Chapter 7

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Felix forced Neal in front of him and made him walk.

“Feels like just yesterday I welcomed you to Neverland for the first time, Baelfire.” He said, “Gotta say, hoped I’d never see you again.”

“Then maybe Pan shouldn’t have taken my son.”

“Maybe you should’ve left well enough alone.”

“I’m gonna get him back.” 

“You really believe that?” Felix asked. “You were a Lost Boy. You know Peter Pan’s not to be trifled with. You know how long he’s been searching for the heart of the Truest Believer. Do you really believe he’ll just. . . give him up?” Neal got the ropes off his hands and didn’t catch the Lost Boy’s attention.

“Maybe, if I ask nicely.” Felix laughed.

“You may have grown up, Baelfire, but it would appear you have grown up stupid.”

“I have grown up. I don’t know if I’m stupid or not, but I do know how to tie an overhand knot.” Neal said before he turned around and punched Felix sending him to the ground. “I’m not a boy anymore, Felix. I sure as hell ain’t lost.” And he was off leaving Felix on the ground.


Rumplestiltskin crushed berries between two rocks and spread the liquid on his face in three lines.

“You’ve always felt more comfortable behind a mask.” said Belle.

“You were the only one who could ever see past it, past the mask of the monster.”

“Then why put it back on now?”

“I need the monster, Belle.” replied Mr. Gold, “It’s the only way I can save him. And that’s what I’ve decided. I’m gonna save Henry.”

“The prophecy states Henry will be you undoing. To save him, you ensure your own death.”

“You don’t think I can do it?” He asked.

“I think your intentions are good. A lifetime of craven self-interest is a nasty habit that you’ve never been able to break.”

“Things are different now.” Rumplestiltskin argued quietly.

“How? What -- what’s different?”

“Because I have nothing to live for.”

“What about me?” Belle asked.

“You’re not real. Just a vision.”

“But I’m- I’m back in Storybrooke, waiting for you.”

“You shouldn’t be. When I said good-bye to you, Belle, we both know it was for good.” He stood up and turned his back to her.

“Well, maybe I think you’ll come back.”

“Even if I did, eventually you’d leave me because you can see me for what I really am.” He faced her, “You think you see a good man, but in time, you’d see the monster. My son is dead. The only way I can redeem myself is by saving his son and giving my life.”

“What about Miranda?” Belle asked.

“She is the only way to save Henry. I just hope she’ll forgive me for what I’ve done.”


“This is where they’re keeping Henry. Pan’s compound.” Emma said drawing a diagram in the dirt, “According to, uh . . .”

“Tinker Bell.” The fairy said.

“Yes, I know. Still weird to say.”

“‘Tink’ is fine.”

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