Chapter 1

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Miranda was stuck in her room just like she had been since the curse was broken. Everyone had gotten their memories except for her and no matter how much she asked her uncle, Mr. Gold, he would never tell her anything. She was wallowing in herself pity when her bedroom door burst open causing her to sit up quickly, frightened.

"Miranda, Henry's been taken." Emma had hurried out as she tried to catch her breath, she knew how close the young girl was with Henry and thought that it would be best to clue her in on what was happening.

"What do you mean he's been taken?" She asked as she stood up and she followed Emma to wherever it was that she was taking them. She made her way to the group and demanded to know what was going on with her little brother, they may not have been blood related but they were close enough.

"Tamara and Greg snatched Henry, but we know where they're going." Mary Margret - or Snow White - said, the teen was becoming impatient with everyone taking so long to tell her the whole story.

"Well, where did they take him?" She was positive that she would most likely have grey hair before she was twenty because of this town.

"Neverland." Killian, also known as Hook, said. He was staring at Miranda weirdly causing her to shift uncomfortably, but that name sounded awfully familiar. Rumplestiltskin spoke up catching everyone's attention.

"Miranda, you're gonna stay here." Miranda grew angry, she was going to save her brother and she didn't need his permission.

"Like, hell I am!" She shouted, clenching her fists. She wanted to find her brother and she was going to find him, but Rumplestilskin was refusing.

"It's too dangerous for you to be there, I won't lose you like I lost my son." Miranda understood where he was coming from, but he couldn't stop her from saving someone she cared about.

"I understand, but Henry is my brother and I'm not going to just sit back when he's life is in danger." Her uncle stood there staring at her for a moment before he sighed.

"Fine, but you're going to the Enchanted Forest until we need you." Miranda knew that it was going to be the best she could get from her uncle, she nodded before she realized something.

"How am I getting there when you are using the bean to get to Neverland?" She asked, voicing her thoughts. Everyone turned to him intrigued with how he planned it too.

"My shadow will take you." He said simply, suddenly a shadowy figure appeared in front of the group. That meant it was his and before she could say anything the shadow grabbed her and flew away. The group couldn't waste any more time and they boarded the ship to get to Neverland.


The shadow left her by a rather large castle, one that seemed familiar. She stood up and dusted off her pants as she looked around, she was left somewhere she had never been before just great. She started to wonder towards the direction of the castle when she heard something behind her, a hand landed on her shoulder and she reacted on instinct.

She grabbed the hand and twisted it so that it was behind the person's back, she kicked the back of their legs forcing them to their legs. She reached for her side as if she expected something to be there, she grasped at nothing.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help." The person grunted as they struggled to get out of their hold, Miranda tightened her grip so that they couldn't get loose.

"I don't believe that and I can handle myself." She said before shoving them to the ground as she let go. The stranger pulled down their hood to reveal a man that brought a memory to surface, but she shook it off for now seeing as she had bigger things to worry about.

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