Chapter 13

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Miranda stood straight and her face held determination, she was ready to remember her old life. Rumplestilskin stood in front of the teen, he waved his hand and Miranda was hit with waves of memories all at once.

The first memory was innocent.

“Mommy!” A small girl, around five or six years old, shouted as she ran to a brunette woman who sat in a field with her embroidering in her lap.

The girl was carrying a limp yellow dandelion in her hand, a bright smile on her face. She wore a light blue dress that blew in the wind against her legs, her dark brown hair blowing behind her. 

“What do you have there?” The woman, her mother, asked with a warm smile.

“It’s for you.” 

“Why thank you, Sage, dear.” Her mother gently took the limp weed from her young daughter’s hand.

“Is that my two favorite girls I see?” A man with dark auburn hair with loose curls called out, walking over to the girls.

“Daddy!” The girl, Sage, squealed before she ran to the man. She laughed as her father lifted her into the air and they could hear her mother warning them to be careful. It was a happy family.

The next memory was quite sad.

Sage was a bit older, appearing to be eight, sitting on an old wooden bed with a worn out quilt. She held her parents' wedding rings in the palm of her hand as tears silently streamed down her face, sniffling quietly. She brought them to her chest and curled into herself, ignoring the bedroom door open.

“Hey, kiddo.” The man, her uncle, said softly. He crouched in front of her with a sad smile.

“I miss them.” She whispered before she just started to sob.

Her uncle wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug to comfort her. He didn’t say anything as he just let her cry it out, rubbing her back to soothe her.

Miranda took a deep breath as she was hit with another memory.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” Coin asked the boy with narrowed eyes.

“Well, you’re going to be here for a long time, we might as well be civil with each other.” Pan shrugged as they sat on the sand of a beach on the island.


“What are you doing?” The girl asked as Pan handed her a bow and arrow.

“You are going to catch a boar for tonight's dinner.” Pan stated.

The two stood at the outskirts of a field filled with wildflowers as a wild boar stood in the center eating some nuts and acorns that had fallen. Coin notched the arrow and pulled back the bow string, aiming at the unsuspecting animal when she felt Peter rest his hands on her hips.

“Your stance is wrong.” He muttered into her ear as he adjusted her. “Now try.”

Coin took a deep breath and released the arrow. It soared through the air and embedded itself into the heart of the wild boar killing it quickly. The two made their way to the animal and Coin looked away as Pan pulled the arrow out.

“What do we do now?” 

“Now, I teach you how to gut a boar.” Coin scrunched her nose disgusted and Pan chuckled at her expression.


A bonfire was lit and burning high as Coin sat on a log watching the Lost Boys interact with the new arrival. She could see the new boy’s questioning glancings that were sent her way, it was obvious that she was the only girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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