Chapter 12

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“How is she?” Henry asked as he looked at Wendy.

“I fear she’s getting worse, Henry.” Pan said with a false sympathetic look.

“But if I save magic, she’ll live?”

“Yes. But more than that, Henry. If you save magic, you’ll save us all. But to do it, you have to truly believe.” Wendy let out a cough causing Henry to give her a concerned look.

“I do.”

“Good, because we don’t have much time. Follow me.” Pan led him to stand in front of the Lost Boys. “My brothers! Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber. Tonight, the heart of the Truest Believer shall fulfill its destiny, and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry saves magic!”

The Lost Boys cheered joyously and Pan took a step back with a smirk as he watched Henry smile, his plan was working. As Henry joined the Lost Boys Devin walked up and tried to speak to Pan.

“Pan, are you sure we need him?”

“Of course we do, don’t you want to save magic?” Pan gave the boy a look, he didn’t like having his orders questioned.

“But what about Coin, she –”

“Don’t.” Pan interrupted with a dangerous look on his face. “Do not say her name or it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

Devin nodded quickly and walked away with his head hung low, Pan watching him before he glanced up silently wishing that she was here. Although, he would never say it out loud.


“I’m gonna ask Pan how close we are to Pan’s compound. I don't want to be surprised by any Lost Boys on patrol.” David said as he sped up a bit to catch up with the woman, who still hadn’t said anything since she met Miranda. However, it didn’t stop her from glancing at the teen every once and a while.

“Good idea.” Mary Margaret agreed.

“Looks like you two buried the Hatchet.” Emma had caught up to the woman and Miranda lingered behind so that she was at the same pace as the older women.

“Buried? Uh, I don’t know. We’ve at least put it away for now.”

“So, you’re really gonna stay here with him?” Emma asked, Miranda decided that it was a private conversation between them and caught up with Tinkerbell. She had finished talking to David and had glanced at Miranda once again.

“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” She questioned, once she was close enough.

“You look a lot like someone I used to know.” Tinkerbell answered, vaguely.

“Coin?” Miranda guessed hesitantly. 

“How do you know that name?” Miranda went to speak when a rustle came from the bushes causing them to grab and draw their weapons, only to reveal Regina and her uncle Rumplestiltskin.

“Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time.” Regina said, unimpressed.

“What are you two doing here?” Snow asked.

“Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance.” Regina gestured to the small box in Rumplestiltskin’s hands, “Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid.”

“You didn’t tell me my father was with her.” Neal said lowly to Emma.

“I didn’t know.”

“Wait, your father is the Dark One?” Tinkerbell asked.

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