being kind?

“Do you like it?” A boy had asked.

“Did you build this for me?” Coin asked in awe, she wasn’t expecting this. 

“Well, a girl can’t sleep in a tent full of boys.” Pan pointed out before he gestured for her to keep walking. Coin took a few short strides towards the hut before she stopped at its door hesitating to step inside.

She took a deep breath and pushed it open. She was once again surprised by how cozy it seemed. There was a cot pushed against a wall with a trunk at the foot of it, a single pillow and an old quilt laid on the bed. Beside the bed was a small table and chair made from driftwood as well as other things they had on Neverland. A lantern sat on the table lit sending shadows across the room and Coin couldn’t believe that it was for her. It sent a warm feeling through her and brought her a bit of happiness to know that someone cared, even if it were a few Lost Boys.

“Do you like it?” A voice asked, startling Coin causing her to spin around and find Pan in the doorway.

“Yes, thank you.” Coin said after she found her voice, she cleared her throat and looked away.

“You’re welcome.” Pan nodded, the two stood in silence for a moment before he spoke again, “I’ll leave you to get comfortable and meet you at the fire.”

“The fire?” She was confused by what he meant.

“Yes, after all you promised to tell more of the story.” Pan winked and disappeared back to the camp leaving Coin alone.

She sat on her cot and glanced around the room once more. She could get used to Neverland, after all it didn’t seem that bad. She stopped and shook the thought from her head, Pan was a dangerous boy. She wasn’t to trust him or any of the Lost Boys, but for now they were all she had and a little bit of kindness wouldn’t hurt her. She glanced at her hands and saw that they had a bit of a glow to them, she sighed in fustration as she pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands. This was going to be difficult.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update but school is just draining me. My updates will come slower now and won't be every Tuesday like they use to be, I will be updating soon on my other book though so make sure to check that out! I'm also working on an original book that will be apart of a series and I'm hoping to post it soon! I want it to be completely done so I can post it all in one day. (I know I'm doing a little to much but I like to keep busy) BTW THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS WILL BE WHEN SHE WAS ON NEVERLAND THE FIRST TIME SO THAT YOU CAN GET MORE OF A BACKGROUND!!!! I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think!!

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