Chapter 10

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The warmth of the sunlight hit her face as she stepped into the light and out of the shade of the trees, taking a deep breath she moved forward and sat down in the sand as she watched the waves meet the shore.

“What are you doing?” She turned her head to find a boy, she smiled and gestured for him to sit with her. 

“I like sitting out here, it’s quiet and it helps me think.” She answered, leaning her head on the nameless boy’s shoulder.

“What are you thinking about?”

“You.” She felt him kiss her head as the two watched the water in a peaceful silence, they didn’t talk for another hour or so, just enjoying each other's company. 

Miranda woke up to the sound of people arguing, she rubbed her eyes and stood up quickly. She must have fallen asleep after they set up their trap. She stumbled a bit before looking up to see Snow, Emma and Regina standing in front of a young boy, Emma was grabbing his collar as he was yelling something.

“It’s too late! Henry is a Lost Boy now! Your boy is one of the most vicious new recruits we’ve seen in ages!” Snow pulled her daughter off of him knowing that he was starting to get under her skin.

“Don’t let him get to you, okay?” Miranda watched as Regina stepped forward rolling up her sleeves.

“Move aside.”


“So I can rip his heart out. Then he’ll do exactly what we want.”

“No.” Miranda said, walking forward as she pulled down her hood, not caring how messy her hair was. “He’s a kid and last I checked that’s not something we do.”

The women argued on how to save Henry, Miranda studied the Lost Boy and he seemed to be doing the same to her. Something flashed in his eyes and he suddenly got this look on his face like he finally knew her.

“Coin?” He asked softly, like he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Sorry, I don’t have any money.” Miranda shook her head, he chuckled causing the other women to stop and look at the two.

“No, that’s the nickname you went by when you first came here. It was years before you finally let us call you by your real name.” He explained not taking his eyes off her, “You hated when we teased you about it.”

“You know who I was?” 

“Of course, I just can’t believe that you’re here. We all thought that you were dead or something.” He admitted.

Miranda was silent as she took in the new information, Snow pulled her away as Regina moved toward the boy again. The teen girl kept a close eye on Regina and the boy but allowed herself to be pulled.

“Are you okay?” The woman asked.

“Yeah, but Snow, he knows who I am or who I was before the curse.” Miranda said, a sense of joy filled her. There was someone who knew who she was before the curse. “We can get him to give Henry a message without hurting him if I can convince him.”

“You get one shot and then we do things my way.” Regina stated, pointing at the young girl. Miranda nodded and moved away from Snow back towards the Lost Boy who was tied to a tree.

“What’s your name?”


“So, we were friends?” Miranda asked.

“Practically family.”

“Henry is like my brother and I need you to give him a message for us.” Miranda began.

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